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Real Name
The Emo 3
getting an art show at a church, recently getting best in show at a high school art contest, and getting 1st n 2nd place in my whole school 4 the school art fair
Anime Fan Since
6th grade
Favorite Anime
TSUBASA (#1 fave), death note, megaman, saikano , fruits basket, chrono crusade, fullmetal alchemist, chobits, xXx holic, naruto, bleach, princess ai, anything gothic, action, romance, adventure.... yeah....
make my own manga book
drawing, manga, anime, being stupidly obsessed over bloody pictures, and freaking ppl out with my deathly emo-ness. i love gothic or emo manga but HATE yaoi & yuri. XP
drawing, singing, writing, im good at soccer i guess...
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Sunday, August 5, 2007
band camp kicked butt.
it was awesome. i hung out w/ my (preppy...???) friend chere. i luv her so much. my band director had his moments... but it was fun. we had night swims n we met a crazy cup guy (who had amazingly soft emo hair... *sigh*...) who i miss dearly... cheese n kt t got sick around the end of the week but they were fun. i stole chees's ghetto emo lynard skynard (spelling..???) hat to complete my emo look the one day i straightened my hair so it actually looked emo. it was fun to freak ppl out with death stares n stuff (mwa ha ha...) tho some of my freinds forced the name of my crush out of me one night so im kinda scared they tell him or one of his friends.... ugh... well i miss band camp bad. i wannna go back tho there was an odd moment where matt starts lookin at my art n like 8 guys come lookin at going "holy crap thats amazing"... (ya man, i already kno that) it was scary. im not good w/ the popular thing... well it was fun. cheese is gonna die soon. ha ha. me n my whole rutine 4 doing it... stabbing, drowning, beating w/ fuse ball sticks things., putting into sandwich... aaahhh fun.
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Saturday, July 28, 2007
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
braces suck....
hey pplz. (if u even read this....) well what really sucks right now is that i have braces n they HURT LIKE CRAP. ugh... i missed band practice because of them killing my teeth. well at least i got mashed potatoes (n got to work on putting my manga up here). anyway.... um thats it. BRACES SUCK. end of story...
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Sunday, July 1, 2007
Hello Mortal...
Hey, since no 1 really seems to be reading much of my fanfic i guess ill post something other than that. (its getting kinda sappy anyways) well im all happy-like cuz i finally got an mp3 player. its not an ipod and it dosent have a screen and its really small but i got a bunch of songs already loaded like Flyleaf (of course), showbread, underoath, linkin park, skillet and a bunch of others. tho my headphones broke n that got me poed 4 a while but i got others. um really plum out of ideas foe art right now so if u got any requests or u just wanna see me draw something (isnt that practically the same thing????) then just write me something n ill try to get it up 4 yallzzz. so... yeah thats it.
Jinimae01 ^^
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
part 5...
They talked for a while and Chitose spilled her guts about everything. Even about when she was little.
“I just don’t understand… He put me through Hell practically and I still care. But I also want to kill him. For torturing me. For making me this way.”
“You blame him?”
“Yeah. He wouldn’t kill me. He just hurt me enough so I would still be able to live. He found pleasure in beating me until I was bleeding profusely or unconscious, almost bleeding to death. I hate him, but…”
“…He didn’t kill me. He let me live to see another day everyday. Why would he do that? Why not just kill me?” Sakura reached for Chitose’s hand. She picked it up and lifted it up to her face. Chitose's hand had sores and infected cuts all over them. They were filthy. Chitose didn’t mind and continued. “I mean… there isn’t any reason to keep me alive I’m not pretty or nice. I’ve killed so many people for no reason at all. I hate myself. I don’t even want to live.”
“You shouldn’t think that!!” Chitose stared at Sakura as she stared at Chitose’s battered hand. “We were all made. We’re all here. There’s a reason to live. Yeah so we might not like life all the time, but we have to make the best out of situations like that. We weren’t made to be miserable. We were made to live life the best we can.”
“Is that why your always so dang perky all the time?” Sakura cringed as she looked up.
“Well not all the time… but I believe we all should be happy for who we are and make the most out of life.” Sakura looked at Chitose’s hand again. “If you want, I could help you look pretty… uh, not that you’re not pretty or anything… ‘cuz you are… I just… aw, crap.”
“Thanks, Pinky.” Sakura smiled her cute Sakura smile and Chitose blushed.
