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Anywhere but the real world...probably...
Member Since
High school student, personal manga artist, author, and master thief (mwaha).
Real Name
You can call me Jinku and that's enough for you.
Write my own mangas that are not fanfics, surviving freshman year, getting my permit, and making my school's top orchestra.
Anime Fan Since
o.O Uh...fifth or sixth grade...?
Favorite Anime
(These aren't in any order by the way) Cowboy Bebop, Inu Yasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Dragonball/DBZ, Trigun, Gundum Wing, G Gundum, Case Closed (Detective Connan), Fruits Basket, Kodocha, and that's really all I can think of at this moment...
TO FINISH ANY STORY THAT I'VE STARTED!!!!!!!!! And to pass high school and get into college.
Drawing and writing (duh......) and reading (no I don't have much of a life)
Drawing, writing, and playing the violin.
| Jinku the Kitsune
Saturday, October 1, 2005
My Fallen Angel: Chapter 35

Mia and Richi are now sitting on the couch. Ginger comes downstairs. When he sees her, Richi stands up.
Ginger: My what a gentleman you have here Mia.
Mia smiles and blushes a bit. Ginger shakes Richi's hand.
Ginger: You must be Richi. I've heard so much about you. I'm Ginger.
There is a baby crying upstairs.
Ginger: Oh that's Helen. Mia can you bring her down please?
Mia: Sure.
She gets up and goes upstairs.
Ginger: So, did you get a ring?
Richi: Huh?
Ginger: A ring! Don't you want to marry Mia? I know you love her.
Richi: Well, I, uh-
Alex walks into the room.
Alex: Stop harrassing the boy, Ginge.
Ginger: Oh spoil my fun. Anyway, Mia is so good with Helen. Ever since she was born Mia practicly never lets her out of her sight.
Richi: Yeah, Mia's always had that motherly aura about her.
Mia comes back downstairs carrying a baby and feeding it a bottle.
~Richi's daydream~
Mia smiles as she nears Richi.
Mia: Richi, isn't our daughter beautiful?
~End Richi's daydream~
Mia: Richi, this is my new sister, Helen. Isn't she so pretty?
Richi: Uh, hello.
Alex: Well we'll let you two have some talk time now.
Ginger: Do you want me to take Helen?
Mia: I got her.
Mia sits back down on the couch. Richi sits next to her.
Richi: I want one.
Mia: Yeah well don't look at me!
Richi: But I am.
Mia looks at him.
Richi: Mia I love you. So, much. And...I want to...
There is a car horn. Alex walks out.
Alex: Well that must be Chris with your present Mia!
Mia: Really?!
She stands up and gives Helen to Richi.
Mia: Can you hold her?
She runs outside.
Richi: - - Do I have a choice?
Mia screams outside.
>.< I am such a bad person! Being gone almost a month, leaving y'all hanging and now making y'all read all of this!! *hits self*
- - Tonight's the concert...bleh. T^T Saku-kun won't be able to see it becaue he's in Oregon! Whaaaa! Family emergency. I don't wna to go into too much detail (>.< he'll get mad at me!) but just keep his grandmother in your prayers. Please.
Well I wont't keep y'all so bai!
See you space cowboy...
And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!
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