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High school student, personal manga artist, author, and master thief (mwaha).
Real Name
You can call me Jinku and that's enough for you.
Write my own mangas that are not fanfics, surviving freshman year, getting my permit, and making my school's top orchestra.
Anime Fan Since
o.O Uh...fifth or sixth grade...?
Favorite Anime
(These aren't in any order by the way) Cowboy Bebop, Inu Yasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Dragonball/DBZ, Trigun, Gundum Wing, G Gundum, Case Closed (Detective Connan), Fruits Basket, Kodocha, and that's really all I can think of at this moment...
TO FINISH ANY STORY THAT I'VE STARTED!!!!!!!!! And to pass high school and get into college.
Drawing and writing (duh......) and reading (no I don't have much of a life)
Drawing, writing, and playing the violin.
| Jinku the Kitsune
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Dude I swear I was gonna update the other day and then my brother x-ed it out! ¬ ¬ Little fart head...*grumble grumble*
Y'all are probably wondering about the title yes? Well this week's Spirit Week because Saturady is Homecoming (yay!). Today was p.j. day! ^__^ You got to wear your p.j.'s to school. Hehe. ^____^ I wore my Batman p.j.'s.
- - Today was also PSAT's. It sucked.
Well I must flee. - - I have rehersals tonight so I shall ry to get to as many sites as possible. Bai!!
Happy Halloween!
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
My Fallen Angel: Chapter 36

Author's note: People this is the very last chapter. Enjoy!
Mia screams outside. Chris is sitting in a '68 convertible, Mustang.
Chris: Hey sis.
Mia: Oh my gosh! A car!!
Richi walks outside holding Helen. Chris gets out of the car.
Chris: Richi! Long time no see!
Richi: Hey. Oh and congrats on the marriage.
Alex takes Helen from Richi as Mia hops in the car. Chris shakes Richi's hand.
Chris: Thanks. And it's nice to see you again. Well Mia seems happy.
Mia: Weeeeee! A Mustang!! I love you guys! Thanks!
They're now at graduation. Lyn walks up.
Lyn: Hey! You excited?
Mia: ^__^ Of course!
Lyn: Mia who is your handsome friend?
Richi: Hey Lyn.
Lyn: o.O;;...Richi?!
Richi smiles. Lyn hugs him and pulls away.
Richi: So I'm handsome huh?
Mia: ^.^ Of course you are.
Lyn: Richard Lutman don't you ever do that to me again!
It's a bit later after the ceromony has started. Mia walks across the stage to get her diploma. Mia and Richi are now laying up on Mia's roof watching the stars.
Mia: Man! Dinner was awsome. And the cheesecake!
Richi: Haha, yeah.
Mia snuggles up to Richi. He puts his arm around her.
Mia: I've missed you so much.
Richi: I've missed you too.
Mia: And I love my graduation present.
Richi: The car?
Mia: No silly! You!
Mia sits up and kisses him. She pulls away and looks at him and smiles.
Richi: You're so beautiful.
Mia: Richi?
Richi: Hmm?
Mia: What were you going to say before Chris pulled up?
Richi sits up and puts his hand in his pocket and then pulls it out. He takes Mia's left hand and puts a ring on her finger. Mia gasps.
Richi: Will you?
Mia kisses him and then pulls away.
Mia: Of course.
Yay!! How'd y'all like it? It was probably expected right? lol.
>.< Sorry for not being able to get to everyone's sites! I got on like an hour before I was supposed to leave for my concert. Bad Jinku!
The concert went well. Mr. D-san, Mr. N-san, and Dr. P-san (our guest conductor) all looked very pleased. ^__^ I ish so proud. And supoosedly you ~could~ see me lol.
Well today I promise to get to everyone's sites! Yay! Happy Halloween!
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
My Fallen Angel: Chapter 35

