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• 2006-08-20
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
Homework status:
I'm getting there. I'm seriously getting there. I'm getting... distracted. *head on desk* Alright I WILL finish it today...unless of course I end up going to visit my grandmother, in which case... I WILL finish it tomorrow. ^^" Haha. But, I'm almost done with my term paper (I think..) and I have finished about 1/2 of the questions for the book we read done. ^.^ So, I am getting there.
Yesterday was the last day of swimming, until April.. I think. @_@ See, they're going to drain the pool at the private school where I swim because the boys get the whole month of March off.(Lucky! >.<) But I don't know if they have it next week or not.. I guess I'll find out..
Gah, today feels like a good day for a meditation fest. x_x Man, if only I could just go "Poof" and have all my homework done and be able to just spend my day with a good oil diffusing or a good candle burning as I just.. relax. Chill out. *sighs happily at thought* That would be nice.
Anyway, Questions:
1) Do you meditate?
2) If you could do ANYTHING today, what would it be? (Anything- you didn't have to worry about money or getting there or whatever.)
3) What's your favorite type of
4) (stealing question from my friend EmikoMai. XD) What do you think I look like? (Just curious..)
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