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myOtaku.com: Jinku the Kitsune

Monday, February 7, 2005

Through the Looking Glass (Part 50)
Daedalus is laying down on one of the two beds in the room with his arms behind his head. Aino is laying on the other bed across the room. There is a fire place wit a fire in it on the opposite side of the room and an arm chair on Daedalus's side. There is also a window on his side over-looking the town. There is a closet on on Aino's side. There is a nightstand inbetween them with an oil lamp on it and a grandfather-clock facing it on the opposite wall. The door of the room is also on Aino's side.
Aino: We could play cards?
Daedalus: Left them at the castle.
Aino: Tic-tac-toe?
Daedalus: No paper. Or pen.
Aino: Rock paper scissors?
Aino: Well I don't know then!
She rolls over and faces her wall.
Aino: I spy with-
Daedalus: No!
Aino: I wonder what Lycurgus and Haiku are doing.
Daedalus: Flirting.
Aino: Ha, yeah. You know, Daedalus, you'vegotten a lot more light-hearted since we left A.F.E.
Daedalus: Oh?
Aino: And especially since we left the castle.
She rolls back over to face him. He's looking at her out of the corner of his eye. She smiles.
Aino: You're becoming happy again.
Daedalus looks at the ceiling.
Daedalus: Hmph. What makes you say that?
Aino: Well you're a ~lot~ more talkative, for one. And how caring you were being the other night when I was in hysterics.
Daedalus blushes but rolls over quickly so Aino can't see him.
Daedalus: Whatever.
Aino sits up and smiles.
Aino: Hey I know what we can do!
Daedalus groans.
Daedalus: What now...?
Aino: Can you teach me how to use a sword like you?
Through the Looking Glass Part 50-End

Hey Jude
Don't make it bad
Take a sad song
And make it better
Ok so the Eagles lost last night (damn Patriots!) but the half-time show was AWSOME!!!!! ~So~ much better than last year's let me just say that. Not only did people NOT take their clothes off *cough*JanetJackson*cough*slut*cough cough* but the actaually had ~real~ music! ^___^ I'm sucha big Beatles Fan. Hehe! I love them! I saw someone's icon on here and it showed all four of them pointing like that Uncle Sam thing and then it said, "I want you to be a Beatles fan" I thought that was so cool! Oh! And the thing where Alecia (sp?) Keys sang "America the Beautiful" in memory of Ray Charles and she said "Take it away Ray!" and it showed him singing on the screen thing the same song. That was so cool. I almost cried. And then of course, the commercials. Who doesn't love Super Bowl commercials? Haha! They really made fun of M.C. Hammer though didn't they? My dad just started cracking up with that one commercial where the closed his house or whatever? - - My dad is sucha fruit.
Yumi: Poor M.C. Hammer!
me: Oh I know!
Inuyasha: So you're uncle didn't come over?
me: T^T No...He's in Chicago on business.
Inuyasha: On Super Bowl weekend?! That sucks!
me: I know. And I wantd my Papa (grandpa) to come over too but he was relaxing because he's been cleaning out my great uncle's trailer.
Yumi: Why?
me: Oh he died.
Yumi and Inuyasha: o.o;
me: What? It's not like I knew him very well. - - But it is sad...Well anyway, the moral for the day is: Drugs are bad m'kay? (my great uncle did drugs and that's a reason why he had a heart attack and died) See you space cowboy...

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