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High school student, personal manga artist, author, and master thief (mwaha).
Real Name
You can call me Jinku and that's enough for you.
Write my own mangas that are not fanfics, surviving freshman year, getting my permit, and making my school's top orchestra.
Anime Fan Since
o.O Uh...fifth or sixth grade...?
Favorite Anime
(These aren't in any order by the way) Cowboy Bebop, Inu Yasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Dragonball/DBZ, Trigun, Gundum Wing, G Gundum, Case Closed (Detective Connan), Fruits Basket, Kodocha, and that's really all I can think of at this moment...
TO FINISH ANY STORY THAT I'VE STARTED!!!!!!!!! And to pass high school and get into college.
Drawing and writing (duh......) and reading (no I don't have much of a life)
Drawing, writing, and playing the violin.
| Jinku the Kitsune
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Ahhhh...- - Summer
Well, it's the first day of summer. - - And I'm stuck at home doing absolutly nothing! T^T I had totally forgot I had violin lessons today so now I can't go see Star Wars! *cries* T.T I'm sorry everyone. Anyways, yestreday I went to church for like the first time on a Tuesday in a couple of weeks! See I've had orchestra stuff to deal with lately so I couldn't go. But anyway, it was fun! When we first got there, S-kun and another girl, who acts like bitch a lot, got into a fight. Sorta. I don't even remember how it started but S-kun said, "You'd just love to see us (him and I) break up wouldn't you?" And she was denying it because she would really love to even though she has her own boyfriend she still hist on S-kun. So anyway, we all went outside for the first part of the lesson...which had nothing to do with the lesson. We played a game. Boys against girls. There were two bowls full of water with thwo of those squishy water ball in 'em. Ya know the water bombs or whatever? Anyway, then at the back of the line, there was a bowl of boiled eggs. The person in the front of the lines (S-kun and I) had to grab the ball out of the bowl with our teeth, pass it to the person behind us with our teeth and so on. The last person had to then grab an egg and toss it to the person in front which they had to hit it with a plastic tennis racket. Then the person in front had to grab a basketball and run to the basketball court (yes we have one), make a basket, then run back and break the second egg. We did all that and while I was running back, a small child stopped in front of me, asking for the ball. I was running as fast as I could and I didn't want to run him over so I don't know what happened, but I fell. - - Road-rash on both hands. It hurt. ^ ^ It was fun though. Our Youth leader D-san took pics of all this so you can go here to see our church's site. ^__^ It's awsome. But some of the pics aren't working (they have tose little X's) so I don't know if there's a pic of me there or not. But if there is, ^___^ you'll have to figure out which one I am!! Hehe! So now the quote of the day is: "YEah I ran away once. I was gone for two hours and then I came back. Because I got hungry."
-M-san (friend from math class)
See you space cowboy...
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
-->Summer Starts Here
*screams* ^0^ SCHOOL'S FINALLY OUT!!!! Oh my gosh!! I'm sooooo happy!!! Finally!! Summer!! w00t! And in recognition of that, new theme! Like yes? ^__^ I love Kenshin when he's a chibi! So I have no idea what I got on my bio exam but I got a 92 on my English exam! Yay!! I am just so happy it's summer! I don't really have much to say today...^__^ But I shall get to every one's site who's updated! Oh! Again in recognition of summer, me, K-chan, Tsuki, K.R.E.G., Kioko, J-san (K-chan's boyfriend), and S-kun are gonna see Star Wars! Again! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ I ish excited! SO now I shall leave you with the quote of the day (K-chan'll like this): "Not all who wander are lost."
-J.R.R. Tolkien
See you space cowboy...
P.S. I'm now taking fan art requests so PM me!
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Monday, May 23, 2005
It's finally hot!
