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myOtaku.com: John

Saturday, April 9, 2005

Disregard the last post.
James tells all. (Or at least as much as I needed to know.)

Last night I became the happiest man on the face of the earth. That night, Dad tossed a thin manilla package up the stairs to me. Quite naturally, it had to be my Rob Dougan CD. But it didn't feel like it. It felt like a book of some sort, very large (about 8.5" x 11", maybe) and very thin. I hadn't ordered anything else, and the only package that I could possibly receive would be the CD, but it just didn't seem plausible that something so oddly shaped could be just a CD.

And damn, was I right about that. It turned out to actually be the best CD in the history of the human race.

Holy shit, is that thing awesome. The odd-shaped package was a huge book/booklet of about 30 pages of lyrics and, mostly, pictures. I had seen almost all of these pictures before, on Rob's website, but it simply didn't compare to seeing huge, blown-up versions of them. It also has an actual book jacket, too. I swear, it is so freaking awesome.

Oh yeah, and it's a 2 CD set, too. The second disk has 10 instrumental versions of songs on the other CD, and the videos for Furious Angels and Clubbed to Death.

So now I can finally get my hands on the song I originally wanted to upload, and do so via a new website. (Thanks, Bar.)

Tell me if it works. (Please?)

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