'This can’t be…' Gaara thought as he walked through the forest. 'I don’t want to see her… but… I do want to… rgh!…' He held his face in his hands as he leaned against a tree. 'She must be so mad at me. She must hate me for toturing her… for beating her… but I wouldn’t kill her because...' Gaara lifted his face towards the tops of the trees. 'I…' He hung his head. '…I hate this.'
That night, Chitose walked down the hallway to her room to go to bed, the five Jonin ninjas still behind her watching her every move. (She had lost them when she was stealing.) Naruto got a big lecture from Kakashi since he lost track of Chitose when he got ramen with Hinata. As she walked into her room she saw…
“SSSHHHH!!! Tell them your changing!”
“Sakura?” Chitose whispered in confusion. She turned around to the Jonin. “I have to change. Okay?” The Jonin nodded as she closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief. Kakashi walked down the hallway and saw the Jonin standing outside Chitose’s door.
“What’s going on?” he asked
“The girl’s getting changed,” one of them said. Kakashi laughed in his mind. He knew Sakura was in there.
“She’ll be in there a while, y’know. It’s a ‘girl thing’. How about you guys take a break? I’ll take over.” The Jonin nodded and walked away. Kakashi sat down against the wall and took out his Make out Paradise book. He thought that maybe it would be good if Chitose and Sakura connected a little.
“No way are you touching my hair!” Chitose yelled at Sakura.
“But you’ve got so much dried blood in it!” Sakura whined.
“Oh, fine… whatever.”
“Good. Hold still…”
“Ow! I needed that hair you know!”
“What did you expect? You never washed it did you?”
“Maybe once in a great while.”
“Ew.” Sakura brushed Chitose’s hair diligently. She stroked it gently with bristles from the brush. Chitose closed her eyes and began to think. Think about everything, but mostly about Gaara. Her cheeks began to grow red. Then even more red.
“Woah…” Sakura said.
“Huh? What?”
“Your face is so red it’s purple.”
“HOLY—!“ Chitose immediately clasped her hands to her face. Sakura giggled.
“Were you thinking about him?” Chitose sighed.
“…yeah…” Kakashi, after hearing that, dropped his book and put his ear to the door. “It’s so weird that I feel this way about him… Oh! And Sakura?”
“Yeah?” Chitose turned her head to look at Sakura.
“Thanks. For, y’know, listening.”
“Anytime! <3” Chitose turned back around so Sakura could finish her hair. Kakashi was getting annoyed. Who was she talking about? Naruto? Sasuke? He kept listening.
“It’s just…jeez… I keep repeating myself!” Chitose closed her eyes again, thinking.
“Done!!” Sakura cheered. She gave Chitose a mirror. “I did good didn’t I?” Chitose looked at herself in the mirror. That… can’t be me. Her hair was over part of her face and it was in a long braid, twirled around part of her neck onto her chest. It was perfectly brushed and braided. It was… really pretty.
“It doesn’t even look like me,” Chitose exclaimed.
“But it is you,” Sakura answered. “Wait till Gaara sees you!”
“Why would he care?”
“He’s got his reasons…<3” Chitose went back to looking at her newly styled hair. Kakashi gasped. GAARA?! It can’t be… REALLY? He thought that was enough for the day and went back to reading his perverted book. Chitose actually felt happy that day. She found a friend.
Chitose woke up to the sunshine glistening through the window of the room. She stared in the direction of the sunlight and took a deep breath. A new day… she thought as she stood up. She did her hair according to how Sakura told her to. She soon finished and decided to step out for a while. When she opened the door she was surprised to see Kakashi above her. He stood there a moment, pink starting to form in his cheeks. (Chitose was still in her “revealing” pajamas.)
“Uh…” he said, turning his head away from Chitose a little. She thought it was stupid how this “old fart” of a ninja could think she’s so pretty, he would blush.
“What is it?” she snapped. Kakashi came back to his senses.
“Yeah… you’re pretty… much healed now so you can leave, alright? I got the Jonin off your back for a while so…” Chitose stared at the ground for a moment. She didn’t want to leave just yet. She had only been there for almost a week and already had a best friend and reunited with a long lost “acquaintance”. She looked up.
“You know I don’t have anywhere to go. Can’t I stay here till I do?” She looked at Kakashi, trying to be as cute as she could. Kakashi began to blush.
“Uh… well…”
“Pleeeeease?” Too cute… Kakashi thought. AUGH!!!
