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High school student, personal manga artist, author, and master thief (mwaha).
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You can call me Jinku and that's enough for you.
Write my own mangas that are not fanfics, surviving freshman year, getting my permit, and making my school's top orchestra.
Anime Fan Since
o.O Uh...fifth or sixth grade...?
Favorite Anime
(These aren't in any order by the way) Cowboy Bebop, Inu Yasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Dragonball/DBZ, Trigun, Gundum Wing, G Gundum, Case Closed (Detective Connan), Fruits Basket, Kodocha, and that's really all I can think of at this moment...
TO FINISH ANY STORY THAT I'VE STARTED!!!!!!!!! And to pass high school and get into college.
Drawing and writing (duh......) and reading (no I don't have much of a life)
Drawing, writing, and playing the violin.
| Jinku the Kitsune
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Friday, July 8, 2005
Guardian of Earth: Chapter 9
Mia and Lyn are in class again. Richi is dueling a kid. A girl walks up to them.
Girl: Hey guys.
Mia: Hey Jess.
Jess: Mia are you and Richi going out or something?
Mia: Eh?! We are not!
Mia is blushing.
Jess: Well I just see you two hanging out together a lot. Like at lunch and walking home. And he saved you from Kyle yesterday. And then when you punched the snot out of Kyle! That was awsome!
Mia is still blushing.
Mia: You saw that?
Jess: The whole school pretty much did.
Mia: Oh...Well we're not.
Jess: Ok I was just wondering.
Lyn: Why are you going to ask him out?
Jess blushes.
Jess: ^//^ I was thinking about it. I mean, he is kinda cute.
Mia is sitting in another class. Jess runs up to her crying.
Jess: Mia!
Mia: Eh? Are you ok? Jess what's wrong!
Jess: He said no!! *sob* He said no...
Richi is sitting at lunch with Lyn eating a sandwich. Mia slams her book on the table in front of him.
Mia: What did you tell her?!
Richi: What?
Mia: Jess! She likes you!
Richi: Oh...- - That...
Mia: Yes that!
Lyn: What?
Mia: Jess came up to me in chemistry crying! Apparently she asked this jerk out and he said no!
Richi stands up.
Richi: So I don't like her! Is that a crime?!
Mia: She was crying!
Richi: All I said was "I'm sorry, no". I didn't know she was going to cry!!
Mia: You're such a jerk Richi!
Richi picks up his books and lunch.
Richi: You know what, I don't need this.
Mia starts to cry. Richi sees this but he still storms off.
Mia: Dammit!
She slumps on the seat and starts to cry harder.
Lyn: What the hell was that all about?!
Mia: I just...
Lyn: Mia do you like him?
Mia: I just want this feeling to go away...
Mia and Lyn are walking home.
Lyn: I can't beleive it.
Mia: What?
Lyn: That's it's been almost two months and you already like him.
Mia: Would you drop it?! I don't like him! He's such a jerk.
They come to the stop sign.
Lyn: Whatever I'll see you tomorrow.
She walks away. Standing there, Mia begins to cry again.
Summer: Day XXXXV
^^;;; Sorry the chapters have been so long! But I won't tie you up with incoherent babbling today. I hope...
Well S-kun is leaving today to go to a house on the mainland. He's renting out his house that he's in right now. His parents are in realestate (which is really big here) so they bought this house on the mainland and are going to fix it up while they rent out their house.
T^T He's going to be gone for three weeks! T.T And I won't be able to see him. ^ ^ Except on Tuesdays and Sundays for church. - - But I won't be able to ~this~ Tuesday because I had to move my violin lesson to that day...Grr.
Last night "X-Men" was on! Yay! I only didn't get to see the very begining when Wolverine actually ~comes~ to Professor Xaivier's house. ^__^ Still a good movie.
Well that's enough babbling for me. So the quote of the day is: "Hey kids, do drugs. They're your friend!"
-This guy who works for the music department who looks like he could pass as a petifile (sp?)
