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myOtaku.com: JKaz56

Thursday, November 27, 2003

   Happy Turkey Day!!!
For all those who celebrate Thankgiving... Happy Turkey Day! I hope you all pig out and stuff yourselves with yummy food. *grins* I know I will! It's going to be a little weird for me this year though, since my brother won't be here and one of my aunts and my cousin won't be coming over. We always have Thanksgiving at our house. I feel bad for my brother. They just shipped him overseas yesterday morning. You'd think they could have at least waited one two more days, just so he could at least have Thankgiving in his own country. Oh well... *sigh* He's a pain, but my thoughts and prayers will be with him throughout the holiday season. It's actually really late for me right now. I'm such a nite owl! I'm going to bed so nighty-nite! I'll probably post a little later (when I wake up) *smiles* but til then... Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! ^_^
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