Phew! It's hot today! I had to walk to school this morning and I was sweating when I got there. Today was quite blah and exhausting. But first I shall tell you about my weekend: Ok, on Staurday, I got my hair trimmed and took a good half-inch off. She didn't blow dry my hair so it could "scrunch". It really just curled by itself. ^___^ I love my curly hair. Anywho, we had to drop my brother off at his girlfriend's house. She's sooo cute! Nice too. Quiet, but the girl-next-door look. She has an older brother who goes to my school. I looked in the year book for him (I didn't get to meet him) and he looks kinda funny heh. Anywho, when we got home I talked on the phone with S-kun for a while until I had to start getting ready for my mom's friend S-san's wedding. It was at the beach. She looked soooo pretty! She was gorgeous. It was funny though becasue they dropped her ring and it fell between the cracks of the board walk! They found it though. Good thing too. Another really weird thing was that I saw my old softball coach there. My mom's like: "What're you doing here?!" She was the groom's sister! It was sooo weird. My mom couldn't get over it. I got kinda bored later on so I called S-kun and invited him over. He met S-san and apparently my mom told her a lot about S-kun so she was like, "Oh you're the boyfriend!!" S-kun was like, "Uhh...yeah." It was funny. ^__^ She said we looked cute together. Hehe. Yesterday I saw Star Wars!!! It was sooooo GOOD!! XD Not gonna tell ya'll anything though! ~.^ Don't want to spoil it for ya! But I'll tell ya one thing because all ya Star Wars junkies know Aniken turns to the dark side or else there would be no Han Solo!! Haha. Anywho, when Aniken took his first breath as Darth Vader in his suit, I got chills. It was sooooo cool! So that was my weekend. Today I had my journalism and geometry exams. - - I didn't do as well as I thought. Gah....Oh well. I shall leave you with the quote of the day: "Luke, I am your father."
-Darth Vader (a.k.a. Aniken Skywalker)
See you space cowboy...
P.S. I am now taking any art requests!
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Friday, May 20, 2005
Yay!! (< '.') ('.' >)
^__^ I'm so glad! The first day of exams is over!! It was a really easy day. We didn't have to play today! So all we did was sit around and do nothing. It was great. Hah. And I got my yearbook! Weeee! My history exam was pie too. After the exam we got to watch the "Smallville" season finale. My teacher's obsessed with the show. We've watched all of the first season and some of the second. I think I'm getting more into it the more I watch it. I was really into the finale though. I had to laugh at myself. How ya like the new layout? I know I have to fix the background so ya'll can see the whole thing. This is in honor of "Star Wars Episode III: Return of the Sith". *shivers* ^0^ I can't WAIT to see it!!! ^__^ Summer movies are the best. And I can't wait for "Batman Begins". I LOVE Batman. *glomps Batman* Oh those are dancing Kirbies up top by the way. Oh! A while ago I drew this pic of Batman, Nightwing, Robin, and Batgirl. ^__^ I think I'll post it today. Check it out f you have a chance. *big puppy-dog eyes* Pah-weeeeeeease? Haha. Anywho, the quote of the day is: "Beer: The cause and solution to all of life's problems."
-Homer Simpson
See you space cowboy...
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Well it finally feels like the end of school. Today we cleaned out our lockers. I had a lot of crap in there. Haha. Finals start tomorrow. Hoo-rah. ^-^ At least that means there's three days of school left! Tomorrow I have my orchestra final first and then my world history final. I'm not too stressed about either of them. Monday I have journalism and then geometry. My journalism test isn't going to be hard at all considering we did most of it on the computer and the rest is just mostly a take-home thing. It's all in our notes and handouts! w00t! And geometry is open notes too! Hooray!! Then on Tuesday (last day!) I have biology and English. I'm really stressing about the bio test. But I finally have an A in that class! More w00t! ^___^ I think I FINALLY have straight A's!!!!! I've never had straight A's. In my life! If I do, I get $50! ^___^ Mangas galore! (sp?) Haha. *screams* STAR WARS CAME OUT TODAY!!!!!! Holy crap! I can't WAIT to see it!!! Well, I'll leave you with the quote of the day since I have to start practicing my violin for my final. I have to play the All-County music for next year undertempo and I have to play two three-octave scales. If you don't know what this means, don't ask. It's hard to explain. Anywho, the quote of the day is: "My karma ran over my dogma."
And I have some Star Wars pics for ya! ^__^ Enjoy! See you space cowboy...

^__^ Hehe.

I thought this was so funny! A storm trooper on the toilet!! *falls out of chair laughing*
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
O.O Wow...
