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Anywhere but the real world...probably...
Member Since
High school student, personal manga artist, author, and master thief (mwaha).
Real Name
You can call me Jinku and that's enough for you.
Write my own mangas that are not fanfics, surviving freshman year, getting my permit, and making my school's top orchestra.
Anime Fan Since
o.O Uh...fifth or sixth grade...?
Favorite Anime
(These aren't in any order by the way) Cowboy Bebop, Inu Yasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Dragonball/DBZ, Trigun, Gundum Wing, G Gundum, Case Closed (Detective Connan), Fruits Basket, Kodocha, and that's really all I can think of at this moment...
TO FINISH ANY STORY THAT I'VE STARTED!!!!!!!!! And to pass high school and get into college.
Drawing and writing (duh......) and reading (no I don't have much of a life)
Drawing, writing, and playing the violin.
| Jinku the Kitsune
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Through the Looking Glass (Part 10)
We now see Kitty srawled out on hr bed in the morning. She yawns and stretches, then opens her eyes. She looks around.
Kitty: I...guess it's not a dream.
We then see Kitty walking down the hall into the kitchen fully dressed. She yawns. Wverybody is sitting at the table. They look up.
Enid: Oh so you are alive.
Enid smiles.
Llyr: You missed breakfast.
Kitty blushes.
Kitty: Oh no! Did I?! I'm so sorry!
Enid: It's alright. Come have some lunch.
Kitty walks over and sits down. She puts some of the porckchops they are having for lunch on her plate. She also adds some green beans.
Enid: Daedalus, could you and Kitty go down to the market after lunch? Pick something up for dinner.
Daedalus quickly glances at Kitty. He nods and goes back to his food.
Enid: Oh, Kitty. You can ride right?
Iris: Mother? I'm finished. Can I go outside and play now?
Enid: Get your coat. It's getting pretty cold out there.
Iris: Ok.
Iris stands up and goes into the sitting room.
Enid: Llyr, are you done?
Llyr: Yes.
Enid: Why don't yougo outside with Iris. Keep an eye on her please.
Llyr: Yes Mother.
She gets up and follows Iris.
Enid: And don't forget your coat! It's August and it's this cold out?
Kitty: It's August?! It's like November outside!
Enid: I know. I don't know what's going on in this world anymore.
Daedalus stands up.
Daedalus: Let's go.
Kitty: Oh ok.
Kitty grabs a biscut and follows Daedalus out the door. We then see Kitty standing in front of a small stable. Daedalus walks out leading two horses. A bay and a black one with a white stocking on his left back leg.
Daedalus: The back one's your's. His name's Osin. He was my father's. He's a little fiesty.
Osin lays his ears back.
Daedalus: I'd let you ride Aglaia, but she won't listen to anyone but me. Sorry these are the only horses we have. Except Harmonia but she's going to be foaling here soon.
Kitty: Oh that's wonderful! I'm sure I'll be able to get along with Osin. He's very handsome.
Kitty reaches out to pet Osin's nose. He pulls back a little. Kitty touches his nose and his ears perk up. She begins to stroke Osin's nose. Daedalus is still holding his reins.
Daedalus: He seems to like you.
Kitty: That's good.
Daedalus hands Kitty Osin's reins and he mounts Aglaia. Kitty mounts Osin. Kitty begins to stroke Osin's neck. Aglaia moves forward and Osin follows. After a while of riding:
Daedalus: Why were you crying last night? I could hear you from across the hall.
Kitty: Was I? Well...I was having this really weird nightmare. Sorry.
Kitty: I've started reading that book.
Daedalus glances at her.
Kitty: It's really good. I don't know why you couldn't get into it.
Daedalus shrugs. They come up to a frok in the road. They take the left side.
Kitty: How far is the market from here?
Daedalus: Not far.
Kitty: Oh.
After another while of riding, they come to a dusty opening in the road. There are rows of shops and stands. There is a post where you can tie your horses up at. They ride up to it and dismount. They tie their horses up and walk into the market.
Through the Looking Glass Part 10-End
Wow! Part 10 already! Last night, I got in a squirt gun fight with Sam, his brothers, my brother, and our neighbors. It was so much fun! And thank God I wasn't wearing a white shirt. I was soaked! But it was so much fun! Hmm...All of a sudden I really want to go to the beach and go surfing. Yes I can surf. But my dad hasn't taken us to the beach in a while. Maybe if it doesn't rain today he'll take me. Yay! And the moral for today is: If you're going to get in a squirt gun fight with the kids in your neighborhood, and you're the only girl, do not, and I repeat, do NOT wear a white shirt. I know I didn't but I'm just telling you. See you space cowboy...
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