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myOtaku.com: Jinku the Kitsune

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Well hello everyone.
^^;; Wow...Been a while eh? Sorry haven't been around much lately. School and church and what-not. *with Irish accent [yes I can do one!]* HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY!!!!!! Weeeeee! ^_____^ I love this holiday! I get to express my Irishness!!! Yay!! Anywho, ^______^ say hello to the bass player in our church's youth group band! *Yumi looks around*
Yumi: Where?
me: ¬ ¬ Me dumbass...Anywho....Yesh! We now have a youth band! It's awsome. We're called Simple Faith. We ~were~ the Arc Angels but S-kun decided to change it. Dunno why. But I didn't really care. ^__^ I liked 'em both! Yeah so like I said, I play the bass, S-kun plays the guitar and will probably do most of the singing (seeing hows I can't sing) and B-kun (another kid) plays the drums. Yes I said drums. ^___^ We got a drum set for the youth! Donated by anonymous people. Hehe. This girl wants to sing...*whisper* But she's not very good. Oh! ^___^ How d'yall like my new theme? ^___^ I likes it! Yu Yu Hakusho baby! Hehe. Yeah so that's really all I can say today because I have band practice tonight and I wanna get to everyone's sites! So, the quote for today is-
Yumi: Wait!
Inuyasha: Don't let her! She'll screw it up!
Yumi: ~I'm~ not going to do it anyway. She is! *Edward pops out of thin air*
Ed: Hellooooooooo!!!!
Inuyasha: *hits forhead* Great...another idiot.
Ed: Awww Ed not an idiot! -^__^- And the quote of the day is from Edward herself!
"All is fair and love and waaar!"
-Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV
me: See you space cowboy...

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