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Monday, September 4, 2006
Um......Bordem stinks!!!
Hi yall' I'm pretty bored so if your reading this then please PM me!We can talk about what ever you would prefer!!!Later!!
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Today is a very sad day for the Irwin family*tear*
Today Steve Irwin has been killed.He was filming with a sting ray and the ray stung him!He was stung so close to the heart that it killed him also the stinger was stuck in him. I feel so bad for the Irwin family. Steves youngest child was only 2 and he will never know his father!He oldest child is like 6 or 7 and at least she will rmember her father. His 2 wounderful childrens names are Bindi Irwin and Bob Irwin. I'm so sad for the family. Steve was such a cool guy he was always looking out for the animals. Solong Steve you were an awesome guy!Rest in peace.
~Erin H.
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Sunday, September 3, 2006
Friends are soooooo cool!I love allmy otaku friends and all my real life friends too!They always keep me going and know just what to say to make me laugh!So thank you all of my wounderful friends yall' ROCK!!!!!
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
This is what darker Naruto character I am!!^__^

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Today...4th day!!!^__^ Yesterday.....3rd day!!^__^
Today was my fourth day of school and it was really good!Usually in the mornings I feel like I'm going to thriw up and I never do but still it makes me feel like crap, but today I didn't feel bad!!
Yesterday!! Yesterday was of course the 3rd day of school and it wasn't that great. My gym class had to run around the football field 4 times which equalls up to a mile! And so I did and by the time I was done I had sweat litterly dripping off of me and it was going through my shirt and I WAS HOT!!!!! Well thats all I have to right about for today so see ya later my friendly taters!!^__^
(PS) If your friends with me and your reading this then please PM me I'm really bored!!!!!!!Thanks!!^__^
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Today...2nd day of school!!!!!
Today was my 2nd day of highschool!!It was really good!Until PE!!!!In PE I got hit with the softball in the back!But I did git a hit!!Also It was SOOO HOT today that sweat was dripping off of my body!!!So thats all for today!!!!!Talk to yasll' later!!^__^
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Monday, August 28, 2006
Today was my firdt day of highschool and it wasn't that bad!I only got lost like twice.I made one new friend!She is really nice!We have alot of classes together and for once someone that was new to me and that I talked to first talked back to me!Isn't that soooo awesome!I got homework on THE FIRST DAY!!!!It wasn't hard just that I have a page essay due wends.!!!!But other than that it was pretty easy!!^__^
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
For me!!
This was drawn for me by my friend!!!

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Today is a very sad day for me.I'm sooo sad because it is my very last day of summer!I start highschool tomorrow!I will not be able to post regularly so if I don't post for a while you know why!Also I will not be takeing requests untill the summer!I will try my best to stay in tuch with all my many friends as best i can and if i don't then I'm truly sorry about that!I also probally wont get to submit as much art as i would like to until I get a long enough brake to do so!please all my friends do not forget me whil I'm away at school!I love you all and I will talk to you when I get a chance!Good-bye all my loveing friends!!!So long!!
~John3:16 AKA:Erin
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
Today...... Part 2
Later today we went to this older womans 88th B-day!She goes to church with me and let me tell you it was a regular Souther hodown!!It was sooooooo awesome!We had chicken, pintos!Bluegrass,Bluegrass Gospel singing!It was totally cool!!I loved it!!!I start back to school on Mon.!!!I start highschool!
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