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myOtaku.com: John

Saturday, December 3, 2005

Help me help myself.
I've been putting together some vague ideas for that imaginary website of mine. They're both very, very unfinished, but I think both of them give off the vague idea of their themes.

In the first one, I doubt I'll keep it black and white. I'm not a fan of white or black space.

In the second (the one I prefer more so far), the text isn't going to look like it looks there. What I'm going to go for is to look like someone tried to write it, but couldn't fit it all in and had to sort of squeeze it into the right side, heh. And of course, this is assuming I go with the title Fuzz Incognito, and not something else (for the record, Alan, "I Am Living Kryptopie" is not going to be the title of my site. Ever.)

And while I'm at it, here's some ideas I thought up for stamps for any artwork I do. Like the website, I'm still kind of dry on ideas:

Sara: lol. Just how many jackolanterns did your family make? XP

Shinimegami: Sorry, but there's no excess food at my house. Only more food. >:d

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