See you space cowboy...
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
Guardian of Earth: Chapter 8
Mia and Lyn are now at their lockers.
Mia: I am so glad school's over for today.
Lyn: Heh yeah. That was really cool of Richi today at lunch.
Mia: Yeah it was. ^^ It was very big brothery of him.
Lyn (thinking): o.O; "'Big brothery'...?"
Mia: Where is Richi anyway?
Lyn: Dunno.
A girl runs up to them.
girl: Hey guys! There's a fight out by the gym!
Mia and Lyn are making their way through a crowd. Lyn pokes a guy's shoulder.
Lyn: Jordan? What's going on?
Jordan: Hey babe.
Lyn: Who's fighting?
Mia: Richi?!
Jordan: Yeah and that little friend of yours, Kyle.
Kyle has a black eye. He throws a punch at Richi and hits him, giving him a bloody lip.
Mia: Richi!
She runs inbetween them.
Richi: Mia...Mia duck!!
Mia turns and Kyle is throwing a punch and hits Mia in the face.
Richi: Mia!
Kyle: Oh man...It was an accident!
Mia holds her cheek and Richi puts his hand on her shoulder.
Richi: Mia are you ok?! You'll pay for that you bastard!
Mia: No Richi! I-I'm ok. Please. You have to stop before a teacher-
A teacher walks up. Richi wipes the blood off his face.
teacher: What's going on here?
Kyle: Uh, well...
Mia: They were just arguing sir.
teacher: Where'd you get that black eye?
Kyle: I-I hit my head last night. I swear!
teacher: You're lucky school's out.
He walks away.
Kyle: Move Mia.
Mia: No.
She turns to walk away, grabbing Richi's arm to pull him away.
Kyle: Move! I have to finish this!
Mia turns and punches him.
Mia: Shove off Kyle! Leave us alone!
Kyle spits and then walks away.
Lyn: Nice punch.
Mia: ^_^ My brother taught me that.
Summer: Day XXXXIV
Sorry it's kinda long today. But at least there's some action! w00t! And sorry I culdn't get to everyone's sites yesterday. S-kun came barging in my house saying, "The movie starts at seven!" I was like "o.O;; Eh? Movie?" ^^ Turns out his parents took us to see "Batman Begins"!! Yay!!!
It was pretty good too. The guy made an awsome Batman. Way better than Michael Keatone I think. But I think they could've done a better job with tying it into the first Batman with Michael Keaton. Like how the Joker killed his parents. Ya know, when he says, "Never dance with the devil in the pale moonlight"? Well, none of that happened. ^_^ I still think it was good. Although I really didn't like the Batmobile.
Although at some parts, I wasn't able to hear anything because these stupid preppys (and yes they were preppys) kept making noise and talking two rows above us. And since me, S-kun, his parents, the preppys, and this other guy were the only ones in the theater, I was getting pretty annoyed. And I could tell S-kun was too by his death grip on my hand. Heh. So he stood up and told them to shut up. ^_^ Yay for S-kun! His dad was about ready to do it anyway.
And speaking of yelling, ^___^ I yelled at K-chan's ex yesterday over AIM. It was awsome! Hehe.
So now I shall leave you with the quote of the day: "Well can you tell me what it looks like? *Batmobile drives by* Nevermind."
-Guy from Batman
See you space cowboy...
Here's a quiz I got on Daff-Power's site. ^_^ You don't have to take it if you don't want to.
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. Do you love me?
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Guardian of Earth: Chapter 7

Mia, Lyn, and Richi are sitting at lunch. A guy walks over to them.
Guy: Hey Mia.
Mia: Hello Kyle.
Kyle: Mia can I talk to you?
Mia: Uh...sure.
Mia gets up and follows Kyle near a trash can.
Richi: Lyn who's that?
Lyn: Oh that's just Kyle. He's had a crush on Mia since forever. He's kind of a perv. I hate him.
Richi: Oh.
Mia (talking to Kyle): How many times do I have to tell you?! I don't want to go out with you!