“Thanks!” Chitose turned and walked away. 'Man, that was, like, torture!' She thought. 'I hate sucking up!!' She was too lazy to change into her clothes so she just stayed in what she was in.
“Chitose!! <3” Chitose turned around to see Sakura running towards hers.
“What is it?” Chitose asked.
“You did your hair again!”
“Yeah… so?”
“It looks good, as always.”
“You’re still in your pajamas?”
“Yeah, why?”
“You can’t get ramen with me dressed like that!”
“Ramen? Already? Besides… I don’t care what I wear.”
“Then let’s go!”
“What?! When I’m dressed like this?! Come on!” Chitose ran and got her coat.
They both went to Ichiraku’s and got some ramen. And for some reason, Sasuke was there so Sakura was all over him. Chitose didn’t care so she ate up and headed back. But this time she decided to take the long way through the forest. The truth was, she wanted to see Gaara. It didn’t matter what he did to her when they were little. It was a long time ago. Chitose felt it start to rain as she came to the same clearing as before and looked around. No Gaara. She sighed and started to walk again. Suddenly, she came to a halt. She again looked around. Seeing no one, she took off her jacket and ran back into the clearing. Her arms flung out up in the air as she lifted her chin up to the sky. Rain splashed against her eyes and trickled down her cheeks and neck. She closed her eyes and for the first time in what it seemed like decades… she smiled. She slowly spun around, swinging her arms back and forth in the misty rain. Suddenly, Chitose sensed something. She looked in front of her and saw the person she wanted to see. Gaara. Chitose blushed and turned around to leave. What am I doing?! She thought. I want to race over to him and just—
“Just leave,” Gaara commanded.
“…wha…?” Chitose said as she turned back around.
“Go away…” Chitose’s chest got tight. She felt a pain in her throat. She stood up straight, her head hanging low.
“GO AWAY!!” Gaara yelled at Chitose. He walked over to her. Chitose looked up and stared at him. He lifted up his hand. He opened it and sand began to swirl around it. The sand connected to his skin and formed a spike like a kunai. Chitose blocked her face with her arms. Rain poured harder on their heads as Chitose tried to punch Gaara in the stomach but the sand flew up and stopped her. Gaara swung the spike at her. Blood poured down her arm, down to her knees, and onto the ground. He slashed at Chitose again and blood gushed out like it wouldn’t stop.
“This is your last chance… Leave,” Gaara ordered. Chitose kept her blood-covered arms up, shielding her face. “Fine then,” Gaara began to fling his arm at her but before he got to her skin…
“Gaara…” He stopped. Chitose shivered from the cold rain and began to speak. “I won’t back down anymore… I won’t run from my fears. If you’ll ever say you’re sorry for hurting me, I just want to let you know that you don’t have to.” Gaara gave a small gasp. “It’s okay, Gaara. I forgive you whether you’re sorry or not. Just please… don’t hurt me anymore!” Tears formed in Chitose’s eyes. Gaara stood there, shivering from what her just heard. ‘I forgive you…’ ‘don’t hurt me!’ Tears slowly fell down Chitose’s cheeks, glistening as they fell to the ground. Gaara tightly closed his eyes and turned his face away. He gritted his teeth. There was a moment when the rain was so quiet that all they both could hear was each other’s heavy breaths. Gaara broke the eerie sound of breaths by putting down the spike and letting the sand fall to the ground to which it came. Chitose put her arms down just enough to see what just happened. Gaara reached his hand over to her. She slapped it away.
“Chitose…” he pleaded. But she slapped him away again, afraid he would hurt her. The tears fell down her cheeks again. Gaara couldn’t stand it. He tried to calm himself down. He ripped the end of his cloth off and grabbed Chitose’s wrists together. She screamed at him, telling him to let go of her and that it hurt painfully. But she stopped long enough to see Gaara rip the ripped off cloth in half and gently tie it around both of the cuts on her arms. He let go and straightened up. Chitose looked at her arms in confusion.
