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myOtaku.com: Jinku the Kitsune

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Summer: Day IV

Yay! I'm actually going to do something today! ^___^ I'm going to the beach with my mom and her siblings (she has four but only three and their spouses are showing up...hopefully). See, - - my Auntie K-san and her husband my Uncle P-san are sadly moving back to Hawaii. So we probably won't see them until like...five years from now. ^__^ So my mom, my brother, me, S-kun (because he knows them), my Aunt W-san, her husband Uncle J-san, my uncle J-san (they don't have the same names), his wife Aunt M-san, and thier two kids L-chan, and P-kun are all going to the beach! > >;; Hopefully it won't rain. I dunno if I'm going to get to everyone's sites today. I shall try though. - -'''' Great...It looks as though it shall rain today...I'll check the weather. Even though they're never right lol. Do you all know Hunter Miyuki? Well, she's been kinda depressed lately and she needs all the cheerig-up she can get. SO please, if you know her or even if you don't, leave her a helping comment. Thanks. So now I shall leave you with the quote of the day:
"Her name in Latin would be 'Babulous Majorous'."
"If she were a president, her name would be 'Baberaham Lincoln."
-Wayne and Garth from "Wayne's World" (^___^ I watched it last night)
See you space cowboy...

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