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stuff...people do?... Training to be a NINJA BABY ^^
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guitar, flute, learning to spell
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I was little (akira my first anime )
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Naruto!! and fruits basket, hana kimi, akira, inuyasha.... and more
finish my fanfiction...i doubt that will happen though ::sighs::
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i dont think i have any
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Monday, June 19, 2006
It's been two weeks or so. I've been busy since finals were coming up and all.. Today was my last day... well techincally wednsday is the last day but tomorrow is a final i do not need to take and wednseday is basically clean your locker (did it friday) get your yearbook
you order (way to expensive) and then have yearbook signings... pointless really. Well, the fight with my mom was intense one day and then the next it was like it never even happened ::sighs:: i'm starting to think she is bipolar or something. Life has been really good lately,
Last Friday I went to my friend Ed's house and there was a bunch of people there and we had a bomb fire... my Ex was there... and so was Maggie... we both have the same we had fun... It might sound mean but maggie soaked him with the hose and i shoved pizza in his face.
For me being the really shy one, everyone said they would never look at me the same.. not in a bad way though.. He really did deserve it though :P Anyway he took it well soaked maggie and says i have it coming to me. ::shrugs:: Final went well for me I think I may have done decent.
I have gotten good grades all year, so I'm excited I'm finally getting the mp3 player I've wanted for a while... mines a piece of shit. I'll be getting that either friday or monday. What else is new? Ah, yes, saturday i am expose to go to philly with a couple of friends... we are all going
to tell our parents we are going out for the day a couple towns over instead of actually telling them we are taking the speedline into the next town over.. to philly.. no my mom would kill me... Anyway I might not be able to go. I have to get my hair cut that day... i have an appointment and all
...::sighs:: Well anyway.....I have a headache.. more like a migrain i've had it for about 3 days .... I think too much studying.. my brain has finally imploded.. It's only 6:28 and i feel like i've ran a marathon and could just fall over and sleep until the next day. I don't know why i'm so tired. I really
haven't done much all day. Except read some fanfictions. I've become addicted to the pairing Draco and Harry... I've always thought that they would be good together especially after I saw the first harry potter movie.. but now.. i know they would be great.. gods.. I'm starting to believe there is something
seriously wrong with me :( ... oh. I just started to read the 6 book...even though i got it the day it came out.. It's pretty good.. i'm only on the 4 chapter though.. and my screwed up mind have to get going...

I just love these two together
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Thursday, June 1, 2006
Mood: Confused..
Drinking: water
Music: Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru
Me and my mom got into another fight about this moving thing. I told her that if i have to share a room with her that she shouldn't expect me to be home very often. She then told me... fine I don't care go live with someone else.
Was it wrong, what i said? ::sighs:: this whole thing is stupid. School was alright. After school i have a softball game against the boys. it was like 10 to 1... since we were playing on the field they played on when they were like 4.... um...
also they are like 10 feet taller (exageration) and have a lot move muscles... and yea... they take two steps and they are at the base :(. Anyway it was fun but damn was it hot. Afterwards, I had to go to play practice. It was fun. I don't think i will ever be able to look
at this one kid again... yea it's a long story...
gotta go
Ps. photo by mean..taken at the beach <3
ja ne for now
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Mood: Confused.. i just want to cry, rip someones throat out and just smile :(
Drinking: Arizona Green tea with ginseng and honey
Music: Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru
Wow I really need to start to update this more :/. Well nothing interesting had happened. Softball is over... tomorrow we are having a fun game. We are going to play against the boys baseball team.
We are going to get crushed, but they will have a little bit of trouble since baseball has some different rules than softball. Um... what else, in English class we are going Romeo and Juliet play. We are actually acting it out.
I'm in Act 3... i'm the Prince... I play a guy >.< Well, I didn't want a big part so it's all good. Memorial Day I went to the beach. Surpisingly I didn't turn into a lobster. I only got sunburn on my feet... how gay is that? lol...
I've been busy lately. Me and my mom haven't been getting along for like two weeks. She wants to move and I don't want to. Especially since she wants to move to an apartment which means my brother will get his own room and i'll
have to share with my mom. I mean, I must sound like a spoiled brat but I don't get any privacy as it is. ::sighs:: Well if we move my mom better not expect me to be home much because I wont. I can't share a room with my mom I like being alone in my room.
It's the only place I can get away from the world.. ERG... this makes me mad. I don't see why my brother doesn't move out. He's in college. He's old enough to live on his own. Plus he will be gone from the end of august to the beginning of May and only be home on the weekends.