Kyle: Why?! I'm better than any guy here!
Mia: One, you're not. And two, jerks aren't my type. So get lost!
Kyle: You like someone else! Don't you?!
Mia: I'm not telling you that!
She starts walking away. Kyle grabs her arm.
Kyle: Don't you walk away from me.
Richi sees this and stands up. He starts walking over to Mia and Kyle.
Kyle: Who is it?
Mia: Leave me alone!
Kyle: You're not going anywhere!
Richi walks up. He's taller than Kyle. He lets go of Mia's arm.
Richi: Is there a problem here?
Kyle backs off a bit. Richi stears Mia away and starts walking back to the table.
Kyle (thinking): "No one's taking her from me."
Summer: Day XXXXIII

I had so much fun at chruch last night! ^0^ We played Twister! It was so much fun! S-kun kept cheating though lol. He kept knocking me down! And then this one time I was playing with his little brother and this guy and he kinda nuged the guy and he fell on S-kun's brother and then they all fell on me! Gah! >.< It hurt! But it was funny.
So how do you like my new theme? It's just misc. but I like it. I think I'm going to be doing that for a while. I wanted change.
Last night when I got home though, I got on the computer and started writing this novel that I'm working on. Not a manga, a novel. Like a regular book. It's pretty cool. Anyways, I was waiting until 11:00 to go to bed and it came and just when I was finishing the last paragraph I was going to write, my computer crashed! Dammit! T^T So then I lost everything I had written that night! DAMMIT!!!! I was sooooo pissed...
Today I went over to S-kun's house and watched "Wayne's World". I love that movie! ^__^ And we had a pillow fight! It was fun.
His brothers and cousin are leaving for Oregon today. They're going to go visit their grandmother.
And that's about it. Now for the quote of the day!
"We fear change..."
-Garth from "Wayne's World"
See you space cowboy...
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Guardian of Earth: Chapter 6
We now see Mia and Lyn walking home. Richi runs up behind them.
Richi: Hey.
Mia: o0 Hello.
Lyn: ^_^ Hey Richi.
Richi: I thought I'd take you up on that dinner offer.
Mia: Oh, uhmm. I'm sure my grandma and dad wouldn't mind it's just...we have church tonight.
Richi: Oh.
Lyn: How about he comes with!
Richi: Well I...don't really do church.
Mia: It'll be fun! We can give you a ride.
Richi: Ok I guess.
They come to a stop sign where the road splits off. Lyn walks the opposite direction.
Lyn: See you guys tonight then!
Mia: Bye!
She walks away.
Mia: ^ ^ This is going to be fun!
Richi: Sure.
Mia: You should bring your brother and sister!
Richi: They can't sit still for very long. They're twins.
Mia: Really? I always thought it'd be cool to have a twin. Or a younger sibling heh.
Richi: It's not always great. I'm about thirteen years older than them so it's a hassel.
Mia: Wow. That young?
Richi: Yeah my parents kinda...had me early.
Mia: Oh.
The Angels are in Richi's room again. The nameless one is kneeling by his bed.
Angel: Destiny, something's wrong with him.
Destuny: What is it?
Angel: It feels like he's fighting something. An outside power.
Summer: Day XXXXII
I just want to thank everyone who gave me support through this tough time I and S-kun are going through. I love you all very much. And S-kun is doing a lot better. They put him on meds and miraculously, his father didn't yell at him. Because he's the "punisher" so S-kun was really freaked out about him coming home.
Oh! And Happy Be-lated Fourth of July! w00t! ^__^ We had lots of fireworks. But I can't believe it's already been a year since S-kun and I met. It doesn't feel like it.
So I shall leave you with the quote of the day: "So did you bring any beer money?"
-D-san (my mom's boyfriend)
See you space cowboy...
