I can officially conclude that I'm horrible when it comes to writing essays. I won't get into that though... lol.
Well, maybe just a little. See, I can't organize my points correctly or something. Not to mention that I tend to unintentionally insert my opinions to try and tie things together, or finish a paragraph. My natural creative juices just get in the way of what I'm really supposed to do--which is state the facts in a non-biased way.
That just never seems to work for me. I can't write anything well if I can't fully express myself.
This makes it all the more difficult if I wanna minor in English or something. Everything is essay based. I want to be a novelist, where the only rules that really apply are grammar and spelling. You can do whatever you want otherwise and that's the kind of thing I like. There's no room for that in essays.
It just makes things more difficult for me... that's all.
I don't know what courses I should go about taking because there really aren't any "Creative Writing" courses here. At least, none that I can find.
So basically, I think the only way I can go about doing what I love is spending my free time writing my novels since there's nothing to really "guide" me closer to the writing industry. My best bet is to try and find a Prof (who has connections of course) who is willing to sacrifice some of his/her time into reading and possibly editing my stuff. If he/she is connected in someway with a publishing company, all the better if he/she likes my stuff!
The only problem I'm concerned about is that they might analyze it at the adult level if it's written for a teen audience or something, you know?
Actually, what I'm more concerned about is trying to find a prof that understands the genre my story is written in. What I mean by that is, the novel that I'm currently working on is a "manga" style series. This would make it all the more difficult to get published. If I were Japanese or lived in Japan, that's a different story. Here, I think it would be practically impossible.
The story that I'm currently working on now could be written as a novel, but it would be a ton better if it was a manga. The visual appeal I have in my head can only be so good in writing. With real images, everything would seem all the more alive.
Anyway... yeah. There's a seminar going on soon about choosing winter courses, so I think I'm going to go to that. I should go talk to my Advisor about this English course I was thinking about taking in the winter. I'm not sure if it's exactly what I'm looking for... Or I could try and find the prof that teaches it. That might be a better idea...
I dunno. I just want to be a novelist. And travel. And learn languages.
I'm so weird :P