“Uh…” Gaara spoke slowly with his head staring straight at the ground. “Thank you. For forgiving me. I’m sorry for ever hurting you.” Chitose’s tears stopped as she lay her head low, looking at the blood spilled by the cuts. “Thank you.” With that, Gaara turned around and began to walk away. Chitose, still standing there mesmerized by Gaara’s kind words, turned bright red as she stared at Gaara’s back as he left the clearing. The tears in her eyes floated away and were replaced by the falling rain. She pulled back on her white blood stained coat that was now all wet from the rain and rubbed her red eyes. Suddenly Gaara stopped walking. Chitose looked up at him. Gaara clenched his fists and looked at the wet ground. He turned his head and looked at Chitose. She turned a darker shade of red as soon as their eyes met. Gaara turned the rest of his body in that direction and slowly started walking toward Chitose. Chitose looked at him wondering if he forgot to tell her something. But something was definitely up when she looked at his eyes more carefully. It was weird the way he was looking at her. Gaara finally reached Chitose. She stared up into his face and asked, “I-is something wrong?” Gaara didn’t answer. He lifted his hands and grasped Chitose’s shoulders. Chitose gave a quick moan caused by the pain and tightly closed her eyes. She turned her face away as she got even redder. Gaara started to lean closer to her. Wha?! Chitose thought. 'Is he gunna… no WAY!!'
yup part 5 done... 6 soon...
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
part 4...
“Sasuke! There you are!” Sakura cheerily cried as she skipped into the room.
“Hmph.” Sasuke grumbled.
“Do you want to train with me?”
“Aw! Come on! Please?!” Sasuke sighed.
“Alright. Might as well… got nothing better to do.”
“YAY!! <3”
“Hey!! Get back here thief!” Chitose ran through the forest on top of the tree branches. Two Chunin ninjas chased after her. She laughed as she easily sped all around them. To her, they were as slow as snails. She kicked them in the back of their necks and they fell to the ground. Feh. That was easy. Then she thought about it a little more. A little TOO easy. Suddenly five Jonin jumped up at her. CRAP!! They charged at her and grabbed her arms, legs, and hair.
“We can’t just let you get away with everything, so pay for it,” one of them demanded.
“Can’t,” Chitose answered smug-like. “Broke.”
“RRRRGGHHH!!!” Suddenly something flew at the ninjas and wrapped around their ankles. It tightened and pulled them away from Chitose. It flew them into trees and branches as Chitose gracefully landed on the ground on her feet. The “thing” let go of the Jonin in mid air, flinging them to the ground. They stood up slowly, limping, as Chitose hid.
“Where’d she go?!” one shouted on anger.
“I don’t know,” another answered.
“Well then let’s go find her!”
“Nah! She’s gone. Let’s just go back. It would be a waste of time.”
“Fine.” They all walked away. As soon Chitose saw that the coast was clear, she ran out and looked all around.
“Hey!” She called. I know you’re there!” She heard a twig snap. “Come out! I just… I just want to thank you. Y’know, for helping me out back there.” A shadowy figure stepped into the clearing. “Huh?! You—!“
“Yeah,” Gaara said. Chitose shot him a confused look.
“There’s nothing to question. So, ‘Kuma’… goodbye.“ He turned around and began to walk away.
“My name’s…” Chitose’s hand clenched together.
“What?” Gaara asked, starting to get irritated.
“My name’s not Kuma.” Gaara stopped walking.
“Then… what is your name?” Chitose lifted her hand and pushed part of her black hair that was in front of her face behind her ear. Gaara turned to her. He looked at the left side of her forehead. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of a astonishing, disgusting gash across her eye.
“Where’d you get that?” Gaara asked.
“What? This?“ Chitose asked as she pointed to the cut. “Um… well… someone… kinda… hurt me really bad when I was young.” She closed her eyes. “Gaara… my name’s Nakashima Chitose.”
“Sssshhhhh!!” Sasuke whispered to Sakura.
“What? They’re so adorable!”
“Shut up!” He snapped. Gaara’s eyes widened. He dashed over to her and held a kunai to her throat.
“You’re not Chitose,” He spoke in a ver y deep, angry sounding voice.
“I am…”
“SHUT UP!! YOU’RE NOT CHITOSE!!” Gaara tightened his grip on the kunai and pressed it harder against her neck.
“You can’t deny it. I can’t either. I was Chitose. I AM Chitose.” Gaara hit her, throwing her to the ground. Blood slowly slipped down her chin from her lip.
“Get out of my sight.” Gaara walked away into the bushes. Chitose sat there for a while wondering what just happened. At first she wanted to kill him, but now she was upset that he didn’t want to see her face. Of course it wasn’t like he cared whether she was alive or not. But there was something about him… about Gaara… that always made Chitose spaz out, and there would be times where her chest would tighten and she’d freak out like she was hallucinating or something. Though she never understood why. It just happened whether she wanted it to or not. It was weird because it was Gaara who hurt her when she was young. Around the time Gaara started killing people, he met Chitose.
