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myOtaku.com: John

Saturday, February 25, 2006

That's telekinesis, Kyle.
First things first, tell me how I can finally fix this:

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I don't know exactly what about it I don't like, but there's something about it; something about the center part, really. If I could get some advice, that'd be cool.

Don't worry about the absence of background. My teacher doesn't really mind for this project, and I didn't really make this thinking of it as an art piece, so I was more focusing on just the robot rather than the whole area. I may add something of a background in my free time, anyway. (Also, ignore that the paintbrush is in front of his hand. ¬¬) If I like the finally-finished product enough, and I probably won't, I may submit it to Threadless just for giggles. Although I doubt I'd wear it even if it went into print. XP

Anyway, no news to report, other than that I finally picked up the study book for my driver's permit (I think I went into why I don't have it yet before, lol), so I'll have to be stuyding that this weekend to take the test... sometime. For now, though, links.

~ Chewbacca's blog. OMG.
~ Superman is a dick.

Mimmi: XP Not quite, in my opinion, but I'll take the compliment gladly. ^_^ *hugs*

Aleia: Those fascist pigs. We'll show them by starting and indie band and being really angry about stuff! That always works. >:O

Liam: *elaborates* Humorous Solo is one of the acting events you can enter into in a Forensics tournament. Basically, you find a 7-10 minute piece of acting, literature, or monologue (a humorous one, obviously), memorize it, and perform it by yourself in front of the judge. You can't use props, but you're allowed one chair, which can be used as almost anything you want it to be, heh. It's especially effective on the judges if you get a piece with more than one character. More difficult, but far more entertaining.

I'm going from Humorous Solo to Prose, though, because my piece happens to be well suited to both events. The only important thing to know about Prose right now is that I don't have to memorize it because I get to hold it right in front of me in a dandy little binder. :D

EDIT: This guy totally and uttery stole that from a cartoon I drew in Biology. Low.

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