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Saturday, July 17, 2004

Through the Looking Glass (Part 9)
Kitty walks into the sitting room. Daedalus is in one of the chairs reading. There is a fire in the fireplace. Kitty sits in a chair across from Daedalus. He doesn't look up.
Kitty: Is, uh, that a good book?
Daedalus: It's ok.
Kitty: What's it about?
Daedalus shuts the book. He puts his chin in his hand and holds the book up to look at it.
Daedalus: You know, I really don't know.
Kitty: Hehehehahaha.
Daedalus: Oh you think that's funny do you?
Kitty: I'm sorry. Heh. It's just you remind me of an American friend I have. He'd say about the same thing.
Daedalus: Were's...American...?
Kitty: Well it's America. It's across the ocean from England.
Daedalus: Oh.
He gets up and drops the book in Kitty's lap.
Daedalus: Here. Find out what it's about. I can't seem to get into it.
Daedalus walks over to the bookcase. Kitty takes the book and walks over to the bookcase and stands next to him.
Enid pokes her head out of the kitchen doorand see them talking. She smiles and goes back in the kitchen. Daedalus takes a book off the shelf and looks at it.
Kitty: You know, I never got to thank you for saving my life. So, thank you.
Daedalus glances at her. She smiles. He blushes and looks back at his book. Kitty sees a small glass orb on one of the shelves She points at it.
Kitty: What's that?
Daedalus looks at where she's pointing.
Daedalus: It shows the emotion of whoever is holding it. I don't know what it's called. It was our father's.
Kitty: Was that his sword in the dinning room?
Daedalus puts the book back and picks out another.
Daedalus: No that was Enid's husband's. Our father's is over there.
He points to the sword on the table.
Kitty: Oh. Are they...?
Daedalus: Dead.
He walks over to his chair and sits down. Kitty looks at the orb again.
Kitty: Is it ok if I pick it up?
Daedalus shrugs. Kitty picks it up and brings it back with her and sits down. A cloud of colors begins to form. Daedalus looks up.
Daedalus: Confused, worried, thankful.
He looks back down at his book.
Kitty: Really?
She brings it close to her face and looks into it.
Kitty: How can you tell? Because you hit the nail right on the head.
Daedalus: Different clors mean different things.
Kitty: Oh so it's like a mood ring.
Daedalus looks up.
Daedalus: A what?
Kitty: Nothing. Here you try.
She holds it out to him. He puts down his book and takes the orb. A differnt colored cloud appears.
Daedalus: Anger, sorrow, hatred. Never changes.
Kitty: Daedalus...that's awful.
Daedalus gets up and drops the orb in Kitty's lap like the book.
Daedalus: Good night.
He turns around turns around and walks twoards the door.
Kitty: Good night, Daedalus.
He stops before the door and glances back at her. He then opens the dorr and closes it be hind him. Kitty stands up with the orb and book in her hand and walks over to the book shelf. She places the orb where she got it and walks twoards the kitchen door. She enters the kitchen to find Enid washing dishes. Enid looks up.
Enid: Turning in for the night?
Kitty: I was but do you need any help in here?
Enid: No dear. I've got it. The room next to your's is where you can wash up.
Kitty: Alright. Enid?
Enid: Yes?
Kitty: I just want to thanks you, so much, for letting me stay here.
Enid: Well what else is one going to do when one's brother brings in an unconscience, dripping wet girl in his arms? Turn her out? Kitty, you stay here as long as you like. Until you find out where your England home is, this is your home.
Kitty: Thank you Enid. Really. I'm very, very greatful. Godd night.
Enid: Godd night, dear. See you in the morning.
Kitty turns around and starts walking twoards her room. She stops and looks back at Enid.
Kitty: In his arms?
Enid looks back at her and smiles.
Enid: Yes he did.
We now see Kitty shutting the door to her room in her night shirt with a lamp. She sets the lamp down on her night stand and gets in bed. She puts the lamp out.
Kitty (thinking): "Maybe this is just a dream. Maybe when I wake up, I'll be home."
The same little girl is running through the burning buiding. A slim boy is running behind her with his sword out.
boy: Aino! Run! Run away! AAHHH!!!
His eyes glow red.
boy: 'Yes run little princess!'
He slashes her across the back and onto her left arm.
girl: Ahh!!
boy: Aino! Forgive me!
The little girl makes it out of the building and continues running. She trips and looks back. The boy's figure is shadowed and is standing in the middle of the burning rubble with his eyes glowing red and his sword in hand. The girl quickly gets up and starts running again. She runs into an enormous dark figure, which knocks her to the groud. She looks up frightened and gets up and continues running in another direction. Another figure appears like the first one and she runs into it. She gets up and runs in the opposite direction. Another figure appears. All three close in upon her.
boy: Aino!
Through the Looking Glass Part 9-End

Well there you go. Hehehehehe...Did I leave you hanging? Well that's what makes a good author! Mwahahahahahaha!! ;3 But you did get to see more of just Daedalus. Yay Daedalus! I don't know what it is about them, but I just love stoic guys! Don't you? Ah! And I added more to the dream. o0 Who do ~you~ think the boy is? Sorry I'm a little hyper. And hungry. ^ ^ Sam said he'd burn me ACDC: Back in Black. Yay ACDC! I don't know about you, but I think the lead singer sounds like a chipmunk on crack when he sing 'You Shook Me All Night Long'. Does anybody even know what a chipmunk on crack even sounds like? Oh well. And the moral for today is: Never eat ravioli for breakfast. - - I didn't have anything else to eat. See you space cowboy...

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