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myOtaku.com: JKaz56

Saturday, November 8, 2003

So tired... I had to be into work for 7am and I am NOT a morning person at all. Tie in that the kitties kept me awake all nite and I was running off nothing but caffeine. Yay. On a better note, I finally bought myself a scanner. Now I can actaully scan pictures in instead of taking pictures of them with my digital camera. And I found it at Wal-Mart for only $45. I was so happy. All their scanners went on clearance for some reason. Who am I to complain? So I scanned in some outlines of my sketches and my next step.... to attempt to colorize them in Photoshop. Whee! I started on two different ones already and hopefully I'll have one finished to post soon. I've never done this before so I hope no one is too hard on me. *smile* Nighty nite!
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