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Monday, July 11, 2005

Guardian of Earth: Chapter 10

We now see Mia walk into her house. Her grandmother walks out of the kitchen.
Grandma: Mianna? Is something wrong?
Mia: I'm fine Grandma. I have a project to start. I'll be up in my room.
She is now in her room practicing her cello. Her phone rings. She picks it up.
Mia: Hello?
Voice: Hello, Katrina.
Mia: Uh...I think you have the wrong number.
Voice: I don't think so, Katrina Gearing. How long has it been?
Mia: Um...
Voice: Do you not remember me? You might not after that fall of yours. Listen my love, I want you to meet me somewhere. You know where I mean. The last place we said good-bye? I left you in quite a mess, Katrina. Meet me tonight.
The phone goes dead. Mia hangs it up.
Mia walks out of her room. We now see her walking down the stairs. Her dad comes in the house. He looks up when he sees Mia.
Alex: Hi honey. Smells like dinner's almost done.
Mia nods. Her dad walks into the kitchen.
Alex: Hey, Mom. What're we having?
Mia (thinking): "Are they hiding something from me? All of them? Should I ask about the phone call? He didn't leave a name...His voice sounded so familier...Maybe I should ask Chris..."
She walks back up the stairs. She is now infront of a door. She knocks and then opens it and sticks her head in.
Mia: Chris?
He is sitting at his desk doing homework.
Chris: Yeah?
Mia: I need to talk to you.
She walks in the room and shuts the door.
Chris: If you're pregnant, go ask Dad. He's the doctor.
Mia: That's...not it. And why would I be pregnant?!
Chris: Heh, sorry.
Mia: It's...it's about Mom.
Chris turns to her.
Chris: What about Mom?
Mia: I just got a phone call. He asked for Katrina Gearing.
Chris: What did you tell him?
Mia: He thought I was Katrina. Then I said he had the wrong number. Then he just kept talking like I was her. I couldn't tell him she was dead.
Chris: It was a man?
Mia nods.
Mia: He called her his "love". Chris was Mom cheating on Dad?
Chris: Mia, no. She wasn't. She loved Dad more than anything. Until we were born, heh. He was an old flame. A very old flame.
Mia: He wanted her to meet him. At...the last place they said good-bye?
Chris: Just don't worry about it.
Grandma from downstairs: Kids! Supper's ready!
Chris stands up and walks past Mia to the door. He turns and smiles.
Chris: Come on. I'm hungry.

Summer: Day XXXXVIII

>.< Sorry it's so long! Gah!
^__^ But how do you like my new theme? Fruits Basket! Yay!
I won't talk too long. Tomorrow's chapter is a lot shorter so I'll update you on my weekend. ^^;; Heh.
But! Good news! I've started drawing the first chapter. Yay!
And! I get to get a rat! YAY!! ^__^ My dad said it was ok. Hooray!
Now the quote: "I am a baby shrimpy! Weeeee!"
-My mom playing with a shrimp at a resturant
See you space cowboy...

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