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Sunday, December 9, 2007
I was skating today and I did crash a certain amount of times, lol. I did a split because I fell from the skateboard, it f****** hurt! lol
Things I learned today about the outdoors:
1.It's dangerous
2.It's dangerous
3.It's dangerous
Reasons why I think that:
1. A pile of wood boards almost landed on me but I caught them.
2.A spider attacked me
3.I crashed from my skateboard
4.An Ant crawled on my arm
Lol that's all for now! Oh yeah, I'm feeling alot better now. (no more medication!)
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Thursday, December 6, 2007
I was so sick today
I had a cold today T_T
So when I got home... my dad made me take two pills! Wow I actually swallowed the pills.
But I'm better now!
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
MEXICAN FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Saturday, December 1, 2007
Weird school day
Well today at school I got called a goth again <.< and then they hit me with a basketball on purpose, lol.
I didn't, I repeat I DID NOT dissect the frog that much because everyone had to attend this stupid "bus emergency door training" That's BULL!! I don't even take the bus, so when my class came back it was time for breakfast, but I did poke the heart! =D Oh yeah also everyone started dancing cuz rap music was playing, ugh rap! DX
In my ELA class we got to play tony hawk pro skater 4! =D (the stupid students didn't even know which buttons to press) lol
And that's about it! Oh wait, I changed my site theme to Neji Hyuga!! =D tell me what u guys think of it.
*reads inscription on grave*
~In Loving Memory~
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Today at school my science teacher dissected a frog and we got to see it's guts and whatnot, lol. It was kinda gross but cool :S
Tommorow I'll have to peel it's skin and poke around in there, EWWW! *emo gasp* But I'll try and poke the heart for the people who comment my posts! :D *with a needle of course* lol
Today this guy at school called me gothic <.< I'm emo! lol
umm that's it for now, FOR NOW!!
ok the first person who can get the answer for this problem is really smart!
ok that was random, lol. *blasts stereos into max* WOOOHOOO!! Billy Talent! =D
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Saturday, November 24, 2007
=D I made a slideshow!!
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Thursday, November 22, 2007
Just like the subject, HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to eat the turkey and whatnot! lol well that's all I got planned for today, EAT LIKE CRAZY! XD
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Sunday, November 18, 2007
Thanks Giving Break!
Yay I'm only going to school monday and tuesday! :D Awesome! No school for 5 days. THAT'S TORTURE!! JUST KIDDING!!!! LOL
Look at the evil smiley>>>> >=^P
Hmm let's see, umm nothin' new so far, so ummm...
Q time:
2.What's ur least favorite subject?
My answers:
1.If I say the answer you'll get it right XD
2.Math DX
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Field trip!
Tomorrow's my school field trip! (recycling center)Yeah not that exciting but at least I'm out of school. =D lol By the time you guys read this post I'll already have been to the field trip. It's gonna be great!
I'm still fighting these damn zombies!! *sighs* Damn it there's alot of them! :O *door creaks* *door breaks down* *Zombies leap at me* AHH!!! *blinds zombies with a light grenade* HAHA! O_O *shoots zombies heads off with pistol*
Q time:
1.What's your favorite soda?
2.Favorite time of the year?
My answers:
1. Dr.Pepper! (I love that dr!) lol
2.Summer! Reason: No school and staying up late! :D
Omg! Billy Talent! (my favorite band)

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Saturday, November 10, 2007
Well I'm going to sleep after this post. Good night! *window shatters* Damn it zombies!! *takes out pistol* *shoots 2 zombies heads off* :D *runs around crazy then trips and falls over a dead body* EWWW! *gets up* *goes to bed* lol
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