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High school student, personal manga artist, author, and master thief (mwaha).
Real Name
You can call me Jinku and that's enough for you.
Write my own mangas that are not fanfics, surviving freshman year, getting my permit, and making my school's top orchestra.
Anime Fan Since
o.O Uh...fifth or sixth grade...?
Favorite Anime
(These aren't in any order by the way) Cowboy Bebop, Inu Yasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Dragonball/DBZ, Trigun, Gundum Wing, G Gundum, Case Closed (Detective Connan), Fruits Basket, Kodocha, and that's really all I can think of at this moment...
TO FINISH ANY STORY THAT I'VE STARTED!!!!!!!!! And to pass high school and get into college.
Drawing and writing (duh......) and reading (no I don't have much of a life)
Drawing, writing, and playing the violin.
| Jinku the Kitsune
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Through the Looking Glass (Part 36)
Lycurgus and Daedalus are breaking chairs apart in a parlor. Daedalus' arm has a new bandage on it. There is a fireplace and a few old couches, a couple of them upturned, and a small table. The room is a mess with paintings and broken furniture scattered around the room.
Lycurgus: You think she'll know where she is?
Daedalus: I'm sure she will. Remember, one of her last memories of her being Aino was near her room.
Lycurgus: Hopefully she'll know where we are.
Daedalus: I'll go check on her in a bit.
Lycurgus rools his eyes.
Daedalus: What?
Lycurgus: Oh nothing.
Daedalus: ¬ ¬ What?
Lycurgus: Don't you think you should just tell her already?
They throw the broken-up chairs in the fireplace and Daedalus lights them on fire while Lycurgus walks over to one of the couches and lays down.
Daedalus: Tell her what?
Lycurgus: *sigh* You act like such a child sometimes.
Daedalus: What's that supposed to mean?!
Lycurgus sits up.
Lycurgus: They way you act! You act like a child! Like the way you treat Aino! She ~tried~ to apologize yet you want to keep your pride. And then when I show up upstairs, you're holding her! Admit it, Daedalus! You love her!
Daedalus blushes.
Daedalus: I-I do not!
Lycurgus: Oh come on! You know you do Mr. Cherry! Hahaha!!
Daedalus: I can't! She...she's like my sister!
Lycurgus: Ha! Sister my ass! Maybe she used to be, but you love her and you know it!
Daedalus walksover to one of the other couches that faces Lycurgus'.
Daedalus (still blushing): So what if I do? It doesn't mean anything!
Lycurgus: Sure it does! What if she loves you in return? Daedalus, a woman letting you have her heart means everything.
Daedalus sits down and droops his head.
Daedalus: I don't deserve her...
Lycurgus: You don't deserve anything less.
Daedalus looks up at him. He sighs and stands back up.
Daedalus: I should probably go check on her soon.
Lycurgus: Just go up to her and say, "Aino, do you love me?". And if she stutters and doesn't know what to say, just pull her towards you and-
Daedalus (blushes): Oh stop, stop!
Lycurgus (smiles): What? Hahahahaha.
Daedalus: That's just so...ugh!
Lycurgus: Oh, come on! You know you wanna!
Daedalus walks over to the up-turned couch and begins to turn it over.
Lycurgus: And just for the record, I think she loves you too.
Daedalus stops and looks at him over his shoulder.
Daedalus: She...does?
Lycurgus: I don't know! Go ask her yourself! I'm going to call Orestes.
We now see Daedalus walking down a hallway with his hand glowing so he can see. He stops at a door on his left. He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and opens he door.
Through the Looking Glass Part 36-End
Inuyasha: o0 Daedalus loves Aino?! I never saw that coming. Oh crap! Now I'm starting to talk like you!
me: Hahahaha! Actually I got that from James but anywho! Hey there everyone! A lot of you may have been confused with the moral yesterday. See, it wasn't ~me~ who was picking their nose, but some lady in Wal-Mart yesterday who had her finger so far up her nose I thought she was going to poke her eye out. *shudders* Bleck! Oh and sorry I couldn't get to everyone's sites yesterday. My computer was being stupid. But I can't today either because I have to study for my permit. Yay permit! - - But sorry...I don't think I'm going to be able to for a while. I have to read for four hours to get my permit! But I shall try a little today. To visit everyone's sites that is. Oh yes, this really annoying thing happened-
Inuyahsa: Speaking of annoying, have you seen Yumi?
me: < <;; Uh...nooo...
