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myOtaku.com: Jigoku Inu

Friday, November 3, 2006

warning: rampant venting within
youve been warned, inus a wee bit stressed and chooses to rant in writing.

ok, so, its friday. should be easy, or at least normal so far as classes go, right? or not. not only do i have a paper, a quiz and two tests, but the paper and a test are for the same class. why did he do that to us? i have no idea. the quiz came out of nowhere, along with a massive homework assignment that we didnt get until yesterday. ok, taking this one at a time.

zoology: lab practical of absolute and instant DEATH. this is the single hardest practical of that class. i have to know the classification for and be able to identify on sight: 4 phyla, 4 subphyla, 13 classes, 11 subclasses, 2 superorders, and 27 orders. holy freaking crap. so i have to be able to remember terms like "subclass xiphosuridae" (horseshoe crabs) and "order hymenoptera" (bees, wasps, ants) and correctly put the name to the animal. also, (yes, theres more) i have to be able to look at a dissected specimen and identify the internal anatomy. and i have to be able to identify the disconnected appendages of a crustacean (crayfish). anything im forgetting? no, think thats about it. see why im a little freaked out?

music: test over the romantic period and paper. have to know distinguishing things for 14 composers, as well as be able to listen to a segment of a piece and name the title and composer. sure, some of its easy such as smetena's "the mouldau" or a segment from "carmen". but when you have something like "symphony no. 8, op 42", you dont have much to go on there. there will also be some definitions of terms and such. the paper was quick enough, but its just the fact that we have a paper on a test day.

chinese: quiz and homework. quiz over the new lesson in characters. not only do we have 43 new words to learn, but we have to know the characters for them too. its easy enough to see a character and know what it means, but to have a blank page and be told to produce them, thats hard. for the homework, we had to copy 50+ characters 10 times each. that was time-consuming. and we have to write a paragraph introducing our family. in characters.

end rant

ok, its safe now. just needed to get that out there. coming home (yes, again) for homecoming. going to go to the game pretty much for the sole purpose of visiting with liana. oh yeah, ill be playing with the band too. hope to hunt down some of my old teachers and say hi. in other news, i finally got a little time to update mine and lianas quote site. got us all caught up now. so check it out.

quote of the day:
"Any problem in life can be solved with the proper use of explosives." �Digger

yay digger. 'digger' is a web comic by ursula vernon about a wombat who ends up far from home in a seriously weird place. go here to check it out.


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