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myOtaku.com: Jinku the Kitsune

Friday, November 25, 2005

New theme

^^ Hey y'all. I gots a new theme! Yay! Inuyasha Holidays!! I couldn't find a "Christmasy" song or pic for that matter but I like the song I have. ^^ Hehe.
So Thanksgiving at my uncle's was good. Everyone was there except my grandpa. T^T Which makes me sad. He's been "hermitized" ever since his brother died. T^T My poor Papa.
So, like expected, I got picked on; a lot. My cousin's husband "jokingly" accused me of stuffing my bra and my cousin B-san kept calling me fattie because I ate a lot. So I told him his hair looks like my dogs. Which it does because he has a fro.
^^ My baby! (whose hair looks like my cousin's)
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^^ But my cousin Kris-chan and Kim-chan taught me how to throw a proper right hook. X3 Mwahaha.
^0^ Saku-kun comes home tomorrow! Weeeeee!! Or reeeeally late tonight. ^^ I miss him!
Now I shall visit sites. Yay!!
See you space cowboy...

And please remember to check out my orchestra's website!

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