Inuyasha: ¬ ¬
me: What?
Inuyasha: Where is she?
me: I swear I don't know!!
Inuyasha: ¬ ¬ Whatever...*walks away*
me: Uh...ahem. Oh yes! An announcement! You all know Daedalus' neice Iris right? Well, I've been thinking it over and I've decided to make her a boy. I know, I know, this is really sudden but it has something to do with the end of the story. And I'm not saying anymore! So anything that Iris has said or done, please change it to he and I have yet to find a name for him so just sit tight ok? I will tell you once I have thought of a name. Actually I'm still really deciding if I should do this or not. ^ ^ Iris is too cute for me to destroy! So I dunno. Help! Now then, the moral for the day is: Don't beleive everything you hear. See you space cowboy...
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Monday, January 3, 2005
Through the Looking Glass (Part 35)
(Note that Daedalus still has his arm in his vest like a sling) We see the party riding quickly along the road. The tower of a castle comes into veiw. Aino looks up.
Aino: Is that it?
Lycurgus looks over his shoulder.
Lycurgus: Yup. The Ice Castle.
Aino: Wow...
Daedalus kicks Aglaia and she begins to gallop. Aino does the same. The castke comes more into veiw now. There is a large stone wall surrounding the castle with a large metal gate in the middle of the front wall. They clear the forest and Daedalus heads to the right twoards the back of the catsle. Aino follows him.
Aino: Why are we going this way?
Lycurgus: The gate is locked.
Aino: Uh...ok...(Doesn't know why they are heading that way!)
They come to the back of the castle. It is almost half burnt down. Aino stares wide-eyed at it. She's not looking where she is going and doesn't notice that Daedalus has stopped.
Lycurgus: Hey! Aino!
Aino blinks and looks forward again. She pulls back on Osin's reigns.
Aino: Whoa!
Osin snorts. They are now next to what's left of the back of the castle. Daedalus dismounts and leads Aglaia into the castle. Aino and Lycurgus do the same to Osin. They walk into the rubble. They come to a torn down closet which has about three walls and a ceiling.
Daedalus: We'll keep the horses here.
We now see them walking down a hall that is still pretty much intact. They pass a staircase on their right. Aino stops and looks up at it. Lycurgus stops and turns around to look at her.
Lycurgus: Aino?
Daedalus stops and looks back.
Aino: Mommy...Dadddy!
She runs up the stairs.
lycurgus: Aino!
Daedalus pushes past Lycurgus and runs up the stairs after Aino. Lycurgus follows him. Aino comes to the second story. She turns left down a hall and runs up a second fligt of stairs. She turns left down a hall and runs up a second flight of stairs. She comes to the third story. She takes anothr left dwon another hallway. She comes to a pair of large wooden doors.
Aino: Mommy! Daddy!
She flings them open. The doors open to a bright, cheerful room with a large fireplace, with a fire in it, fluffy bed, a large window on the right wall, bookcases filling the room, a big armchair with her father sitting in it smiling at her with an open book in his lap, and her mother in another chair facing her father her father also smiling at her. Aino smiles. The room fades away to a dark one with ashes in the dark fireplace, a broken window with a vine growing from outside into the room, and the rest of the room the smae except that Aino's mother and father are gone and one of the armchairs is upturned. Aino drops to her knees, droops her head down and begins to cry. Daedalus runs up.
Daedalus: Aino?
She turns her head to face him.
Aino: They're really gone aren't they?
Aino looks back at the room. Daedalus kneels down besid her and puts his left (uninjured) hand on her shoulder. She wraps her arms around his neck and buries her face in his shoulder. Daedalus blushes. He embraces her in a one-armed hug.
Daedalus: Shh...shh...
She slowly stops crying. Lycurgus runs up.
Lycurgus: Is she-
Daedalus puts a finger to his lips.
Daedalus (whisper): She's asleep. Help me move her.