Comments (6) |
Friday, July 1, 2005
Summer: Day XXXVIII

No story today. I had something bad happen last night. Last night I had one of the worst and definently the scariest moments of my life. You know how I told you yesterday that S-kun wanted to run away? Well, after I got home from Wall-Mart, I called him and he told me he was sitting in his car in the garage. And I knew the door was shut. And I told him if he had the engine running I'd wring his neck. He said he didn't anymore. Now this really scared me. So then my dad made me get off the phone and call my mom to see what we were doing this weekend. So after I called my mom, I called S-kun back but his cousin picked up and told me not to call anymore for a while because S-kun was in big trouble. - - Great. And he told me that if his cousin grounded him from me, he'd run away. So I was kinda pissed off when I hung up the phone. Later that night when I was watching tv in my room, my dad called me out and S-kun's cousin was standing in the garage. She told me that she needed me to calm S-kun down and convince him to get in the car to go to the doctors to take a pill to calm him down. She led me to their back yard and he's lying there on the ground. I started freaking because I didn't know what the hell happened. I held his hand but he started choking on his tongue! So his cousin's friend (who was there) stuck her fingers in his mouth to prevent it. I was so scared. I didn't know what was happening. They told me that his body was fully paralyzed. And he couldn't see. And when he opened his eyes he started freaking out because he couldn't see. And I was the only one he was responsive to. Thank God I was home because who knows what could've happened if I hadn't been home to calm him down. I started crying because I was so scared. Especially when he told me taht he was scared. And then the paramedics showed up. Which made him freak out even more because he didn't know what was going on. I was trying so hard just to get him to concentrate on breathing. I had to actually remind him to breathe. It was so scary. And I was the only one he could hear. The they had to take him to the hospital. And he started freaking out again because he didn't want to go to the hospital.I told him I'd go but then the peramedics said I couldn't go because I'm a minor. How stupid! Thank God though S-kun could walk to the ambulance. But they had to help him. I wanted to go so bad. But I had to stay with his brothers. He had an anxiety attack. Where you get (usually) angry and then your heart beats too fast and you can't slow it down and you breathe too hard and too fast. Then your body just shuts down. Which is what happened to S-kun. I was so scared. And he was too. I could see it. And he kept telling me. And I was trying so hard to calm him down. But he called me this morning. He hardly remembers what happened. He told me though my voice was the only one he could hear. He got home around one or two in the morning. Poor thing. I felt so bad for him. He hates hospitals. Now he just has to take it easy. He has to live with this for the rest of his life now. The axiety thing. He has a weak heart. That's why it was so bad. The doctors told him another five minutes and he could've either died or become paralyzed and suffer brain damage permanently. Or become blind. I thought he was going to die. And I thought he had once. He was so scared. So, so scared. Please keep him in your prayers.
Also, please wish Lie74's happy birthday. ^__^ Because it's her's today! Happy Birthday!
Comments (7) |
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Guardian of Earth: Chapter 5
It's the next day and Lyn, Mia and the other students are warming up in Richi's class.
Richi: All right. We'll be stretching for a few more minutes and then we'll begin the new exercise.
He walks over to Mia and Lyn.
Richi: Hey guys.
Lyn: Hey!
Mia: Hi.
Richi: Your family seems really nice, Mia.
Mia: Thanks.
Richi: I met your dad, brother, and grandma but...where's your mom?
Mia: She died.
Richi: Oh...I'm sorry. I-I didn't know.
Mia: It's ok. She died when I was two. I barely remember her.
Richi: Oh...
Lyn: Richi, can I talk to you?
Richi: Uh...sure.
They walk away from Mia.
Lyn (whisper): Even though it doesn't look like it, Mia really doesn't like to talk about her mom. And I'm not sure how much she wants me to tell you.
Richi (""): Oh, it's ok.
Lyn (""): It's just...Her mother died without a known cause. Sadly Mia thinks her mom killed herself. Because of Mia.
Richi (""): That's really sad...
Lyn (""): I know.
Mia walks over.
Mia: Whatcha talkin' about?
Lyn: ^^;; Heh heh! Nothing!
