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myOtaku.com: Jinku the Kitsune

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Gah!!! What's wrong with me?!!! *holds head and runs around in circles* Why do I have a permanent brain fart?!!! ¬ ¬ I blame high school for this. - - I have the worst brain fart/writer's block. OOO! I've always been really bad at math right? Well, yesterday I had to make up my math test because I thought I was going to be sick. Well, I didn't know how to do any of it before yesterday. But at lunch yesterday, I had to ultra-cram because after lunch is fifth period and that's when I have math. So I'm all freaking out and hitting my head and ultra-cramming and scarfing my food down like it's going out of style while James (yahiko601) is sitting there saying how weird I was! Gah! Basterd! So he reads the problem to me, and then all of a sudden, I understood it! OMG I felt so empowered! So I went to geometry and took the test and finished in only like fifteen m inutes where everybody else had finished in like a half hour! Whoo! ^ ^ So I'm very happy about that. Yesterday Kioko and James walked home with me from school and we hung out for a while. ^ ^ I had fun! We played night tag with S-kun and everybosy else on the street. ^0^ It was so much fun! There was a foot ball game last night too, but we decided not to go to that. Dunno why. - - Well we lost anyway. I talked to my friend online and she's like: "Yeah we lost bad. Like 27 to 43." Something like that. All I know is we lost by about twenty or so points. - - How embarrassing. My brother's got a football game today. *snicker* I think our whole city sucks at football. Gah. *yawn* - - James kept me up on the phone until 2:30. It's very unusual for me to stay up that late without me watching tv or something. So, I now leave you with the moral for today: Never chase a guy who's older than you with three-inch platform shoes on. And don't drink milk before doing so either. - - I almost broke my ankle and threw up lat night. See you spcae cowboy...

^ ^ The all time greatest action show EVA! ^ ^ Can't hate the Dragonball Z! ¬ ¬ But you can hate the GT...

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