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Anywhere but the real world...probably...
Member Since
High school student, personal manga artist, author, and master thief (mwaha).
Real Name
You can call me Jinku and that's enough for you.
Write my own mangas that are not fanfics, surviving freshman year, getting my permit, and making my school's top orchestra.
Anime Fan Since
o.O Uh...fifth or sixth grade...?
Favorite Anime
(These aren't in any order by the way) Cowboy Bebop, Inu Yasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Dragonball/DBZ, Trigun, Gundum Wing, G Gundum, Case Closed (Detective Connan), Fruits Basket, Kodocha, and that's really all I can think of at this moment...
TO FINISH ANY STORY THAT I'VE STARTED!!!!!!!!! And to pass high school and get into college.
Drawing and writing (duh......) and reading (no I don't have much of a life)
Drawing, writing, and playing the violin.
| Jinku the Kitsune
Wednesday, January 5, 2005
Through the Looking Glass (Part 37)
We see Daedalus walk into a room with his hand still glowing. There is a bed in the middle of the room with a night stand next to it on the left with an oil lamp and music box on it. There is a fireplace to Daedalus' right with a fire in it. There are scattered childern's toys throughout the room. There is a small table with equally small chairs on the other side of the room.
Daedalis: Aino? Aino where are you?
Daedalus: Oh no...
He runs out of the room. We see Lycurgus in the parlour trying to pick up. Daedalus runs in. Lycurgus looks up.
Daedalus: Have you seen Aino?!
Lyucurgus: She's not in her room?
Daedalus: No!
Daedalus, with his hand still glowing, turns and runs out of the parlour followed by Lycurgus. They are running down a hall both calling her name. The hallway branches off to the right and Daedalus keeps running forward while Lycurgus takes the right hallway. He then runs back out and follows Daedalus. Daedalus and Lycurgus find themselves in the partially roofless, shambled throne room. There is snow covering the floor where the roof is missing. Aino is amidst the snow on her hand and knees sifting through it. Daedalus and Lycurgus run up. Daedalus kneels down beside her.
Daedalus: Aino are you alright?!
Aino: Yes, I'm fine.
Lycurgus: Thank goodness! You gave us quite the scare. Daedalus here was white as a-
Daedalus glares up at him.
Lycurgus: And I'm shutting up now.
Daedalus looks back at Aino.
Daedalus: Aino, what are you doing?
Aino: I'm looking for the hilt.
She sits up.
Aino: Can you melt the snow?
Daedalus: Aino shouldn't we-
Aino is glaring up at him. Daedalus sighs, stands up, and holds out his hands. The snow begins to melt.
Lycurgus: And now we have water.
Daedalus: Shut up. It'll evaporate in a minute.
The water disappears. Aino scans the room.
Aino: I don't see it.
Lycurgus: Uh oh.
Daedalus: What?
Lycurgus: Didn't the A.F.E. investigate after the attack?
Daedalus: Yeah, so?
Lycurgus: Well, what if they brought the hilt back with them?
Aino jumps up and grabs Lycurgus by his shirt collar.
Aino: What?! Are you serious?! We came here for nothing?! Ahh!
She lets go of his collar and holds her head and drops to her knees. She begins to cry as it starts snowing.
Aino: I thought for sure it would be here...
Daedalus looks at Lycurgus who shrugs. Daedalus kneels beside Aino again. Daedalus: Aino...what's wrong?
Aino: I don't know anymore!! Everything...everything is all my fault!
Daedalus runs his hand through his hair. He sighs and picks Aino up "princess style" and stands up.
Lycurgus: Are you going to-
Daedalus: Yeah.
Daedalus walks out of the throne room carrying Aino. Lycurgus sighs, shakes his head and smiles. We see Daedalus walking up a flight of stairs with his hand glowing.
Aino: Daedalus I don't know what's wrong with me...I ahve so many confused emotons right now...
Daedalus: Shh, it's ok. I know.
He is walking down the hallway.
Aino: It's just...being here is bring back so many memories. Good and bad. The ones of my family and friends and the ones of them getting slaughtered!
She starts crying more heavily now.
Daedalus Shh...You're tired. You need to get some sleep.
He walks into Aino's room. He lights the oil lamp. He walks over to her bed, pulls back the covers, and softly lays her down. Aino yawns.
Aino: I remeber when you used to carry me up here after we had been running around outside and I had fallen asleep. Just like this. And I remeber *yawns* your smile.
Daedalus: Oh?
Aino: Yes.
He walks into Aino's room. He lights the oil lamp. He walks over to her bed, pulls back the covers, and softly lays her down.
Daedalus begins to unlace her boots. She sits up.
Aino: Oh let me do it.
Daedalus touches his hand on her shoulder.
Daedalus: I've got it.
Aino lays back down and smiles.
Aino: Daedalus?
Daedalus: Yes?
Aino: Daedalus, do you think we'll ever find all of the shards?
Daedalus: I honestly don't know.
Aino: *sigh* I hope so.
Daedalus: Me too.
He puts her boots on the floor.
Aino: And I'm sorry for earlier. I should've known bet-
Daedalus puts his finger to her lips.
Daedalus: Don't think about that.
He covers her with the blankets. He picks up the music box, winds it, sets it back down, and lets it play.
Aino: I've missed this song.
Daedalus: So have I. Now get some sleep. I think tomorrow we'll rest. We need to find some food too. A lot of things have been happening lately. I'm sorry.
Aino: It's not your fault. *yawns*
Daedalus: Sleep all you want, ok?
Aino: Ok.
Daedalus kisses her forhead. She smiles. He blows out the lamp and turns to leave.
Aino: Daedalus?
Daedalus stops and turns his head.
Daedalus: Yes?
Aino: Good night.
Daedalus: Night.
He walks out of the room and shuts the door. Lycurgus is standing next to the door with a candle in his hand.
Lycurgus: Did you tell her?
Daedalus: Don't you think I'd be in there a lot longer if I did?
Through the Looking Glass Part 37-End

Inuyasha: Wow. That was long.
Yumi: Yes indeed! Oh! Hello people! You are probably wondering where Jinku is!
Inuyasha: We hog-tied her and locked her in the closet.
Yumi: Just like she did to me yesterday! Whaaa!
Inuyasha: Yeah.
Yumi: She said something about me being annoying but I have no idea what on Earth she was talking about!
Inuyasha: ¬ ¬
Yumi: What?
Inuyasha: Nothing.
Yumi: Anywho! Jinksy said that she will probably get to everyone's sites today after her violin lessons and she does her homework.
Inuyasha: That is if we let her out.
Yumi: Oh course we'll let her out!
Inuyasha: Whatever. So I guess we'll do the moral for the day now.
Yumi: Yesh! The moral for the day is:''s uh...
Inuyasha: *scratches head* How does she come up with these?
*a scream is heard from the closet*
Yumi: Go check on her Inuyasha.
Inuyasha: Why do i have to?
Yumi: Because I'll tie your ears up again.
Inuyasha: Damn you.
Yumi: ^^ Hehe.
*Inuyasha walks over to the closet and opens door and unties me*
me: *runs out of closet like it's going out of style*
*a large cockroach follows me*
me (screaming): GET THE SHOOOOOOOOOE!! (inside joke)
Inuyasha: > >;; I worry about her.
Yumi: And the moral for the day is: ^^ Spray for bugs!
Inuyasha: - - See you space cowboy...
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