I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm not going to type a lot because I'm on the phome with my S-kun. Please, please pray for him. He's wanting to run away...Please keep him in your prayers.
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Guardian of Earth: Chapter 4

Mia and Lyn walk through the door of a house.
Mia: I'll get the cookies.
Lyn: And I'll meet you in your room.
Mia walks past a small table up against the wall. There is a painting of a woman hanging over it.
Mia: Hi Mom!
Mia walks into her kitchen as Lyn walks up the stairs. An older woman is standing by the stove cooking.
Mia: Hi Grandma.
She opens the fridge door as the woman looks up.
Grandma: Hi dear. How as the first day of school?
Mia: It was ok. In fencing class, Mrs. Ryell got an assistant. His name is Richi Lutman. He's a junior.
She closes the door.
Grandma: Oh? Is he nice.
Mia: He's strict in class but Lyn and I sat with him at lunch and he was really nice. He just moved here from Ohio.
Grandma: Interesting. Dinner's going to be done in about a half hour if Lyn wants to stay. And remember that you need to practice your cello!
Mia: Ok.
She walks out of the kitchen with a plate of cookies and two glasses of milk. We now see Mia and Lyn in Mia's room playing video games. There's a knock at the door.
Mia: Come in!
The door opens and a young man is standing there.
Young man: Hey sis, there's a guy at the door.
Mia: Really? Ok Chris thanks.
The door shuts.
Lyn: Wonder who that is?
Mia: I dunno.
We now see them comming down the stairs. Richi is standing at the open door.
Mia: Richi?
Richi: Hey.
Mia meets him at the door.
Richi: Something smells good.
He walks in.
Mia: Won't you come in.
She shuts the door.
Richi: You left this in my class.
He hands her a cell phone.
Mia: Oh my gosh! I didn't even know it was gone!
Lyn: ^ ^ Wasn't that nice Mia?
Mia: How'd you know I lived here?
Richi: Uh...The sticker?
There's is a sticker on the back of her phone with her address on it.
Mia: -// - Oh...Right.
Lyn: You drove here just to give it back to her?
Richi: Actually I walked. I only live a street down.
Lyn: Really? Isn't that cool Mia?
Richi sees the painting of Mia's mother.
Richi: Who's that?
Mia: Hmm? ^__^ Oh she's my mom. Isn't she beautiful?
Mia's grandmother walks into the room.
Grandma: Hello. Is this your friend Mianna?
Mia: Yeah. This is Richi Lutman.
Grandma: Oh yes. The assistant. I'm Mianna's grandmother.
Richi: Hi there.
The door opens and an older man walks in.
Man: Uh...Hello.
Mia: Hey Dad.
Grandma: Alex, this is Mianna's assistant instructor in fencing class, Richi Lutman.
Richi: I was just returning her cell phone Mr. Gearing.
Alex: Uh...Ok.
Grandma: Richi, Lyn's staying for dinner tonight. Would you like to join us?
Richi: I'm sorry I can't. I have to baby-sit my little brother and sister.
Lyn: I have a little brother named Vaghn.
Richi: Cool. Well I should be getting back now. Nice meeting you all.
He walks out the door.
Alex: So what's for dinner?
We now see Richi sleeping in his bed. There are still a few boxes in his room. The window is open. An Angel apears sitting on his bed. Another appears floating next to the bed. They're hair moves as if it's under water and they both have sheathed swords at their sides.
Angel floating: What are we doing here?
Other Angel: Relax Destiny. I'm not going to wake him.
Destiny: He's not one of our regulars though.
Angel: So? I just have this feeling...
Destiny: Feeling huh?
Angel: Yeah. Like I'm supposed to pay extra close attention to this one.
She puts her hand on his cheek
Destiny: Come one. We have to go.
Angel: Alright, alright.
She floats off the bed and kisses Richi's forehead. Destiny appears out the window. The Angel disappears then reappears outside.
