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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/28/07:
Wolves! ^_^
What mythical being are you or do you tame?
Result Posted on 03/28/07:
What Is Your Element?? {WITH PICS!!}
 Water - Your element is water. Water-type people are very in touch with their emotions. They don't intellectualize about things, and they respond exactly how they feel. An intense sensitivity permits you to experience the heights of emotional bliss, but it can also take you to the depth of despair. Close emotional relationships are essential to your well-being and happiness. Superficial affairs are few, and less than satisfying. Romantic, sentimental, and affectionate, there must be a stable and secure bond between you and your partner. When you are happily situated in such a bond, you can be a very nurturing type. You communicate best in non-verbal ways; emotionally, psychically, or through forms as art, dance, music, poetry and photography. You have a natural feel and sense for the arts. You're apt to let the heart rule the head. Highly impractical and impressionable, you sometimes use bad judgment for you are unable to be objective and evaluate situations impersonally. You may change your mind as often as your moods change, but rarely do the facts sway your beliefs. Please rate!! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/28/07:
. . . that'd be an awesome picture to draw . . And it's really sweet.. ^^
How would do you say I love you ? (pics)
Result Posted on 03/27/07:
I don't know anything about Deathnote.. yet. I have yet to read it. But.. ok. ^^
Result Posted on 03/09/07:
Ok. ^^ Um.. I dunno. I guess I'm kinda clear headed and more of a follower sometimes.. idk. ^^"
Which Ouran Host Club Member are you?
 You are Kaoru senpai! One of the devilish twins you are the youngest. You tend to be the more clear headed one and don't act as haste in certain situations. You always seem to know what to do even if you are more of a follower. Its o.k though you don't mind at all as long as you can be with your friends. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/21/07:
Another result from the same quiz as below. ^^
Result Posted on 02/21/07:
Ooh! We've been watching 'VPM' in Anime/Manga Club. Tis good.
Result Posted on 02/21/07:
Yay! ..I think...
Result Posted on 02/21/07:
I've never had a boyfriend, but whatever. Yesh, talking would be nice. ^^
Result Posted on 02/21/07:
I'm kinda confused. But oh well!
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