Chitose walked down the street of the village, saying morning to people as she walked by. Suddenly, she noticed a young boy about her age, crying behind a bush. She leaned over to him and reached out her hand to touch him. The boy looked up, tears streaming down his face.
“Are you okay?” she asked. He slapped her hand away and put his head down again. But Chitose was persistent. She reached out her hand again. The boy glanced up at her partly as the place above his eyes where his eyebrows should have been narrowed.
“Leave… me… alone…” he stuttered.
“Wha— ?!” Sand snuck up Chitose’s arms and up to her neck, choking her. She coughed and hacked, trying to get the sand away from her. It released, finally, and she fell to the ground. “W-who are you?” The boy stood up and looked down on her.
“Gaara…” he said. “Gaara… of the Sand.” Sand wrapped around her ankles. It picked her up and whipped her against the ground. She screamed in pain.
Chitose collapsed her knees to the ground. She grasped her chest. What is this? I… It can’t be… Sakura was bawling.
“This is too adorable!!” she squealed. Chitose looked over to see Sakura peeking at her behind a tree.
“What are you…?!” she stuttered, almost too confused to speak. Sakura ducked behind the tree.
“I think she saw me Sasuke…uh…Sasuke?!” Sasuke was gone. (thought it was too stupid to watch anymore.)
“Come out, Pinky,” Chitose called. “I can see you.” Sakura slowly came out from behind the bushes and tree and walked into the clearing.
“So… your name’s Chitose?”
“You HEARD IT ALL?!?!”
“Uh, yeah. I think.”
“Rgh… Yes, my name’s Chitose.” Chitose stood up. “Please don’t tell anyone.”
“Just… don’t.”
“Fine.” There was an eerie silence in the air. Chitose soon spoke up…
“Er… is your hair naturally that pink?”
THATS IT FOR PART 4... 5 coming soon
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
My Naruto Fanfic- .:C.H.I.T.O.S.E:. part 3
“K-Kakashi-Sensei!!” Naruto puffed as he staggered through the door.
“Ah! Naruto,” Kakashi exclaimed. “Take Kuma here over to Ichiraku’s and get her some ramen.”
“WHAT?!?!” Naruto yelled angrily. “Why me?! That girl wants to kill me!!”
“Well, she’s got a good reason to” And so do I.
“Fine…” Naruto grumbled. “Let’s go.”
Naruto was fine with getting ramen, but with this freak?! She protested herself that someone else could take her there, but Kakashi insisted on Naruto taking her. Kakashi was ever so curious on who ‘the ninja’ would be. Like the Hokage said: It’s someone you wouldn’t expect. In Kakashi’s mind, maybe it was Naruto. And it had better be a good thing that was in store for that ninja.
As they headed on their way to Ichiraku’s, Naruto sensed that someone was close by. He quickly turned around with his guard up. Chitose stared at Naruto wondering what the retard would do next.
“What are you—“
“Shhhh!!!” Naruto flicked a throwing star at some bushes. Before it even got close, a handful of sand shot at it, knocking it to the ground. “Aw, CRAP!” He stepped back a little. “It better not be Gaara!”
“Gaara?” Suddenly a huge blast of sand came crashing through the bush. Gaara walked out of the bushes toward Chitose and Naruto.
“Uzumaki Naruto,” Gaara spoke in his scary, low voice he always spoke in. Chitose scanned the odd ninja before her. He had reddish, orangish hair and the symbol for love tattooed on his forehead. He had no eyebrows and light blue eyes with black lining around them making them pop out like they were searching your soul or something creepy like that. From what she saw, he looked like he was always angry. Chitose walked over to him and glared at him right in the face.
“Kuma,” she said, sticking out her hand. Gaara gave her an annoyed, ‘No-thanks’ look so she put her hand down. “What’s your name again?” Gaara stared at her for a moment.
“Gaara,” he said. “Gaara of the Sand.” Chitose’s heart skipped a beat. Her hands quivered. Gaara… of the Sand. She lifted her fist as she took a step back and swung it at Gaara. The sand blocked it and threw it back.
“DANG YOU!!” Chitose yelled. She tried to punch Gaara again. And again, the sand blocked her fist and threw it back. She flicked out a kunai and tried to stab him with it. The sand stopped it again, but this time it took hold of her arm and threw her against a tree. Blood trickled down Chitose’s cheek. She struggled to stand up. She glared at the sand ninja.
