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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Guardian of Earth: Chapter 4

Mia and Lyn walk through the door of a house.
Mia: I'll get the cookies.
Lyn: And I'll meet you in your room.
Mia walks past a small table up against the wall. There is a painting of a woman hanging over it.
Mia: Hi Mom!
Mia walks into her kitchen as Lyn walks up the stairs. An older woman is standing by the stove cooking.
Mia: Hi Grandma.
She opens the fridge door as the woman looks up.
Grandma: Hi dear. How as the first day of school?
Mia: It was ok. In fencing class, Mrs. Ryell got an assistant. His name is Richi Lutman. He's a junior.
She closes the door.
Grandma: Oh? Is he nice.
Mia: He's strict in class but Lyn and I sat with him at lunch and he was really nice. He just moved here from Ohio.
Grandma: Interesting. Dinner's going to be done in about a half hour if Lyn wants to stay. And remember that you need to practice your cello!
Mia: Ok.
She walks out of the kitchen with a plate of cookies and two glasses of milk. We now see Mia and Lyn in Mia's room playing video games. There's a knock at the door.
Mia: Come in!
The door opens and a young man is standing there.
Young man: Hey sis, there's a guy at the door.
Mia: Really? Ok Chris thanks.
The door shuts.
Lyn: Wonder who that is?
Mia: I dunno.
We now see them comming down the stairs. Richi is standing at the open door.
Mia: Richi?
Richi: Hey.
Mia meets him at the door.
Richi: Something smells good.
He walks in.
Mia: Won't you come in.
She shuts the door.
Richi: You left this in my class.
He hands her a cell phone.
Mia: Oh my gosh! I didn't even know it was gone!
Lyn: ^ ^ Wasn't that nice Mia?
Mia: How'd you know I lived here?
Richi: Uh...The sticker?
There's is a sticker on the back of her phone with her address on it.
Mia: -// - Oh...Right.
Lyn: You drove here just to give it back to her?
Richi: Actually I walked. I only live a street down.
Lyn: Really? Isn't that cool Mia?
Richi sees the painting of Mia's mother.
Richi: Who's that?
Mia: Hmm? ^__^ Oh she's my mom. Isn't she beautiful?
Mia's grandmother walks into the room.
Grandma: Hello. Is this your friend Mianna?
Mia: Yeah. This is Richi Lutman.
Grandma: Oh yes. The assistant. I'm Mianna's grandmother.
Richi: Hi there.
The door opens and an older man walks in.
Man: Uh...Hello.
Mia: Hey Dad.
Grandma: Alex, this is Mianna's assistant instructor in fencing class, Richi Lutman.
Richi: I was just returning her cell phone Mr. Gearing.
Alex: Uh...Ok.
Grandma: Richi, Lyn's staying for dinner tonight. Would you like to join us?
Richi: I'm sorry I can't. I have to baby-sit my little brother and sister.
Lyn: I have a little brother named Vaghn.
Richi: Cool. Well I should be getting back now. Nice meeting you all.
He walks out the door.
Alex: So what's for dinner?
We now see Richi sleeping in his bed. There are still a few boxes in his room. The window is open. An Angel apears sitting on his bed. Another appears floating next to the bed. They're hair moves as if it's under water and they both have sheathed swords at their sides.
Angel floating: What are we doing here?
Other Angel: Relax Destiny. I'm not going to wake him.
Destiny: He's not one of our regulars though.
Angel: So? I just have this feeling...
Destiny: Feeling huh?
Angel: Yeah. Like I'm supposed to pay extra close attention to this one.
She puts her hand on his cheek
Destiny: Come one. We have to go.
Angel: Alright, alright.
She floats off the bed and kisses Richi's forehead. Destiny appears out the window. The Angel disappears then reappears outside.

Summer: Day XXXVI
> < Sorry this chapter is so very long! *bows* - - Oh great now I have to go...Well I shall update about today tomorrow! Hehe! I hope I can get to everyone's sites! *bows* Sorry if I can't!
See you space cowboy...

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