Jinku the Kitsune
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
Prayer Chain
Ok y'all, I really need your help. Well, not nessacarily me.
Ok, Saku's grandmother is back in the hospital. She had an infection in her skull or something and they have to operate. Please you guys, they need all the prayer they can get. Especially when its only like what like three days before Christmas? Please you guys, they really need it.
On a happier note, I made a Christmas card but Photobucket's being stupid so I'll have to post it tomorrow.
Please pray for Saku and his family.
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
^__^ Thanks Easterwong415!
I should make a Chrismahanakwanza card for everyone. ^^ According to their religion of course. Hehe.
*sigh* Well, another boring day at home. - -'' I have to clean my room...Hoo-rah.
T^T I miss Saku-kun! He's in Oregon right now with his family. And he took Ferris...
Oh! I never told y'all about Ferris!
Ok, so when we went to the Navy Pier up in Chicago, they had a Build-A-Bear. So me and my friend S-chan built a bear! It was fun! Now they were expensive so I only got a $12 one and then a Bears sweatshirt for him. "Da Bars!" ^^ I love that skit. Anywho, I named him Ferris like from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off".
Oh yeah! Also when we went to the Sears Tower, I leaned up against the glass like they did in the movie. It was great!
Alright I should go now and get started on Chrismahanakwanza cards! Hahaha.
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Holy crap it's been a while. I've just been so busy lately! What with going to Chicago and everything and studying for exams. And of course, dun, dun, dun DUN!!! ^0^ I'm sixteen now! Yay!!!
Yesh. My birthday rocked so much! We had this huge party thing with all my family (except my grandpa who I am still mad at). I got so much cool stuff! A lot of art stuff too. Yay! And a digital camera!! YAY!! It rocks. It's sooo much better than my other one. Thank you Daddy! I took tons of pics but I can't post them yet because I have to upload the new program and I can't find the disc (dammit).
I had to take my midterms a week early. Oh that was fun...But 'twas for a good reason I suppose; considering I got to go to Chicago!
It was sooo much fun!! SNOW!!! We got into this HUGE snowball fight and I made my first snowman! It was almost as tall as me! And then me and a bunch of my friends tackled him. Haha! And some other kids made a huge snow penis which was kinda weird...Chicago seriusly rocks. The pizza was sooo good!
But the reason we (me and my school's symphonic orchestra) was because of the 59th annual Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic. We were one of two public schools to be invited this year. 'Twas exciting!
The performance was awsome. I know it could've been better but it was probably our best so far. Mr. N-san said that people were literally moved by our performance. And we blew their socks off with Roman Carnival! After the performance a few people came up to Mr. N-san and Mr. D-san and told them that when they saw Roman Carnival on the program they didn't think that a high school (public and poor mind you!) could play it. We sure as hell did!!!
And flying was awsome! I haven't been on a plane aince I was ten months old so this was exciting! So pretty too.
Well that's enough babbling from me. I shall visit sites now!! Yay!
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Friday, November 25, 2005
New theme
^^ Hey y'all. I gots a new theme! Yay! Inuyasha Holidays!! I couldn't find a "Christmasy" song or pic for that matter but I like the song I have. ^^ Hehe.
So Thanksgiving at my uncle's was good. Everyone was there except my grandpa. T^T Which makes me sad. He's been "hermitized" ever since his brother died. T^T My poor Papa.
So, like expected, I got picked on; a lot. My cousin's husband "jokingly" accused me of stuffing my bra and my cousin B-san kept calling me fattie because I ate a lot. So I told him his hair looks like my dogs. Which it does because he has a fro.
^^ My baby! (whose hair looks like my cousin's)

^^ But my cousin Kris-chan and Kim-chan taught me how to throw a proper right hook. X3 Mwahaha.
^0^ Saku-kun comes home tomorrow! Weeeeee!! Or reeeeally late tonight. ^^ I miss him!
Now I shall visit sites. Yay!!
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Harry Potter and Turkey Day
w00t! We have today off! Yay! I ish happy!
I was sooooo exhausted yesterday. The day was long as it is but then I had to stay after for two and a half hours for a rehersal. We ran all nine songs twice. I was so exhausted. ^^ But then I went home and made pies for tomorrow. Hehe.