Through the Looking Glass Part 35-End
- - Today we had to go back to school. Hoo-rah. Nothing special. Well, I got a B on my bio exam, an A (104 baby!) on my world history exam, a B on my math exam, and a B on my English exam. Not too shabby if I do say so myself! Whoa! My brother just turned on Boudakai 2 that he got last night and the beginning is awsome! So much cooler than the first one. Ah yes-*Inuyasha pops up*
Inuyasha: What'd you loose your brain again?
me: ¬ ¬ No. And shut up! Anyways, I've mnade it to Part fifty-something so there will be a part posted everyday for the next couple of weeks. So-*Yumi-chan pops up in front of me*
Yumi-chan: ^.~ So Keep an eye open!
me: *pushes Yumi-chan out of the way* Would you get outta here! So like I was saying-*Inuyasha walks over*
Inuyasha: Jinks am I supposed to boil the ramen or microwave it?
me: ¬ ¬ If I let you used the stove, you'd burn the house down and my dad would kill me. Use the microwave. So like I was SAYING!! The moral for the day is-*Yumi-chan pops in front of me again*
Yumi-chan: ^0^ Don't pick your nose and eat it!!
me: o.O;
Inuyasha: o.O;
me: - -''''' See you space cowboy...
Comments (4) |
Saturday, January 1, 2005
It's a new year!
Today is a new year where I can now freshy screw up! Yay! Haha. Well, it's 11:09 and I just woke up. Heh. I set my alarm so I could watch the sun rise this morinig and make my wish but it was taking so bloody long so I just mad a quick wish and went back to sleep because I was so bloody tired! Last night was so much fun! ^__^ We had fake chmpagne and we were passing the bottle around like it was real. Haha. S-kun wanted me to go to his house to watch "King Auther" with his family but I realized, that's not how I really wanted to spend my New Years. ^__^ So I played outside with the neighborhood kidlets. - - I felt bad though. But! I went over to one of the little girls' house, S-chan, who is like my cousin because her dad and my dad are like best friends. Well anyway, we went over there and did Kareoke and I discovered that - - I have the worst singing voice. Ever. Yeah. So then we came back down to my house and played this horse board game of hers and then we went ouside to light off some fireworks. Hehehe. > > I think I stept on an ember though. T^T Owie! So that was about it. Oh yesh! My New Year Resolutions! Let's see...Well, I wanna start concentrating on school work more, I want to STOP PROCRASTINATING!!! Uh...And I guess pay more attention to the outsude world. ^ ^ There. OMG!! I MISSED THE FRIKKIN' BALL DROP!!!! I was so pissed off!! Grrrr...
Inuyasha: Haha sucks for you.
me: *glares* ¬ ¬* Shut up. And you missed it too!
Inuyasha: It's not like I wanted to see some big sparkly ball drop!
Yumi-chan: *cries* T^T I did!
me: *cries* T^T Me too!
Inuyasha: *rolls eyes* Oh puh-lease.
*Yumi-chan and I look at each other then begin to grin evily and look at Inuyasha*
me: ¬_¬
Yumi-chan: ¬_¬
Inuyasha: . .;; W-What are you looking at me like that for...?
Yumi-chan: *pulls out ribbon from Christmas* Oooooh Inuyaaashaaa...!
Inuyasha: @.@ ACK!! *runs away followed by Yumi-chan laughing meniacly*
me: ^ ^ And the moral for the day is: Don't piss me and Yumi-chan off when we have had a lack of sleep from New Years. ^0^ See you space cowboy...
Comments (5) |
Happy New Years Again!!
Yay! It's 2005! ^__^ My first update in 2005! Whoo! I can't talk long because S-kun ad my brother are going to blow themselves up and I'm going to go watch. Hehehe. See you space cowboy!
Comments (5) |
Friday, December 31, 2004
Happy New Years!!