Summer: Day XXXVI
> < Sorry this chapter is so very long! *bows* - - Oh great now I have to go...Well I shall update about today tomorrow! Hehe! I hope I can get to everyone's sites! *bows* Sorry if I can't!
See you space cowboy...
Comments (2) |
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Guardian of Earth: Chapter 3

Mia and Lyn are sitting at a lunch table eating. Mia looks up.
Mia: Aww, Richi's sitting by himself.
Lyn looks behind her and sees him stitting with no one.
Lyn: Aww. Let's go sit with him!
Mia: What? Wait! I didn't mean-
Lyn pulls Mia with her.
Lyn: ^^ You suggested it!
They walk over to his table. He looks up. Mia's blushing.
Lyn: Hey there, Richi!
Mia: Hi...
Richi: Uh, hi.
Lyn: You know us. From your class.
Richi: Oh yeah. Lyn and "Just Mia".
Mia blushes more.
Lyn: Haha, yeah. We saw you didn't have anyone to sit with. Can we join you?
Richi: Uh...sure.
They sit down, Mia is still blushing.
Lyn: So...Where did you move from?
Richi: Ohio.
Lyn: That's a long way away.
Richi: Uh...yeah.
Lyn looks at her watch.
Lyn: Oh I have to go meet Jordan.
She stands up to leave.
Mia: Eh? Wait!
Lyn walks away.
Lyn: See you later!
Richi: She's quite the chatter-box isn't she?
Mia: - - Sadly, yes. (thinking) "Traitor..."
Richi: Jordan's her boyfriend, right?
Mia: Yeah. He's a pretty cool guy.
Richi: You have one?
Mia: Who me? You kidding? I like being sane thankyou.
Richi: Haha. That's always a good thing.
Mia and Lyn are walking home.
Lyn: So how did you and Richi get along?
Mia: Fine you traitor!
Lyn: Trust me. You'll be thanking me when you say he's the best boyfriend in the world.
Mia: ...Right.
Lyn: So what'd you guys talk about?
Mia: Well...He likes all the same shows I do. Bands too. He listed a few I've never heard of but he said he'll burn me some CDs. ^_^ And he thought me playing the cello was cool.
Lyn: @.@ Who are you...?
Mia: Eh? I am me?
Summer: Day XXXV
So how'd ya'll like Chapter 3? ^__^ Good I hope! Today was really hot! Gah!
^__^ I went to the zoo though! S-kun and his family took me. It was fun! I felt bad for Pastor T-san (S-kun's dad) though. Poor guy blew out his knee yesterday and has to wear a brace. Hopefully he'll be ok!
Tomorrow I get to hang out with one of my really close friends whom I haven't seen since December! Yay! M-chan ~really~ wants to meet S-kun. And vis versa (sp?) We're going to go see "Bewitched" with Nicole Kidman and Will Farell. It's supposed to be really good. I used to watch that show (in re-runs) when I was little. I love that show!
So that's about it. So now the quote of the day!
"Last: what a shoemaker uses to fix a shoe or boot. *does a double take* Well..."
-Jon Stewert from the Daily Show
I love that show! It's so funny!! See you space cowboy...
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Monday, June 27, 2005
Yes! I am back! Hooray! ^__^ And with a new theme!
I am soooooo sorry that I haven't been around. ¬ ¬ My brother's stupid new security systems wouldn't let me in. But! I am back! We have fixed the situation.
Well I just got over having mono. - - Yes...the "kissing disease". But I swear that's ~not~ how I got it. S-kun got it after me! And I have ~not~ been kissing other guys. I swear! I musta drank after someone...Anywho! Mono is NOT fun. At all. I couldn't eat anything! And the worst part was, I was in North Carolina! In the mountaims! So the pressure made it so much worse. And I wasn't able even to drink water! So I got dehydrated and threw up one day. I was so miserable. But thank God I got over it and I'm all better!
Speaking of God, ^__^ I'm getting baptised soon! I dunno when...But I decided I want to get baptised because, not to offend anyone's religion, but I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. And baptism is an act of obidience towards Him. Yay!