So I might go see Harry Potter today. I don't know yet though...I hope so I wanna see it soooo bad! The fourth book was one of my favs because it was darker.
Yes! So tomorrow is Turkey Day! Haha. I get to go over to my Uncle M-san's house with my dad's family. Ever since my grandma died (five years ago in two days {yes the day afer Thanksgiving]) we've been doing that. She was my mom's mom and we used to go over there but now we celebrate it with my dad's family. I dunno what my mom does. But this year she's going to her boyfriend's brother's house. Hope she has fun!
Well I wanna wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
I have a new found band! They're so cool! They're a country band called Little Big Town. ^__^ I like 'em. But I just saw they're video for "Boondocks" and I hate how they dress. The chicks anyway. Thay have that sloppy chic going on. Yuck.
Oh! I forgot to put this up yesterday but if you could, try to stop by my very good friend, Shinjite Muri2, site. She has this awsome story going. It's a sequel though so good luck understanding it! Lol.
I might be going to the beach today with Saku-kun. Not sure yet...>.< It's going to be cold though! But I don't think we'll be surfing or swimming. Probably just skim boarding.
So that's about it.
Definition of boondocks: Rural country; the backwoods.
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Friday, November 11, 2005
New theme!
*squeals* Isn't he sooooo hott?!! I love Indiana Jones! T.T I just wish I could've found the theme song...But I kinda like this song with these pics. Kinda works I guess.
I have missed everyone! ˇTanto!
I've just been mucho busy. (Sorry about the Spanish. ^^;; It's just fun to say!)
Well I have today off. Yay for Veterans' Day! Haha. T.T Sadly I am home alone today. My brother is at a friend's house, my parents are at work, and S-kun is at school.
ˇAh sí! I finally finished my book! ˇSí! My book called Down the Rabbit Hole. My friend Yash was giving me a hard time because that's the title of an Inuyasha episode. But I really don't think editors and such know that. ^^;; Heh.
So if you're ever shopping around and you see a book called Down the Rabbit Hole and its about a violinist named Charlie, that's my book! ^__^
- - I doubt it'll ever get published though...
Well I shall visit everyones' sites! Yay!
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
Comments (7) |
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Happy Birthday Mommy!!
Si! 'Tis me madre's cumpleanos! Happy Birthday! I got her Cinderella on DVD. 'Tis her favorite Disney movie.
And I am ~finally~ getting baptized tomorrow. ^__^ I'm so excited! Hooray! Hehehehe. And my uncle can go! Yay! And maybe even my aunt (my mom's sister). ^^ It's going to be fun.
>.< Gah my leg hurts so bad! We were outside running around and I took too sharp of a turn on some rocks and I slipped and fell and hit the side of my thigh reeeeeeaallyyy hard. T^T It hurts!!!
So my computer is actually running like a good computer *pets computer* so now I shall visit everyone's sites!! Yay!
Happy Halloween!
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
Hurricane Party!!
Hola mi amigos! Como estas? Estoy asi asi.
^^ Sorry about the espanol. Heh. I'm pretty good at it though! Haha.
T.T Well I didn't get baptized today. Stupid hurricane. But you know what! It didn't even rain or anything! And my uncle ~could've~ gone! >.<** Grrr! I guess it was the oceans or whatever.
^0^ School's cancelled tomorrow! Yay!! Haha. - - But we'll have to make it up...Ah well.
So tonight we havin' a hurricane partay!! Haha. Bring on the marrgaritas! Ok only all the Parrot Heads would get that one. w00t for Parrot Heads!
- - Don't think I'll be able to get to y'all's sites. >.< My computer is being a piece of crap. Sorry....
Happy Halloween!
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
ONE YEAR!!!!!!!
Yes! S-kun and I have made it one year! ^___^ I am soooo happy!
And more good news! I'm getting baptized on Saturday! I'm so excited! Almost my entire family's going to be there. T^T My uncle reeeeally wants to be there but he can't because it's his daughter's birthday and I was stupid and forgot and it was already in the church's schedual...Gah...^__^ So I'll take pics and post 'em!
Friday went great at the orchestra board thing. ^__^ D-san and N-san were happy. And when they're happy, we're happy.
Dunno if I'll be able to get to everyone's sites. I have church tonight.
Happy Halloween!
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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