Erg I just need to go
Ps. photo by mean..taken at the beach <3
ja ne for now
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Friday, May 12, 2006
Mood: Captured
Music: I will follow you into the dark, Death Cab for Cutie
I feel so trapped today. It's beautiful outside, I had no softball, nothing ruthless to do. Just hang around and enjoy the day. You would think that I could find something to do..
Atleast something to do outside of my house. My artistic side of my brain is screaming at me to take pictures, but of what? Also, where? I feel so enclosed in my big room (that needs to be cleaned once again, plus I have chores which is basically cleaning the entire house)
I was expose to go mother's day shopping today with my friend JoJo, but I wasn't able to make it. I hate living a town over and not being able to drive. I would not have made it in time. ::sighs:: I was also offered to go to a carnival, but um, the stuff is basical half falling apart.
I was thinking of taking my little cousin to the park and take some pictures. That might be nice.. Maybe... hopefully.. I just really really really need to do something. Especially since my huge big research paper is finished (finally)... Hmm, maybe I'll finish my wall (i'm paiting stars and crap on it)..
I'll depart now :)
I <3 this song
I will follow you into the dark- Death Cab for Cutie
Love of mine some day you will die,
But I'll be close behind.
I'll follow you into the dark.
No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white;
Just our hands clasped so tight,
Waiting for the hint of a spark.
If heaven and hell decide,
That they both are satisfied,
Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs:
If there's no one beside you,
When your soul embarks;
Then I'll follow you into the dark.
In Catholic school as vicious as Roman rule,
I got my knuckles brusied by a lady in black,
And I held my toungue as she told me,
"Son, fear is the heart of love."
So I never went back.
If heaven and hell decide,
That they both are satisfied,
Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs:
If there's no one beside you,
When your soul embarks;
Then I'll follow you into the dark.
You and me have seen everything to see;
From Bangkok to Calgary.
And the soles of your shoes are all worn down;
The time for sleep is now.
It's nothing to cry about,
'Cause we'll hold each other soon.
The blackest of rooms.
If heaven and hell decide,
That they both are satisfied,
Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs:
If there's no one beside you,
When your soul embarks;
Then I'll follow you into the dark.
Then I'll follow you into the dark.
ja ne for now
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Saturday, April 29, 2006
Music: Sang Real by Dredg
Since the last time I've updated, nothing new has happened. Been bored, I might have already said this but I got a new PC game, The Sims 2, I <3 the Sims. I've been
Really busy with school. The teachers are drowning us with homework and projects. They are trying to all get it in by the end of the year. I can't believe school has about a month a some left. The last time i remember
Is being a new freshman, lost and confused. Man has that changed. I can't believe how the times are flying I really can't believe I'm going to be a sophmore next year, plus I'm going to be turning 16. It amazes me, but it scares me.
::sighs:: gotta go and do my chores.. and maybe actually clean my room (doubt thats going to happen) But anyway I'll update later
ja ne for now
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Saturday, April 22, 2006
I've finally updated!!!
Mood:lazy and tired
Music: Sang Real by Dredg
Whistles... don't kill me for not updated since the beginning of the month... I've been lazy... and when I'm not being lazy, I'm being busy..
Softball is going pretty good, ::shurgs:: nothing interesting going on with that. My knee fully healed. It only took almost three weeks ::mutters:: damn infection. It's been raining for the past two days.
I love the rain, except it's now like 10 degrees in my house. On Thursday me my friend and her boyfriend went acouple towns over to the docks of Delaware River. I took some really pretty pictures.. I also photomanipulated them and stuff.. If you wanna check it out go here
::sighs:: I've been really lazy, hey it's my spring vacation I'm allowed... I don't wanna go back on Monday ::cries:: Oh yea, I have a new older brother... He rocks! He the best big brother in the world... well so is my real big brother but yea anyway... I need to change my background and layout.. Damn... I'm complaining a lot.
Background image taken by me.. the only thing i did to it was change it to black and white
Gotta go
ja ne for now
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Mood: sore, VERY sore and tired.
Music: For You I Will by Teddy Geiger
Lifes, been... I dunno. It's had it's ups and downs. Friday during softball practice I slid into second base, but screwed my knee up. It's not like broken or anything. Thank God, It's just scraped up really badly, and I have been
having trouble walking...I think it may be infected... thats just my luck. Saturday I did nothing out of the usual. Sunday I went into Philly to South Street. I had a lot of fun and actually got to treat myself to something. I've been really busy with school. I have 2 research projects,
homework, tests and quizes, just finished up the third marking period so all that last minute stuff. Now we are doing Romeo and Julliet play in English... on top of the 6-10 research project on a topic approved by her.. I'm doing it on samurais.. I was going to do it on the history of Japanese
anime, but i couldn't fine enough resources... Anyway.. Monday, I had our first softball game. We lost 18 to 8.. which isn't that bad because the last inning we scored 7 runs... so we were oringially 18 to 1 so we aren't complete losers. :3. After softball I had guitar lessons. Today was nothing special either.
