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Tuesday, March 7, 2006
22 candles
Saturday was my birthday! Happy birthday to me. I'm one year older and hopefully one year wiser.
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Monday, January 2, 2006
Another Year Over and a New One Just Begun.
Well, Christmas and New Year’s is over. 2005 has left us and 2006 is just beginning. I for one am sorry to see the year end. It was a good year, for the most part, and now we must step into the unknown and start all over again. But at the very least I can start the new year on an optimistic note. I have been on vacation for the past two weeks and now that’s all coming to an end as well. Even though I am impossibly broke I don’t want to go back to work, or school for that matter.
Ah, but time marches on and we all must go with the flow.
Happy New Year…
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Friday, December 2, 2005
I hate cleaning up.
So maybe you've noticed that I've done a little house keeping. That is I decided to go through all the fanart I have posted and take down the ones I believe I can do better on. Of course I didn't take down any that had recieved votes. With the semester almost over I plan to really concentrate on my art work in general.
This means that hopefully there will be good/great things to come. (Hopefully)
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Thursday, December 1, 2005
Snowballs...not the ones covered in coconut.
Ah, winter. I like winter time. I like it because finaly Florida doesn't feel like the center of hell and I don't sweat when I walk outside. That's not the only reason of course. There is always Christmas. And for the first time since I was two years old, I get to see snow. My sister and I will be taking a road trip to Utah and I promise that once in my life I will have a snowball fight.
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Monday, October 24, 2005
Wonderful Wilma
So hurricane Wilma saw fit to visit us today. At best she was annoying. Of course I wasn't in the path of the eye or anything, but compared to Charlie and Florence last year, Wilma was a pussycat. Although, it's still not very fun to drive in. The rain I can deal with (when you live in Florida rain is like second nature) but the wind kept knocking my car about. One good thing...school's out! So I miss a few classes and that is just fine by me.
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Jo with a kick
My boyfriend drew this picture for me of my original character, Jo. Quite a different style than my own, but I think it is great all the same.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
I'm back, baby!
Okay, I know it's been a while between updates and I apologize for that. I've been out of town and then my internet was not working and blah, blah, blah. I'm sure you're not interested in excuses, so I will end by saying hopefully many more updates are in the near future.
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Friday, October 7, 2005
One Zero Zero....
Whoooooooohoooooooo! As of right now, my site has be visited one hundred times. For some reason this gives me a sense of pride and achievement. I don't really know why.
But I learned not to question happiness. Just take it and run.
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Monday, September 26, 2005
Yes, now it's fall in the northern hemispere. Ofcourse it doesn't feel like fall where I live, but the calander doesn't lie.
Fall is my favorite season, so I decided to decorate a little. Change is good.
So happy fall and everything that goes with it...Halloween, Thanksgiving, ect.
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
Cloud Rocks my Socks!
So last weekend I saw the totaly awesome FF XII Advent Children. Not only did I see it but my friend's apartment complex has a personal theatre. So there's me and a few friends in our own theatre watching Advent Children on a BIG screne! Wow....It was great. So now I'm on a Cload fix.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm just a sucker for a a cute guy with a big sword.
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