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myOtaku.com: Jinku the Kitsune

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Paint and broken computers.
Yes. Paint. I am painting my mother a picture for Christmas. No it's not anime. *whispers* She's not really into it. But! "tis a picture of a margarita with an island coming out of the drink. It's going to look pretty cool once it's done. I'll make sure to send a pic in. ^ ^ I think my artist's mind is coming back. Yay! Hehe. Now ont the subject of - - my broken computer. See, I typed some parts up that follows part 33 yesterday but sadly - - I didn't send them to my dad's. *hits on head* Stupid stupid. *shivers* Brr. 'Tis cold! 'Twas snowing in South Carolina near the beach yesterday! ^_____^ It would be soooo cool if it would snow down here. That'd be awsome!! OMG!!! I didn't know this before I posted yesterday, but my dad's gril friend also stole my favorite body spary! Gah!!! *cries* Because of this INSANITY, I have turned to theivery myself. If you are to look at my profile now under "Occupation" you will see. Oh now I'm really mad. I just got a phone call from my dad (I told him that she's taking my stuff) and he said he talked to her and he said that she didn't have it. *imitates dad* "She even dumped out her purse to show me." WELL OF COURSE IT'S NOT GOING TO BE IN HER PURSE!! IT'S A PRETTY BIG BOTTLE!!! ¬ ¬ Idiot. Grr. It's not where I left it Friday. I checked my room and I've checked my dad's room. It's not anywhere. For all I know, she probably took it home. That is if she ~has~ a home. She's always here! It's getting ~really~ annoying. I'll try to make it to everyone's sites today. Yes and I did cange my theme because the Kodocha one was too hard to read (incase you didn't notice). The moral of the day is: Set your boundaries. Especially when living with someone whom you HATE with a PASSION. See you space cowboy...
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