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Member Since
Real Name
John Cook
Anime Fan Since
Oh, I don't know. DBZ, sixth grade?
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, World Record (Animatrix)
Finish an Illustrator project of mine, learn guitar
Illustratoring, browsing the internet, listening to music, being generic.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
We've even got floaties if you can't swim.
First things first, a quiz, courtesy of Kevin. Obviously, all the questions that are completely insipid or otherwise deserving of hate (such as my favorite childhood bedsheets and describing my fingernails) have been removed. And then some that I just didn't have an answer to (such as favorite anything).
1.) Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
1. 1G flash drive
2. The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - Don't Know How To Party
3. Hmm, school lunch?
4. I forget
2)Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. Mountain Dew
2. Dr. Pepper
3. Water
4. Uhm, I don't recall. lol
3)Last time you Cried, and why?
Don't remember
4)What's In Your CD Player?
The CD listed in number one. :)
5)What's Under Your Bed? Nothing, my bed sits on the floor.
6)What Time Did You Wake Up Today? Around 8:15
7)Current Hair? Blonde, semi-not-disheveled
8)What are you wearing?
Anberlin shirt, my favorite jeans, shoesies
9)Current Worry?
Grades. >___<
10)Current Love?
11)Current Hate?
16)How Tall Are You?
6', last I checked.
18)One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To?
Hmm. Elizabeth?
20)Favorite Day(s)?
Cold, cloudy, windy, and with any precipitation that wants to drop by
21)Where Would You Like To Go?
To the kitchen, to get something to drink. *does so*
22)Where Do you want to live?
A small city, with lots of cool businesses
23)Favorite food?
It changes
24)Color of most clothes you own?
My clothes are pretty evenly distributed, color-wise.
25)Number of pillows you sleep with?
A big cotton pillow, a smaller feather pillow, and two body pillows
26)What do you wear when you go to sleep?
Boxers and a shirt. Sometimes pajama pants, if it's cold enough.
27)what were you doing 12AM last night?
30)Are you paranoid?
Of course not. Why would you think that? Have people been saying I'm paranoid? Because I'm not. Is that what they're saying? Are people calling me paranoid? Who's saying this?
31)Do you burn or tan?
A bit of both
32)First piercing/tattoo?
36)Last person you yelled at? I can't remember the last time I yelled at anyone, heh.
37)Last crush?
Nobody you know. :p
38)Last thing you ate? A delicious ham and cheese sandwich, and some crackers and spinach dip.
40) Last time you had sex?
I dunno, but maybe I'd have more luck if I weren't busy filling out these quizzes.
41) If you could be with anyone right now, who would it be?
Does this question show up on every quiz, or what?
42) Best Sex your Ever Had?
In prison.
Part 2:
1.Your full name?
John Ryan Cook
3. What songs do you sing in the shower?
Nobody sings in the shower but you, man.
6. What's in your pockets right now?
My keys
7. what color are your bedroom walls?
9. nicknames your parents CALLED you?
They'd just call me by my first and second name, John Ryan. Weird.
11. favorite childhood pet?
Hmmm, never really had a favorite among our pets, I guess.
12. any pets now?
Un doggie.
15. curly or straight hair?
Straight, then sorta wavy when it gets longer
19. black olives or green olives?
20. what kind of phone do you own?
22. is your music kept in a particular order?
Emphatically. But now I've got an additional new CD case, and it's fucking things up, I tell you.
26. favorite weather?
See "favorite day"
28. worst injury you've ever had?
I r invincible!
32. favorite thing to write or draw with?
Keyboard and mouse
33. Last movie you rented?
I don't want to go find out. :P
34. last movie you went to see?
Poseidon. Do yourself a favor and give it a skip.
35. were you a thumb sucker?
36. how old are you?
37: What are your dreams like?
I don't dream.
40. best vacation?
Galveston Island
41. what languages can you speak?
44. last porno you saw?
Alan's striptease. Oh, sorry for spilling that, Alan.
45. last song you listened to?
The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - "Issachar"
48. What will you be doing tomorrow?
No idea
My aunt, grandma, eldest sister, and older brother were all in town for my sister's graduation this weekend, so I took the opportunity to use my brother's laptop to download and try FlyFF, something I'd been mildly wanting to try for probably over a year now, and had been meaning to ever since Raina went nuts over it, lol. I wasn't able to play more than a good two hours the whole weekend, but I thoroughly enjoyed what I got out of it. There's really not much of anything spectacular to be seen or done when you only get up to level 4, but it's still a very fun game to look at. Unfortunately, our home computer is too wimpy to run it, so that may be the end of that. =(
Also, yesterday was the last day of school. I am without my iBook now, and that has left me feeling cold and empty, but hey, it's summer, heh. You can't complain about sleeping as late as you want most every day for three months, with no school to worry about. I may even pick up reading again, with all the extra time I'll have on my hands (just today I was going through the library and saw the big yellow letters of The Watchmen in a graphic novel section I didn't even know was there, heh. So I picked that up, and will keep an eye on said section in the future). Yes, time enough at last. All the time I need, all the time in the worldOH SHIT

Mimmi: You're right, it wouldn't really make a difference to tell him that, but thanks for the encouragement. *huggles* You're the best. ^_^
Kevin: You know, I find it very suspicious that you've got this whole thing planned out already... o.O
Liam: Exactly. My first notion in dealing with stuff like this is to always think logically. It just doesn't help to get worked up, heh. Thanks, Mr. Liam. =)
Aleia: *ker-tackles* You save some of that logic and maturity for yourself too, kiddo. Your circumstance requires it far more than mine.
Baron: Mhm. The only thing I can't stand more than teen rebellion is the fact that I'm slowly giving into it. XP
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