“You deserve to DIE!!!” Chitose picked up her kunai and threw it at Gaara. The sand shot it back at her.
“That’s enough,” Gaara said, turning around. “I guess following you was a waste of time.” Chitose fell to her knees in pain from being smacked at a tree.
“I-I’ll… I’ll kill you…” she groaned while sputtering blood. Gaara was already gone. While he was walking he stopped and thought… Who was that Kuma girl? Maybe she was…rrgh! I don’t know… He thought a while more and soon red started to rise to his cheeks. He covered his face in embarrassment.
Once Naruto and Chitose got to Ichiraku’s, Naruto noticed someone walking by.
“Hi-Hinata?!” Hinata spun around.
“Ah? Oh!—Hi N-Naruto-kun.” Hinata’s face was all red. So was Naruto’s.
“Uh, you don’t have to say kun.”
“Oh! Sorry N-N-N-Naruto.”
“Y-you want some ramen? I mean—do you want to get some ramen… with me?
“Mm.” Hinata nodded. Chitose sighed and rolled her eyes.
“I’ll see ya lovebirds later!” She walked over to the bar, ordered some oriental ramen, and sat on a corner stool.
After Hinata and Naruto ordered their ramen Hinata suggested they sit in the shade of the forest trees. (probably because it was kind of hot that day.) Naruto was nice and said okay. Hinata was flushed while they ate, twiddling her chopsticks that she had in her fingers that she would usually twiddle instead. Everyone knew that Hinata was totally crushing on Naruto. It wasn’t that hard to miss. So there they were, sitting on tree stumps, eating ramen. Naruto glanced over at Hinata. She was just sitting quietly on a stump and eating her ramen… cutely.
“Wha?!” She shrieked. Naruto was staring right at her.
“Huh? OH! Sorry.” They both blushed and went back to eating their ramen. Suddenly Hinata’s grasp on her bowl loosened.
“Ah? Ah—AAH!!” Hinata’s bowl of ramen slipped out of her hand and started to fall. Naruto, with his ninja–like reflexes, tried to catch the bowl but only his fingertips touched it. Hinata tried to catch it, too, but she also missed. The ramen fell with an echoing splat on the dirt covered ground.
“Hi-Hi-H-inata?!” They were one inch apart. Elbow to elbow, cheek to cheek. At first, Naruto thought to pull away, quickly, but instead he slowly wrapped his hand around hers. He straightened up and so did Hinata, blushing redder as she did. Naruto smiled.
well theres three. there will be a lot more and u've probably figured it out that its mostly about gaara n chitose. i just like the blood... ^^ ok... thanx for reading! check back soon for part 4!!!!!
-jinimae01 ♥
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
My Naruto Fanfic- .:C.H.I.T.O.S.E:. part 2
Chitose lay in the bed. Five highly skilled Jonin ninjas sat around her as guards requested by Kakashi.
“That girl isn’t just a tracker ninja,” Kakashi said to the Third Hokage. “She’s a highly ranked and highly dangerous ninja assassin with more skills than me. Maybe even more than you.” The old Hokage looked up from his scrolls.
“More skills than me, you say…” he said in his shaky voice. He sighed. “I do see that she is bringing terror, but also something else to one certain ninja we know.” Kakashi slammed his hands on the table.
“It’s Uchiha Sasuke… isn’t it?” he stammered. The old man chuckled. Kakashi looked up at him and cocked his head in confusion.
“No, Kakashi. It’s not Uchiha. It’s someone you would expect.” Kakashi straightened up and said, “I’m sorry, Sir—for the outburst.”
“No, no. It’s fine.” Kakashi left the room. Right as he closed the door and started walking, he bumped into someone.
“Heh, heh! Sorry Sensei!” Naruto apologized. Kakashi didn’t say anything at first. “Huh? Sensei?” Kakashi then started to speak.
“I’m sorry, Sensei!! I just wanted to look at her mask! I didn’t know she would wake up!” Kakashi looked at Naruto in utter confusion.
“What are you talking about, Naruto?”