Holy crap...^^;; Guess I haven't updated in a while. See, my brother disabled the cookies and I haven't been able to get them off. Or..on. Plus the teachers havae been cramming us with homework lately since school's alomost over. Weeeeee! The on;y reason I get to update today is because I'm home sick. Gah. - - I had Banquet last night and I think the chocolate moose pie got to me...Well, let's see...what has been going on? Well, Friday was the military ball at S-kun's school! ^___^ It was so much fun!! I'll show pics as soon as I can. It was a lot of fun. ¬ ¬ Until someone pissed me off anyway. And I'm not going to mention any names. And it wasn't S-kun either. The person I'm talking about I'm really worried about her because she's lying and doing things she's not supposed to and I just want her to know I DO have the right to be worried about her but she DOESN'T have the right to lie to us and her parents and then accuse us of lying!! Just had to get that off my chest. Anywho, ^__^ Tsuki spent the night Friday! It was fun. We watched "Chicago". Saturday we went to see "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" with S-kun and his friend N-kun. That was sucha great movie!! ^__^; The dolphin's singing kinda threw me off heh. After that, we all came back to my house and hung out until N-kun and Tsuki had to leave. Before though, Tsuki and I made some mean burgers! They were good. Sunday on the way to church, I foung out one of our Youth members had ran away. S-kun's dad found him, thank God. It's a really big complicated thing. Poor guy though. Please keep him in your prayers if you have room. After church, S-kun's mom took me, S-kun, and his two brothers to the Fun Attic! It's this really cool place. It's like a giant McDonald's playground. It's mostly for younger kids but if you can fit and you're sixteen or under, it's a lot of fun. ^__^; S-kun could hardly fit though haha. He's got such broad shoulders. ^___^ Yesterday was S-kun's and my eighth-month anniversery. Pretty long eh? He was going to get me "Phantom of the Opera" but he said everyone was sold out. ^ ^ So he got me this pretty locket instead. He put mine and his pictures in it. It's kinda small though but it's still a good pic of him. Later that night, I had Banquet to go to. It's an award ceremony for music people. It was really boring because it took them an hour and a half just to serve the frikkin' salad!! And all I got anyway was a letter for my letterman jacket (if I had one). So after dessert we just left. It was like 9:30 by the time we got home. T^T And the dessert was making my tummy upset. That's pretty much what has been going on. I'll definently get to poeple's sites today and answer my guest book. I have nothing better to do! The quote of the day is: "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes."
-Frieda Norris
See you space cowboy...
P.S. Which anime chracter do I remind you people most of?
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Friday, April 29, 2005
^__^ I'm listening to Relient K. I love them! S-kun burnt the two CDs he has for me. *screams*
Inuyasha: Gah!
me: ^0^ I got my new violin today!!!!! I'm sooooo HAPPY!!!!
Yumi: Hey! Inu is all over your site! Haha!
me: ^-^ Hehe. Sorry I'm a little hyper. And I promise that I'll get to all your sites since I have no homework (in other words, not doing it) and it's FRIDAY!!!!! Yay!
Ed: Edward is done playing game game!
me: So you beat him?
Ed: Who? I beat who? Of course I beat everyone. Or do I? Yes yes? No no? Do you know shoooooe?
all: o0;;
me: Yeah I think she beat my brother. I just realized something. Ed reminds me of this kid in my math class. > >;; He's a stoner though. Yay! Pizza!! Well there's my dinner so I'll leave you with the quote of the day: "What'd you say? Come and stay! And eat in teh U.S.A.!"
-Some Dutch song on (it was funny!)
See you space cowboy...
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
There has been ~so~ much going on!! Ok, the first HUGE thing is, ^0^ I MADE THE TOP ORCHESTRA AT SCHOOL!!!! This means I get to go to Midwest!! That's that orchestra Olympics thing I was ranting about! *screams* ^__________________^ I AM SOOOO HAPPY!!! And I changed my site around. Yay! ^__^ Inuyasha. Well I can't talk long. But here's the quote of the day: "It's not funny until someone loses an eye. Then it's ping-pong."
See you space cowboy...
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Scratch on the baby-sitting.
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*gasp* A smiley!!!
Holy crap! I never use these any more! I am sorry people for not answering those guest book signings. Time slipped away from me...I swear I'll do it tonight! - - I had kinda depressing day...- - Don't want to talk about it. I feel like drawing. Gah...I have to baby-sit tonight. Hoo-rah. Well I won't talk too long so I can visit everyone! And I'll get to those guest books! Promise! Well, I better go. The quote of the day is: "Are the voices talking to you again?"
"You're just jealous 'cause they only talk to me."
-Mr. M-san and S-san
^__^ I want a shirt that says somehting like that. Hahaha. See you space cowboy...
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