Mia and Richi are now sitting on the couch. Ginger comes downstairs. When he sees her, Richi stands up.
Ginger: My what a gentleman you have here Mia.
Mia smiles and blushes a bit. Ginger shakes Richi's hand.
Ginger: You must be Richi. I've heard so much about you. I'm Ginger.
There is a baby crying upstairs.
Ginger: Oh that's Helen. Mia can you bring her down please?
Mia: Sure.
She gets up and goes upstairs.
Ginger: So, did you get a ring?
Richi: Huh?
Ginger: A ring! Don't you want to marry Mia? I know you love her.
Richi: Well, I, uh-
Alex walks into the room.
Alex: Stop harrassing the boy, Ginge.
Ginger: Oh spoil my fun. Anyway, Mia is so good with Helen. Ever since she was born Mia practicly never lets her out of her sight.
Richi: Yeah, Mia's always had that motherly aura about her.
Mia comes back downstairs carrying a baby and feeding it a bottle.
~Richi's daydream~
Mia smiles as she nears Richi.
Mia: Richi, isn't our daughter beautiful?
~End Richi's daydream~
Mia: Richi, this is my new sister, Helen. Isn't she so pretty?
Richi: Uh, hello.
Alex: Well we'll let you two have some talk time now.
Ginger: Do you want me to take Helen?
Mia: I got her.
Mia sits back down on the couch. Richi sits next to her.
Richi: I want one.
Mia: Yeah well don't look at me!
Richi: But I am.
Mia looks at him.
Richi: Mia I love you. So, much. And...I want to...
There is a car horn. Alex walks out.
Alex: Well that must be Chris with your present Mia!
Mia: Really?!
She stands up and gives Helen to Richi.
Mia: Can you hold her?
She runs outside.
Richi: - - Do I have a choice?
Mia screams outside.
>.< I am such a bad person! Being gone almost a month, leaving y'all hanging and now making y'all read all of this!! *hits self*
- - Tonight's the concert...bleh. T^T Saku-kun won't be able to see it becaue he's in Oregon! Whaaaa! Family emergency. I don't wna to go into too much detail (>.< he'll get mad at me!) but just keep his grandmother in your prayers. Please.
Well I wont't keep y'all so bai!
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Friday, September 30, 2005

Goodness gracious great balls of fire!!!!
I haven't been here in a long flippin' dingedy dong time!
School and homewrok and boyfriend trouble has just taken it out of me!! Gah!
I've been so tired lately. I guess it's because I've been staying up late to do homework, watch CSI, ect...
Well I'm not going to make this post long and I guess I should change my theme. And I sure as HELL am going to get to everyone's sites. I just wanted to post to let y'all know I haven't died.
Oh! And tomorrow is our Bistro Concert. ^__^ Wish me luck!!
And I'm guessing I'll post the next chapter of "My Fallen Angel" tomorrow in case I left anyone hanging and people are mad at me because they didn't get to finish it. Sowwy!
Well I love y'alls and I apologise again! Bai!!
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
My Fallen Angel: Chapter 34

Mia is now standing in front of a mirror getting ready to go somewhere. A woman is helping her.
Mia: Oh I'm so excited! I can't wait Ginger!
Ginger: Graduation is a big thing! And so is college. That's why your father and I got you a garduation present. Well we chipped in for one and Chris helped us with the other.
Mia: You did?!
Ginger smiles. Mia hugs Ginger.
Mia: Oh I can't wait!
The door bell rings.
Ginger: Oh that must be your father with one of your presents. Why don't you go answer the door.
Mia runs downstairs and to the door. She opens it and there is a man standing there, holding a few suit cases. It's Richi.
Mia: R-Richi...?
Richi: Hey.
Mia covers her mouth and begins to cry.
Richi: Oh you're going to ruin your make-up.
Richi holds out his arms and Mia wraps her arms around his neck. They hug each other. Richi then puts Mia down. He wipes her tears away.
Mia: You're so tall!
Richi: Haha. And you look as beautiful as ever.
Alex walks in holding a few more suitcases.
Mia: What's all this stuff?
Alex: He got accepted into the same university as you.
Richi: Yup. I'm here to stay.
Mia hugs him again.
Almost done! Only a few chapters left! - - And then I'll be back to my boring life posts again lol.
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Monday, September 5, 2005
My Fallen Angel: Chapter 33

