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myOtaku.com: Jinku the Kitsune

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Through the Looking Glass (Part 46)
We see the party, including Haiku, riding quickly along the road. Daedalus and Aino are on the horses and Haiku is driving a small cart drawn by a shabby painted brown and white pony with Lycurgus in the back (with hay) holding Damon. The sun is getting low.
Aino: It'll be dark soon.
Daedalus: We're half a day away from Surphicus. We can make it by morning if we ride all night. It's probably safer to travel by night anyway.
Lycurgus: Haiku, we're sorry for dragging you into this.
Haiku: I missed these kinds of adventures. So it's not all bad.
Aino yawns. Daedalus glances over at her then back at Haiku who also looks tired.
Daedalus: Hold.
He turns Aglaia around and everyone stops. He rides up to the cart.
Daedalus: Lycurgus trade places with Haiku. She's been driving all day.
Lycurgus and Haiku trade places Lycurgus handing Damon to Haiku. Daedalus dismounts ans walks Aglaia to the back of the cart. He ties her to the back.
Lycurgus: What're ~you~ doing?
Daedalus: ~I'm~ going to ride in the cart.
He motions to Aino to come to him. She blushes a little and rides to the back of the cart and dismounts. Daedalus ties Osin to the other side of the back of the cart. He clibs into the back of the cart followed by Aino.
Daedalus: Lycurgus, keep on this road. And don't take any detours.
Lycurgus: Ay, ay, capn'!
He touches the reins to the pony and the cart starts forward.
Daedalus: Whatever.
Through the Looking Glass Part 45-End

*listens to "The Phantom of the Opera" soundtrack* ^0^ It's soooooo GOOD!!!! ^______^ I wuv it muy much! Thanks Kioko and KK for burning it for me! Sorry for not posting yesterday, but I was trying to get a piece of glass that was stuck in my foot out. T^T It hurt really bad! ^ ^ But I got it out! Yay! So...yeah. I shall have to go so I can visit everyone's sites! Yay! So with that said, the moral for the day is: Always wear shoes whilst walking in the road at night! See you space cowboy...

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