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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Holy hyperventilation, Batman!

*Heart skips several beats*

*Cries with joy*

*Quits blinking*


*ruptures several organs*

*Avoids death by willing himself to stay alive just to keep staring*

Salvation is nigh.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

George Bush is NOT the good guy.
And I am not a hypocrite for thinking that.

First and foremost, I'll start this by emphasizing that I am a Christian. I know and love a god who came to Earth and gave His son's life to save mine. George W. Bush, I daresay, isn't. Of course, he told America he was so he could get elected, and because that's what all good ol' Texas boys are. Hell, maybe that's even what he really considers himself to be, but it's a lie. Bush is nothing more than (and call me a naif if you want to) a tool of Satan.

This fact has become more and more and more blatantly obvious over each year of his regime, but somehow most of the country has managed to never even flinch in their regard of him as a saint. I mean, no matter how close the '04 election was, Kerry never had a chance. It wouldn't have mattered if Bush had 99% in the polls or 51%, because that number would never, ever fluctuate. These people voted for Bush squarely on his false claim to Christianity. They heard him mention praying in a speech or two, and latched onto that like a leech to blood-flavored flypaper.

I'm sure I don't need to mention what he's been doing with his power, but just read Sean Howard's newest blog. He's not just an incompetent liar, he's a greed-controlled, underhanded manipulator.

America needs to get over its smug, pious attitude and look at the facts.

And no, these facts were not made up by evil Phillistines who are intent on destroying the integrity of St. George. They are not things that were misquoted and warped by the media. They are pieces of truth that were collected by informed, intelligent people who, despite some rashness, care about the good of America.

Now sit back and please, just for a second, toy with the idea that Bush is the bad guy.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I picked up Sumo Surprise by Ghoti Hook yesterday. Awesome CD.

And the guy in my avi is Guy leDouche, a character from a hilarious TV show called MXC.

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Friday, July 8, 2005

Oddly enough, my pirate quiz at the bottom of the page started working after I changed themes.

Now go down there and click it.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Last Sunday my dad and I went to a festival that was being put on in Hays, the town we're moving to and have been traveling back and forth from, and they had a concert by a band called World Classic Rockers.

Stupid name, maybe, but it was one of the best shows I've ever been to. The band consisted of guys from Toto, Journey, Lynrd Skynrd, The Eagles, Whitesnake, the bassist and lead guitarist of Steppenwolf, the lead singer for Santana, and a few others.

And man, the guitarists could wail. I don't even know anything about guitaristry (if that's not a word, it should be) and I could see that.

One of my dad's all-time favorite songs is Free Bird, and when he heard them go into the intro for it, he almost died. He told me later that he never would've dreamed of hearing it played live.

After the show, we were one of the first to buy a CD and get autographs. It was an awesome night. ^_^

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Friday, July 1, 2005

I was just catching up on some of the signatures on my petition.
*points to link in intro*

lol. It's amazing how many people either

A. Sign the petition to say that they hate it.


B. Try to act so mature when they don't even realize it's a joke.

Really, I don't think the signatures from all the angry morons are nearly as funny as the ones from the pompous losers who think they're better than me because they don't hate Kansas.

And by the way, every single person who reads this needs to put that same link in their own intros. All the cool people are going to do it.

And who the hell is Muchado?

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Monday, June 27, 2005

We have reached a dark day, indeed.
I just got a chain letter from two people in my PM's. Now that's depressing.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

No time whatsoever on the internet. I've come to the conclusion that it'll keep on going like this until I can get a stable computer situation, so I guess this is just me saying that you shouldn't expect to see me around too much for the remainder of the summer. Peace out.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Never There
A week or two ago, my dad and I were at Movie Gallery, where they were having a buy-2-get-2-free thing, and I picked up The Animatrix. I had seen it before, but as with most great movies, you really don't get the full effect until you watch it a second time.

I'd say that my favorite short was World Record. It really seemed to have more depth than the rest, and listening to the commentary on it and watching the making-of featurette really helped me see some things that I otherwise wouldn't have.

And while I'm on the subject of movies (and watching them again, I suppose), I saw Batman Returns again for the first time in years. It really helped me appreciate it a lot more, and despite some incredibly cheesy dialogue, it was really a marvelous movie. Tim Burton did an amazing job with all the subtleties in it, like when Selena is caught by her boss looking through secret files and the light from a desk lamp casts shadows on her face from her glasses in the shape of the eyeholes in her Catwoman suit.

I just hope that Batman Begins can live up to the first two movies (screw the ones after that, lol), and it really looks like it can so far. It's about time I saw a new movie that wasn't overtly disappointing.

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Sunday, June 12, 2005

An Ode to Wilson
I've been meaning to do this ever since I got this layout up, but I haven't had time. But that's not anything new, of course. Man, I can't wait to finally get to a point where I have a stable computer situation. But anyway...

Wilson's the man, and I can only hope that anyone who's ever seen Home Improvement can vouch for that. Without question, he is the greatest "wise man"/"sage" character ever to appear in any movie or TV show.

The thing that really sets him apart from other wise men, though, is that although he always has an answer to every problem or question, he is still a real person. Unlike other legendary characters like Yoda, Wilson lead an ordinary life, where his storage of wisdom was only a part of his life. He didn't spend his whole existence trying to find some kind of ultimate wisdom or devote himself to protecting a galaxy, he simply lived his life and lived it spherically, spreading out in as many ways possible and always exploring new things. He didn't speak in metaphors or cliches, he talked like the normal human being that he was, not some grammatically challenged space midget. (Really, it's a wonder Yoda ever passed grade school.)

But the real genius behind Wilson's character was the concealment of his face, a barrier that intentionally kept the viewer from knowing everything about him and thus preserving his air of mystique through the entire series. Because average neighbor though he was, you simply can't have a sage in a series without anything about him to wonder about. This strong difference in their characters is what justifies their seemingly infinite wisdom.

I'm not sure how all that turned out because I'm not going to go back over it and check, so I'll just let it rest as my small tribute to a great man.

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Monday, June 6, 2005

And the crowds go wild!
My brother finally got around to sending me the scans of those drawings I said I was going to post. For once, my procrastinatory attitude wasn't the one to blame. ^_^

Mind you, these were all just lined-paper sketches that were for the most part done years ago. Nevertheless, I like all of them to one degree or another.

My brief idea of a medieval Ghostbuster. Oh yeah.

Nothing much, just a guy with a sword. However, this one marks a milestone in my artistic life: the first time I ever drew a hand that wasn't all-out hideous.

Just a sketch of a head. Frankly, I didn't even think my brother was going to scan it. =P


Remember me talking about my ideal website, Fuzz Incognito? Here's the logo (except rather sideways).

Turned out sort of like a strange mix between a smurf and an oompaloompa. I've decided to call it a smurfaloompa. Done in pen.

Don't even ask. I don't know.

I did it in pen, so I couldn't fix the nose properly. I'll probably spiff this one up a little in MS Paint or something and fix that.

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