Didn't do much, school, softball practice, friend came over, homework, computer sleep. Yesterday, at practice I think i broke or jammed, I'm not a doctor so i don't know. My ring finger on my right hand... good thing I'm left handed. I just hope it's sore, so I won't have a problem playing tomorrow at our game. Especially since I'm
finally playing the position I like... First base. Well, I gotta go, I'm sore and tired, and i have to finish getting ready for school.... also I really need to learn how to stop complaining... I must annoy the hell out of people. Oh, By the way the background image in my post was taken and photomanipulated my moi. Dead Carnations are so pretty. :3
Just a poem I wrote
White Winged Angel
I have a monster that lives inside of me.
He’s the darkness that plagues my dreams.
He’s the evilness inside my thoughts.
I have an angel that lives inside of me.
He looks as pure as snow, but his heart is the color of poison dripping from a wound.
I have an evil that lives inside of me.
He’s passed through my blood and invades my being.
I have something that lives inside of me
Deep within my heart.
It gives me strength to carry on.
It’s my love for that special someone.
My special someone makes my white winged beast that lives inside of me a delusion.
I have emotions that live inside of me.
So for now, Goodbye my monster
Lay dormant inside my mind.
It's not that good. It's based off of the evilness that lies within us all. It may lay dormant for a while like a disease, but it will always be there.
Thought of the Day:
I hope my finger is alright. I'm hurt enough already.
ja ne for now
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Mood: shocked, upset
Music: Blurry- Puddle of Mud
Yesterday sucked.. A lot. Not only was I sick and couldn't go to school. It was three years since my dad died... AND my friend mom passed away. She was extremely close to my family,
and she was doing so incredible well. She was diagnosted with cancer last year and she was cured for about 6 months and she just. passed away. My friend and her sister were just talking to their mom
and she just collapsed. I feel like crying. I want to cry, but my body is just so tired. I feel so light headed and dizzy. I'm missing softball practice today so me and my friend Maggie can stop by and pay our
respects and all. Plus we made choco chip cookies and brownies last night at 9. I can't stay much longer. I got school... what a day today and yesterday was...
Thought of the Day:
life is just sucky at the moment
ja ne for now
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Mood: Tired
Music: Blurry- Puddle of Mud
I got my hair cut yesterday. I also got a dress for cotillian (which is this dance that you get all dressed up for) It isn't that fancy the dance that is. It seems like fun though, a lot of my friends are going
My dress is really pretty, it isn't fancy or anything. I could wear it again to something if i really wanted it. I don't have much going on today. Sam slept over, you know though it's kinda sad that when you have
someone spending the night you go to bed first and they stay up till 4:30 in the morning on the phone with their "boyfriend" this is the girl with the internet boyfriend... Whatever though, i got a better night sleep than her
Tehe, i gotta go, because i have nothing else to say
Thought of the Day:
ja ne for now
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
Mood: Tired
Music: Blurry- Puddle of Mud
Today was week has been, alright. Tuesday, Wednesday, and today we had standerized test. I did horrible on the math, but on the English i know i did awesome :3. Thats why i want to be a
journalist or something. Even though I would truely like to do something with photography, but you don't much money in that. I don't want to be a starving artist Tehe. No softball practice tomorrow :3 Yesterday and today we had
a scrimmage game in softball. Yesterday was so frigin windy, and I think I am still trying to get sand out of my hair and ears. Tehe. We don't know if we won or lost yesterday. It was a close game. Today,
we got screwed. We played against a really good highschool, whose town pays for a lot of it. Rich town, means good teams, which equals to an idoor sports gym, which also equals more practice time. Finally that means a GREAT
team :) Oh well, at least we tried. We really got creamed though, I think the score was like 20 something to 1. Better than the boys baseball against the other schools baseball team. 30 to 0. we at least got one score Tehe:3
Saturday I'm getting a hair cut. I need one, badly. My hair grows to fast. I only got it cut in December, and it's even longer then it was before I got it cut. God I'm rambling.
It seems that each week I'm addicted to a new song. Each song I listen to like a billion times. :3 Gotta go :3
Thought of the Day:
No practice tomorrow Free Friday!
ja ne for now
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