And speaking of acceptance, I got accepted into this writing institute! It this thing where you are tutored at home by a published author or publisher and they help you to work to become a published author. So cool!
I'm going to post Chapter 3 tomorrow. If ya'll want me to still. I finished the whole thing though! Yay! It's not as long as I thought it was going to be but it's still pretty good my friend says.
North Carolina was great! Well, when I actually got to do something. We went camping up there at the KOA in Cherokee on the Cherokee reservation. It's so pretty up there. And thank God I got to actually do something. I was sick! I mean really sick. Mono sucks! My mom said I sounded like death on the phone lol. We got home Saturday. Well...Sunday morning actually. I went straight to bed.
Yesterday though I got to see my cousin! He's so cool. He's like my brother because we grew up together. And he approved of S-kun! Yay! Hehe.
Well that's about it. So I shall visit everyone's sites! Yay! Or try to. The quote of the day is: "Git-er-done!!"
-Larry the Cable Guy
I know, I know. It's so old but it was EVERYWHERE in NC. Haha. See you space cowboy...
Comments (3) |
Thursday, June 9, 2005
Guardian of Earth Chapter 2
Voice: Mia...
A teenage girl looks up.
Girl: Huh?
She is sitting on the floor of a mirrored room, putting on the gloves of a fencing uniform. Another teenage girl is standing beside her.
Other girl: Hey knuckle-head! You awake?
Girl: No Lyn I'm not. I'm just having an out-of-body expeirence.
Lyn: Oh ha ha.
The girl finishes putting her gloves on and stands up. There are other teenagers in the room, all wearing fencing uniforms.
Girl: New year, new teacher, eh?
Lyn: Yeah. I heard he's a student though. A junior. He just moved here.
Girl: How do you know these things?
Lyn: ^ ^ I'm just special like that.
The door slams and a young man walks in, wearing a fencing uniform and carrying a clip-board.
Young man: All right class. My name is Richi Lutman. I'm sure you've heard I'm your new teacher. Well, I'm not. My family is a friend of Mrs. Ryell and she wanted me to help her out. Now she's sick today so I'll be your instructor.
Richi looks at his clip-board.
Richi: I see most of you are sophmores. Now I'm new here so I don't know anyone's name. But when I call it, please say "here". Anna Kolowski?
Anna: Here!
Lyn (whispering): Told you, Mia.
Mia(""): I didn't say anything.
Lyn (""): He's kinda cute.
Mia (""): ¬ ¬ You have a boyfriend.
Lyn (""): I didn't mean for me.
Mia rolls her eyes.
Mia (""): Puh-lease.
Richi: Mianna Gearing?
Mia: Just Mia please.
Richi: ...Ok. Sorry.
He marks something on his clip-board.
Lyn (""): Way to break the ice.
Mia (""): Shut up.
Richi: Lyn Keirsly?
Lyn: Here.
Chapter 2-End
Summer: Day XVI
^^;; I just woke up. Actually I woke up at around 8:00 because S-kun called. ^__^ He's coming home tomorrow! Yay!
¬ ¬ I think what got me out of bed though was those stupid, inconsiterate, think they know it all IDIOTS next door. Who mowes their lawn at 8:30 in the morning?! Two of their children look like Gollum from LOTR. It's scary. Especially the baby. That is an UGLY baby. > >;; It's scary to look at him...
Last night I had rehersals again. Yip-ee...- - I swear I'll be dead by our fist concert. But our school was on the news last night! Not for very long though. But it did show Mr. D-san and a few of our principle players. The whole thing was about Midwest. ^__^ I felt special even though I wasn't on there.
o.O Tsuki Mr. N-san was in shorts...It was scary...
Ok I won't bore you anymore with my babling since this is probably really long already. ^__^ Tell me how you like Chapter 2!
The quote of the day is: "Wait I'm not a criminal!...Whoa, that makes me sound even more like a criminal."
-Spike Spiegel
See you space cowboy... |
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