It's a few years later. Richi is full grown and checking email on his computer. He opens an email.
Dear Richi,
It's Mia! Well, this is my last week of my senior year. And I miss you more then ever. I wish you could be here for graduation. I got a letter in the mail yesterday. I got in! The university accepted me! I'm going on a full-ride cello scholarship! Isn't that wonderful! I'm so excited! So you're finishing up your community college? I'm so proud of you. Oh Lyn says hi! Haha. Some more exciting news! Ginger, my dad's wife, had her baby! It's a girl. Her name is Helen. I have a sister, Richi! A baby sister! And Chris got married! It's his highschool sweethart! How cute! You remember her, right? Stacie? Well they got married at the end of March. Yay! I'm so happy for them. And Grandma has a boyfriend! How cute. It's so nice to see her with someone again. After Grandpa died...She's very happy. Lyn and Jordan broke up but you know Lyn. She already has a boyfriend again! Well, looks like I have to go. Tell the twins I say hello and I miss and I love you with all my heart. Wish me luck! And I'm always watching over you.
Love always,
~End Email~
Mia is now checking her email. She opens one.
Dear Mia,
Richi here. I'm so happy for everyone. And I have a surprise for you. I think you're going to love it. It's coming soon! Let's just say it's a graduation present. And I know what you're thinking and it's not a car. You think I could afford that? Hahaha. No this I hope you'll love even more. The twins say hi back. Good luck and I hope to hear from you soon. I love you.
~End Email~
Like the new theme? Yu Yu Hakusho! Yay! Well there are only a few more chapters left. Dunno if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Lol. Well today is Labor day. No school! T.T Saku-kun has school though. Ah well. Went to the beach yesterday. XD Got some awsome wipe-outs on my skim board.
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
My Fallen Angel: Chapter 32
Mia is now sitting up in bed. She, Lyn, and Richi are laughing. Mia holds her stomch.
Mia: Ow! Heh, it hurts to laugh.
Lyn: Haha. Well I better get going. ^_^ I need to pick up your homework.
Mia: Uhg...Gee thanks.
Lyn: Haha. Well see you two later.
She gets up and walks out of the room.
Mia: So how long have I been out.
Richi: About a week. Your dad thought you might've been in a coma. But I still can't belive you're an...Angel.
Mia: Guardian thankyou.
Richi: Haha.
Mia: Do the twins know?
Richi: I thought it best that Destiny erased their memory.
Mia: Do you still have that burn?
Richi: Yeah but I kinda like it. It's healing but it'll make a cool scar.
Mia smiles. She then looks sad.
Mia: So I'm guessing I missed the funeral?
Richi sadly nods.
Mia: I'm sorry.
She reaches out and takes his hand.
Mia: What're you going to do now?
Richi: The only reason we get to stay is because I'll be 18 in summer. So they're letting me keep custody of the twins.
Mia: Oh good.
Richi: But...
Mia: Oh no.
Richi: Because my grandparents want me to go to college, they want us to stay with them. So when I finish out my senior year and go to college, the twins wont have to move and my grandparents get custody. So I'll finish out this year and then move back to Ohio.
Mia: I see...
Richi: I only have a few more months left.
Mia smiles.
Mia: Then I guess we'll make the best of it.
Richi smiles.
Richi: Mia?
Mia: Yes?
Richi: Do you remember, that one day when I called you, and I told you I had to tell you something?
She nods.
Richi: I love you.
Mia kisses him. She pulls away.
Mia: I love you too.
Richi stands up.
Richi: I-I should probably go. You need to get some rest.
He walks to the door and opens it.
Mia: Richi?
He turns towards her.
Mia: I'll miss you.
Richi smiles.
Richi: I'll miss you too.
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Monday, August 29, 2005
My Fallen Angel: Chapter 31

