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Friday, August 11, 2006
my moms birthday was cool. i bored. their is nothing to do. i am already bored with gaia and amber took sims off her computer.*starts banging head against the wall*

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Thursday, August 10, 2006
... haikus
I just found out that when annoyed i am good at making up insulting haikus.
Todays my moms birthday. shes turning 36 but she says shes in her late 20s early 30s. I found out that my school (dun dun dun) starts a week after my sisters instead ofa week before like i thought. * yay throws confetti pops party poppers *

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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
righyt now im listening to the song Reflection by christina agulira. Its a realy cool song. I have finnaly started to watch ouran high school host club. Its pretty cool. My g-ma just came in and started to talk to me. I love her and all but im more of a "lets not spend time with family" person so i turned my music all the way up (i have head phones on) and i could tell she asked me some thing but i just motione dthat my music way so loud that i couldnt hear her. I know that it was mean but she can get annoying.
I wish school (dun dun dun)would never come i hate it.

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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
i forgot
i was going to say something earlier but i forgot and now i remember...now its gone and im too lazy not too finish this post...

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today in the first time since forever i up dated my piczo site.(www.jones001.piczo.com)I added new pages. One for Gaara one for anime and another one for sesshomaru(i like that page best.) Today i came too a horrible realization...school (dun dun dun)is going too start soon and the worst part is that i dont even know when the first day is. I have absolutely no time to get ready for school (dun dun dun)and when it starts i will still be in my summer sleeping pattern of staying up till 3 and waking up somwear between 11 and noon. I bet that i accidentally miss the first day cause a dont wake up too my alarm, and because ambers going back too our old school (dun dun dun)and they dont start till a week after us she wont wake me up like she use too. I change my mind i know ill sleep through my alarm on the first day. Now lets get off the topic of school (dun dun dun) ... thats all i had too say so...*screams at the top of her lungs* I LIKE PIE!!!!!* gets up from computer and starts to run around the room...well now that im done with that...TTYL

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Monday, August 7, 2006
well i put up a new backround and tried to change my pic but it wont let me.
Amber came back from her friends at 11:30. she really freaked our g-ma out. me and my g-pa told her too leave amber alone but she kept makin me call amber. she is way too over protective, thats why i dont let her meet my friends. well iv got nothin else to say.
30 minutes later...
Yay! my pic changed!!

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Sunday, August 6, 2006
my mother
my moms birthday is on thursday shes turning 36. i cant wait till she turns 40 cause after that i will constantly tell her shes old. thats gonna be fun.

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Amber went over to our friend rachels and i went inside and got to see fishy! yay! fishy is their dog. hes really cute and love him. hes still pretty small and i can pick him up but i wont hold him for too long cause he likes too lick my face. thats all for now except I feel like putting up a list of my favorite songs.
(their not in order)
bolhemian rhapsody
bolhemian polka
angry white boy polka
i must>.< go ill finish tomorrow
too continue
I think were alone now
I think im a clone now
ready steady go
the bells are ringing
spiraling shape
narrow your eyes
your racist friend
particle man
experimental film
cyclops rock
my evil twin
another first kiss
birdhouse in your soul
let the bodies hit the floor
because of you
I need a hero
Mr. lonely
bad day
i love rocky road
pretty fly for a rabbi
hot rocks polka
good old days
like a surgeon
this is the life
trigger happy
there coming to take me away
cartoon heroes
amish paradice
lifes gonna suck
take me home country roads
ana ng
just the two of us
waka laka
the candy man
the hampster dance
as you can see i have way too much time on my hands and a weird taste in music but thats ok

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Saturday, August 5, 2006
I have decided to restart the game. The first one was too hard and the second one was Way too easy(sorry i was rushing when i made it) So we will act like they never happened in fact *Poof* i have now erased your memory and it never happened. Ok so i will star over on monday and i will give people 1 week to guess. and PM it too me so no one can cheat no matter how easy it is. But i swear ill work all week end too perfect it...well mabey a couple hours. You cant expect me to give up sleep. My throught is sore from yelling so much. If amber wern't def (she says shes not)i wouldnt have to yell, but because my lazyness often overpowers my need of the object or information i call amber too do it for me and thus my sore throught. you might ask well why dont you get it yourself, but if your asking that then you dont know me at all and you dont know how lazy i actually am. well TTYL

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Friday, August 4, 2006
I forgot!
I totally forgot about my guess the pic game. because no one guessed it ill just tell you that the pic is shippo 
see if not then you can guess this one its really easy

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