Yesh! Today is New Years Eve. Whoo hoo! ^__^ We're going to have a block party. - - Too bad fire works are banned around here...XD But that doesn't mean we wont have fun with fire works! Bwahahahaha!! And if the cops come like on the Fourth of July, screw them! Mwahahahahaha!! Yesterday I went to the mall with K-chan, S-kun, Kioko, and Kioko's nephew. Who is nine. Fine nine-and-three-quarters. - - He and I got into a big argument about that. Heh. ^0^ I got a Batman shirt at Hot Topic! Yay! And Star Wars and Jack Skellington shoelaces. Hehe. And some more stuff. Yay! Well I must go now because my brother wants me to set up the printer. Oh! And when the sun rises tomorrow, you must make a wish!! ^ ^ I learned that on Fruits Basket. Hehe.
Yumi-chan: Jinks? Have you seen Inu?
me: Noooo...why?
Yumi-chan: Because I can't find him.
me: Oh I think he's hiding because I beat him up in my sleep.
me: And the moral for the day is: Don't take a "nine-and-three-quarter" child to the mall. See you space cowboy...
Comments (3) |
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Nothing better to do.
^__^ Yay! I'm one of the first to post! Hehe. I really have nothing better to do. Except sleep! I mean goodness! What's wrong with you Jinku?! It's 12:53 in the morning! Ah well, I'm pretty wide awake for some reason. Anywho! ^0^ "Phantom of the Opera" was GREAT!! The actors sang beautifully! :D It gave me goose bumps to hear the beautiful voices! And you're right Blade. The Phantom with the mask on is actually pretty good looking. The movie was so good. But I don't want to ruin anything for you but I HIGHLY recomend you to see this. *grabs you by the shoulders and thrusts you up into my face with our noses touching* HIGHLY.
*Inuyasha walks out in his jammies*
Inuyasha: *yawns* Jinks what are you doing up still?
me: *pushes you, the reader, away and grabs Inuyasha the same way* @.@ I highly recomend this movie! HIGHLY!!
Inuyasha: Oh God. You didn't take your medicine did you?
me: @.@ What medicine?! The only medicine I see is up your nose!! And you must repay me Inuyasha! You must repay me with your SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUULL!!!!!
Inuyasha: . .''''
After a long staring between me and Inu:
Inuyasha: YUMIIII!!!!
*Yumi-chan walks out of bedroom in jammies with a stuffed-animal dog under her arm*
Yumi-chan: *rubs eyes* Whaaat...?
me: *still staring at Inu*
Inuyasha: Get her offa me...!
Yumi-chan: Oh that's easy silly. *walks over and snaps her fingers in my face*
me: *falls backwards on ground asleep*
Inuyasha: Whew. Thanks for that.
me: *eyes pop open and I jump up* INUYASHA!!! YOU OWE ME RAMEN INUYAHSA!!!
Inuyasha: . .;; meep...!
me: *starts beating Inuyasha up*
Yumi-chan: Hello folks! Yumi-chan here standing in for Jinku! As you can see, she is busy right now, beating Inu up in her sleep. This acually did happen in a chat room with her friends Yash and Shinjite around this time in the morning. And yes her friend Yash does indeed act like Inuaysha. No really! He does! Anywho! Jinku does not take medicine and Inu does not have any up his nose...Yeah...She will probably post sometime later today afetr she has slept some. Which, as you can see, is greatly needed.
me: *stops beating Inuyasha up and falls on face asleep*
Inuyasha: *is all bruised and bloody* I-Is it over...? *pokes me with a stick*
me: *rolls over on side*
Yumi-chan: And the moral for today is-
Inuyasha: - -''' Don't mess with Jinku when she is sleep deprived.
Yumi-chan and Inuyasha: See you space cowboy...
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Through the Looking Glass (Part 34)
The man has just disappeared in the dark cloud of smoke. Aino dismounts and runs over to Daedalus and kneels down beside him.
Aino: Where's the anitidote?!
Daedalus hands her the vile. She gets up and runs over to Lycurgus who is still transformed. She kneels down and pulls the arrow out of his side. He groans. She props his head and pulls the cork out of the vile with her teeth. She pours the antidote into Lycurgus' mouth. He changes back and coughs. Aino take the cork out of her mouth.
Aino: Are you alright?!
Lycurgus: I...think so. side...
He holds his side and tries to sit up. Aino props him up and looks over at Daedalus who is still on his knees clutching his arm. He slowly stands up.
Aino: What is your problem?! You let that man get away with the shards!!