“Huh? You didn’t—CRAP! Well, just to tip you off, some idiot woke that girl tracker ninja up. I—“ but Kakashi was gone. He raced down the hallways passing ninjas and some non-ninja people (He freaked them out actually.) If she gets out of that room…, Kakashi thought. I don’t even want to think about what she could do! He sped through the hallways at lightning speed. He flew past Sakura as she was looking for Sasuke. He dashed past her so fast, it took her a few seconds to turn to the direction he flew and yell, “K-Kakashi-Sensei?! What’s wrong?!”
Kakashi finally reached the room that Chitose was in. It was quiet. He opened the door and peeked inside. She was still there and so were the Jonin guards. Chitose was sitting up in her bed and brushing her part black, part white hair. She wasn’t smiling at all. She had an annoyed expression on her face. Though she was actually… very pretty. Even Kakashi thought so. After brushing her hair it looked quite beautiful. She shook her head like models do to get her hair to settle normally on her shoulders and against her cheeks. She was so pretty, Kakashi almost blushed. But he calmed himself so he wouldn’t. Chitose looked over and saw Kakashi walking in. She quickly went back to the process of braiding her hair.
“What’s your name?” Kakashi asked, trying to keep from blushing.
“Kuma,” Chistose answered (Though it wasn’t her real name.)
“Who are your parents?” Chitose glared at him.
“You’ve tortured me enough! Could you just leave me alone?!” Stunned, Kakashi folded his arms and said, “Aren’t you hungry?” She glared at him again.
“Sure I am.”
“Would you like some ramen or something?”
“I’ll get you some, then,” Kakashi turned to leave.
“Hey! Isn’t there a ramen bar here?” He turned around.
“Yes, there is.”
“Take me there.” Kakashi cringed.
“I’m sorry. I can’t.” Chitose put her hands on her hips and glared back at him.
“What? You afraid I’ll kill someone over underdone ramen?” Chitose said sarcastically.
“No, I’m afraid butterflies will eat your liver,” Kakashi said sarcastically also. Chitose shot him a ‘Don’t-mess-with-me’ look. Kakashi shot her an ‘I-don’t-care’ look. And the sparks began to fly…
that's it for part 2.
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Friday, January 19, 2007
My Naruto Fanfic- .:C.H.I.T.O.S.E:.
With one final blow, the ninja collapsed. Chitose stood above him. She leaned down low to his face and whispered, “I won’t be pushed around anymore.” She clenched her fists tightly. “I-I won’t be tortured like that… He deserves to die.” With that, she kicked the bloody ninja and walked down the road, blood dripping on the musty trail. It began to clot and crust to its black color as she walked down to the village after ten minutes or so, people staring at her blood covered body. Someone even screamed at the sight of all the red and black. Children clung close to their parents and people gave her disgusted looks.
“Hey, you!!” Chitose slowly came to a stop. Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke ran up to where to her. Just before they were about ten feet away from her, Chitose swung around and gave them a murderous scowl. They stopped in their tracks.
“What?!” she yelled angrily.
“Did you kill that ninja in the forest?” Kakashi asked. She smiled ‘evil like’.
“Heh,” she laughed. “I did. What does it matter to you?”
“Why’d you do that?!” Sakura asked, being her nosey self. “What did he do to you?!” Chitose looked down and chuckled.
“I believe that’s none of your business, ‘Pinky’.” Sakura grunted in disgust. “But I might as well tell you anyway.” Silence filled the air as squad 7 stared at the bloody ninja waiting for her explanation of why she murdered the ninja. Chitose looked up and frowned at the ninjas.
“I killed him because he treated me like a slave… like dirt… like he owned me.”
“Why would he do that?! I mean— He’s a ninja for crying out loud!” Sakura yelled back.
“Heh…” Chitose grinned. “I guess we’ll never know now, huh?”
“That’s still no excuse for killing him!!” Naruto shouted in anger.
“You fool. We all have someone we want to kill.” Chitose looked at Sasuke. “Don’t we?” Sasuke gasped as his mind raced back to his brother, Itachi.
“Yes…” Sasuke muttered grimly.
“How old are you?” Kakashi asked suddenly.
“I am as old as the three youngest ninjas here.” They all gasped. Suddenly Chitose let out a moan and fell to the ground. Naruto dashed quickly over to her. He kneeled down.
“She’s alive… barely.” He said while looking at this girl’s interest-ing outfit. Naruto looked at her hand. In it was a bloody tracker ninja’s mask. The symbol on it was of the sand village. 'Could this girl be a tracker ninja like Haku?!' he thought.
Continued later... If u like give my a response n ill post more.
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

flyleaf is an awesome band-
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