Mia is now lying in a hospital bed. She has a breathing tube up her nose. She opens her eyes. Her dad is standing next to her looking at her machines.
Mia: D-Daddy...?
Alex looks down at her and smiles.
Alex: Well hello there.
He kisses her forhead.
Alex: We were worried you wouldn't make it. Good thing I'm a surgeon.
She looks around. There are flowers on the table next to her and a few cards. Richi and Lyn walk into the room both carrying a bouqutte of flowers. Richi has a few bandages and a cast on his broken arm. Alex looks up.
Alex: Hey guys. She's finally awake.
Lyn: Oh, thank God.
She rushes over to Mia's bed.
Lyn: Mia! You were wonderful! You looked so beautiful. I wish I could've helped but-
Mia: Wait...How do you know what happened?
Lyn: Destiny told us everything. You were wonderful. Jordan should be by here in a bit to say hi. He has to work today.
Alex: Well I have to see a few more patients.
He kisses Mia's head again. On his way out, he pats Richi's shoulder. When Alex is out of the room, Richi walks over to the bed.
Richi: Hey.
Mia smiles.
Richi: Oh, uh, (holds out the flowers) these are from me and the twins.
Well we had to prime my room before we could actually paint it. But I think we're going to finish today. Dunno though.
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Friday, August 26, 2005
My Fallen Angel: Chapter 30

Dameon closes his eyes and dies. Everyone is released from their chains. They fall to the ground. Destiny is the only one that gets up.
Mianna: Are they ok?
Destiny: Yes. I'll transport them back to where they were captured. I think they'll remember though.
Everyone disappears. Destiny walks over to Mianna.
Destiny: Are you going to be ok?
Mianna: I think so. I'm just glad it's all over.
She walks over to Richi and sits beside him. She brushes his hair out of his face.
Mianna: I guess I beat him up pretty bad.
She kisses him. His eyes open and he sits up.
Richi: Mia...? What...What the hell happened?
Mianna: Dameon possesed you. You tried to kill me.
Richi: I-I'm so sorry! Mia you have to understand-
Mianna: Don't worry.
She stands up and helps Richi to his feet. He sees the wound.
Richi: Mia...
She untransforms and smiles at Richi and then she faints. Richi catches her with his good arm as her wounds begin to bleed. Destiny runs over.
Richi: Mia?!
Destiny: Why'd she do that?! Quick! We have to get her out of here!
Wow Chapter 30 already. Yeah I remember when I started too Neko-san! Haha.
TGIF!!! Oh my gosh I am so glad it's Friday. Especially since it's a three-day weekend! w00t-ness!!
- - I just wish I wasn't getting sick...Gah...It's either a relapse of mono or allergies. - - I have the WORST allergies.
>.< And I have to paint my room this weekend! Well the painting part's not bad it's just the packing everything up part so we can get ready for the new carpet. ^_^ I'll take pictures when I'm done though! Hehe.
Well since this is a lot to read I'll go now and visit sites! Yay!
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
My Fallen Angel: Chapter 29

Richi: Foolish human. Did you think you would beat the Dark Lord? He will never die once his immortality is restored.
Mianna kicks out at Richi, knocking him in the face. He drops her, holding his face with his hand. Mianna falls to the ground and runs to grab the cross necklace, still laying on the ground. She does just as Richi appears behind her, kicking her in the stomach. There is a cut above his eye that is bleeding where Mianna had kicked him. Mianna coughs up more blood.
Mianna: Richi...*cough* stop this...
Richi: I must forfill my master's wishes.
He kicks her over on her back. He then bends over to pick her up by her neck. He does and holds her at arm's length above his head again.
Mianna: Richi...I don't want to hurt you...
Richi: Ha! Hurt me?! When you're hanging up there?
Mianna: I can't hurt you...I...*cough* I love you Richi...
His eyes widen and turn somewhat back to normal. He then drops Mianna and starts screaming. Mianna drops to the ground. She gets up quickly and runs at Richi, knocking him to the ground.
Richi: Foolish...Grr!...Human! Ahhhhhh!
Mianna presses the cross necklace to his chest where his heart is. He screams even more, his back arcing in pain. Mianna starts to cry. Richi then closes his eyes and falls to the ground, unmoving. Mianna lifts the cross from Richi's chest. A burning mark is left from the cross. She fastens the necklace back on Richi's neck. She stands up and backs away. Richi's muscles, fingernails, and fangs shrink. His demon wings disappear. His body is smoking. She then turns to the dying Dameon.
Mianna: Release my family.
Dameon: N-Never...
Mianna punches him in the stomach. He coughs up more blood.
Mianna: Do it!
Dameon closes his eyes and dies. Everyone is released from their chains. They fall to the ground.
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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