She sits Lycurgus up, stands up, walks over and full-arm slaps Daedalus. He doesn't say anything or look at her.
Lycurgus: Aino! Would you have rather me died?!
Aino: No! But...I don't know!!
She drops to her knees and puts her head in her hands. Daedalus walks over to the horses. Lycurgus scoots over to Aino and puts his hand on her shoulder. We see Aino's pack suddenly fall in front of her and Lycurgus. She looks up and sees Daedalus walking back over to the horses. Aino and Lycurgus look at each other then at the pack. Aino opens the pack and they look inside. Aino gasps as she pulls out one of the Ice Sword shards.
Aino: They're...they're all here...
She looks back at Daedalus who is trying to look through his pack with one hand. Aino gets up and helps Lycurgus up. They walk over to the horses.
Lycurgus: But...I-I don't understand.
Daedalus: When I put my sword on the ground, I picked up some sand a few small rocks, I switched that with the shards.
Lycurgus: Well, how about that.
Aino: I think I owe you an ap-
Daedalus glares back at her.
Daedalus: Save it.
He turns back. Aino looks down at the ground.
Lycurgus: You know, that man'll probably be back soon. We should start heading twoards the castle as soon as possible. Can you hold out a bit longer?
Daedalus takes off his jacket and vest and lays them on Aglaia's saddle. He takes off his shirt and hands it to Lycurgus. Aino glances up, blushes, then looks back down at the ground. Lycurgus ties Daedalus' arm where the wound is with his shirt. Daedalus puts his vest and jacket back on. He mounts Aglaia and puts his injured hand inside his vest like a sling.
Daedalus: Let's go.
Through the Looking Glass Prat 34-End
Look at the dancing chicken! Haha! ^ ^ So how'd you guys like it? I know I know the suspense was killing you right?! Ha! You...don't have to answer that...Just so you know. Anywho! Today I'm going to "Phantom of the Opera" with Blade andour good friend Angelina who is visiting from out of town! Yay! ^___^ 'Tis going to be fun!Whoo hoo! I went over to my aunt's house yesterday with my bro and cousin. ^___^ We painted! And my uncle taugh me a Ray Charles song on the guitar! I'm not sure what it's called though...^ ^ But it's fun to play! My painting turned out pretty cool. It had a forest and mountains. My original idea was to paint the Ice Castle before it burned down but it was hard enough to draw it! Let alone paint it! My cousin just did some still life paintings. She's only nine and not all that good and art yet. But she did some pretty cool flowers I'll admit! Oh yes. Whatever you do, do NOT, I repeat, do NOT see "Meet the Fockers" with your signifigant other and their family. Wait...that's a good moral!
Inuyasha: ¬ ¬ You went to go see that movie?
me: > >;; ...Yesss...
Inuyasha: Good Lord why?!
Yumi-chan: *pinches my cheek [yes my face!] ^o^ Because her widdle S-kun asked her to go with him!
me: *smacks Yumi-chan's hand away* Knock it off.
Inuyasha: So...if I had asked you to go see "The Grudge" with me, would you?
me: Hell no! *hidesin a box*
*peaks out of box* So the moral for today is: Whatever you do, do NOT, I repeat, do NOT see "Meet the Fockers" with your signifigant other and their family. See you space cowboy...
Comments (3) |
Monday, December 27, 2004
Hey there everybody! How was everyone's Christmas? If you celebrate it anyway. ^_____^ Mine was GREAT! Ok, so on Christmas Eve I went to my dad's brother's house (uncle but I was clarifiying it) and was kinda bored so I watched tv with my cousins. Then we ate and opened presents! Yay! I didn't really ~get~ anything. I scored 60 bucks though! And this little stationary kit from my cousin and her husband. See, my relatives think I'm getting to that age where they don't really know what to buy me anymore. Anyway, then my cousin came over! Yay! He's like my twin. Heh. We played extreme soccer outside with my bro. ^ ^ 'Twas fun! We didn't get home until like 12:00. Then I woke up, as usual, ~very~ early for me (6:00) and opened presents at my dad's! Let's see, I got some sheets with this cool pattern on it for my bed, I got different kinds of brushes, I got a Florida Gators shirt (go Gartos!), I got a printer/scanner for my digital camera, and got some more hair brushes and make-up (yippee...) from my neighbors, and another $20 from my other neighbors, and a horse calander. Oh yes, and A VIDEO CAMERA!!! WHOOOOOO!!! Actually it's mine and my brother's to share, but still! It rocks! My mom came to get us to open presents at her house around 10:00. I got some really cool stuff over there too. I got that Donkey Konga video game for Gamecube with the bongos (that game rocks!), I got some p.j.'s (tradition), (in stocking; yes we do still hang up stockings) some more make-up (hoo-rah...), a little hula girl bobble head, a cute puzzle with a puppy on it, and some candy. The other presents I got were a mic for the computer, "Fruits Basket" volume 3 (I got 4 for my birthday), a sketchbook, "Best of 'Friends' Season 1' on DVD, blue high-top Converse (shoes), and some board games and walki-talkies to share with my brother. We then went over to my uncle and aunt's house for our Fiesta de Navidad. ^ ^ It was fun! They had all this Mexican food laid out and everyone just grazed so by the time dinner came (burritos) ^ ^;; No one was hungry! Hah. We opened presents after dinner and I got some neat stuff. I got a couple of Happy Bunny pins, a Happy Bunny note book and post card, "Harry Potter and the Prisnor of Azkaban" on DVD (Whoo hoo!!), these really cool trash-can and storage box with an Oriental print on it, and a Jack Skellington and Sally journal from "Nightmare Before Christmas". My aunt got me another present but I guess she ordered it and it hadn't come in yet. I had such a good Christmas! How was everyone else's? So the moral for today is: Make sure you don't forget a relative's present at work. See you space cowboy...
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Friday, December 24, 2004
^_______^ Happy Decemberween!!
For all you non-Homestarrunner fans out there, that means Merry Christmas. Yes! Tomorrow is Christmas! (how's that for pointing out the obvious?) I can't wait! ^ ^ I get two Christmases. Hehe. That's the only advantage to having divorced parents. Oh and two birthdays. Anyways (bloody bandaid I can't type) I'm going to my uncle's house today around three so I dunno if I'm going to be able to get to everyone's sites because my mom wants to do something today. But anyway, I'm going to my uncle's house today with my dad then tomorrow I'm going to my aunt's house with my mom and we're having a Fiesta de Navidad! Yay! ^^ 'Tis going to be fun! I dunno when I'm going to be able to post next so...yeah...*Yumi-chan pops up with Inuyasha on a leash with ribbons on his ears*
Yumi-chan: ^ ^ Merry Christmas!
me: Hey! You caught him! Haha!
Yumi-chan: ^^ Sure did! Oh! Watch this! Hehe. *elbows Inuyasha in teh side* Say it!
Inuyasha: - -* Merry Christmas...
Me: Yay!! Hahahaha!!
all three: Merry Christmas everyone!
me: And a Happy Decemberween! See you space cowboy...
Comments (2) |
Thursday, December 23, 2004
I'm finished!!
^___^ I finally painted today! Whoo! And I have disease of the blue fingers *tries to whipe paint off* Gah! Well, anyways, these are the pics I did.

My mom's. Please ignore the white blob. That's where my name was so I blobbed it out in Photoshop.

And my dad's. It's the St. Augustine light house. ^ ^ My dad likes light houses. *Inuyasha pops up*
Inuyahsa: That thing looks lopsided.
me: ¬ ¬ You try painting it!
Anyways, gah! I'm bleeeeeding!! *gets bandaid* ^ ^ Ok all better! Anyways, I ran around with Sokai, James, Kioko, K-chan, and C-kun. ^ ^ It was fun! I can't talk long. *Yumi-chan runs up*
Yumi-chan: Awww why not?
me: ¬ ¬ Gee, I wonder...
*Ymui-chan sees Inuyasha*
Yumi-chan: Oooooh Inuyasha...
Inuyasha: o.o Oh God no!! *runs away*
*Yumi-chan runs after him with a ribbon*
- - Anyways, Happy Christmahanakwanzaka!! And the moral for today is: Lay down newspapers while painting. See you space cowboy...
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