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Monday, October 3, 2005
hey sorry i didnt update for acouple days
Hey, i don't have much time to write because i'm getting ready for school.. nothing much going on tired... as hell.... i did fall asleep until about 12 and i woke up at 6:30... i have some test today :( lol well nothing else is really going on... me and sam hung out this weekend and my brother came down on friday and stayed the weekedn. On saturday i saw corpse bride... it was good but it was no match compaired to nightmare before christmas... i gotta go now because i don't wanna be late for school... ciao and everyone have a good day at school/work or have a great day instead whichever lol :)
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
yes i'm still alive.
Hey, sorry i haven't been on in a bit... been busy with school. School...its going good... i mean its school i actually like highschool better then middle school... and i was the one complaining it sucked lol. Well i'm going to the renisance (sp) fair in pa. honors and college prep english are going because we are going to be working on romeo and juliet and yea she just wanted to go so yea... its going to be awesome... um what else is going on... well I dont have much else to say... um check out my myspace :) well u dont have to but hey why not :) http://www.myspace.com/narusasufan
hopefully i'll update and get to everyones site sometime soon... much love
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Monday, September 19, 2005
its been to long sorry
Sorry guys i havent been on that much. Been busy with school. I'm in all honors and one college prep class so i'm swamped with homework. It's only my second week and i already have like 2 chapter tests... one being tomorrow.. plus two quizes.. they move fast... i'm not use to it. My old school wasn't like this, but i dont really care. I'm finally use to highschool... i actually think i like it. :) yay for me... but you would be surprised you would think i would be extremely busy with the way i made it sound but i was really bored yesterday and after school today because my homework went faster then usual... i have found an interest... well i've always been interested in it but not as much as right know.. photography... well i saw a bloody movie the other day and it got me going on pictures and stuff well if u wanna see some of my crappy (in my opinion) work heres the site http://lostkitsune.deviantart.com/ tell me what you think... well thats if you want :) well i'm off to bed soon i'm tired i'll try to get on sometime before the weekend... especially if i have something exciting to annouce which probably wont be the case so
ciao for now
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
had a good day
I had a good day. I didnt get lost once. My counclor showed me around during homeroom because i saw him. So it was all cool. I basically new where to go but i wasn't sure how to get there but now i know its awesome. I think i found a table to sit at during lunch i can't believe i found one already..i dunno at lunch i meet two girls... both of them where named amanda and then i met my lab parnter and some kid in my home economics class and they were both named john. I found out the first kid i met in my new school is my brothers friends little sister and my brothers first friend was her big sister... the irony.. It's the second day i have a lot of homework nothing hard tho defintions and stuff... thats what i get for being in all honors classes and one college prep... they drill u with homework. I have the best english teacher in the world :) um nothing much more to say...
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Monday, September 12, 2005
Today was my first day in highschool... First day in a new school... with only a few people i knew... I got lost... about 3 or 4 times... (mind you we didnt have an orientation so i'm not so much of dunce) I tried to find my way to Bio....that sucked... aparently... the seniors already decided to pick on me... they wouldnt let me up the stairway... they claimed it was only for seniors... well at least i wasn't the only one that was told not to go that way... mind you no one was aloud up and there was a teacher standing there and they didnt give to shits... it doesn't matter tho... i just need to find my way to it tomorrow... I don't know how i even managed to get there todayt ...well anyway that was really the only big confusion except i almost went into the boys locker room >.< Um... My bio class has no kids i know in it but really its all good... i guess it went better then planed... so yea... this school is being then my old... well I'll stop complaining and i should be happy that i'm in classes with most people i know
So how did ur day go everyone :)
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
OMG that was the best concert ever! I had the best time. My feet hurt my throat hurts but it was awesome... tomorrow i wont be able to talk :) Jimmy eat world opened for greenday OMG IT WAS SO FUCKING AWESOME!!!!! Well i gotta go
jonin :)
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
its been to long
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Nothing much going on... like usual. I'm pissed we were expose to have orientation on the 8th put it was canceled so i dont have orientation anymore i have to just show up at school... damn construction it sucks. I saw a cool movie the other day when my brother stopped by from college.. by the way he is enjoying himself. I saw the brothers grimm or something like that. That was cool we didn't get out of the movie theater until like 12:30 the next morning ^^ lol Well today i decided was going to take an old pair of jeans and "design" them. They are awesome looking. I can't wait until tomorrow I'm going to see greenday live :) is excited. So i'm going to wear my improved jeans... you know what when people say its new and improved which one is it new or improved if it was new it wouldn't need to be improved because then it wouldnt be new... ok... i bet you really don't care about my rambles... lol. Well lately I have been spending alot of time on the site called myspace... its pretty cool... i just haven't had much to write about on myotaku... so it hasn't been updated...DO you guys like my new background? If not i'll put up the old one. Monday i start school...I'll update after the concert tomorrow and tell you how it was ^^
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
GAARA OMG... I'm gonna sleep with gaara... I hope he doesn't kill me... pulls out Panda suit... i said wear it damnit... sorry I'm in a hyper mood ~CYA~
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Sorry I haven't been around lately. Nothing much has been happening either. Saturday me my mom and my aunt took my brother to college helped him move in and all. Nothing really happened since then .. on monday... um that wasn't such a good day... everyone hates my uncle even more then they did... but i'm not going to get into that... to long of a story. I've been having sleeping troubles again. Been waking up at 4:30 every morning and not falling back to bed until like 7 or 8 so that sucks... Tired..Can't wait until the 7th of september I'm going to a greenday concert that should be awesome ^^ Well I'm going to go nothing more to say

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Saturday, August 27, 2005
big meltdown
My computer went pyscho... it took my brother 4 hours to fix it.... my computer was infected and my virus scan couldn't find it... thats because my virus program was corrupted... ::sighs:: that was fun. Well now that my brother fixed it all of a sudden the avitars on myotaku show up so i was like SWEET lol well i have some more pictures i liked you guys might have already seen them before

I dont know where that thing is from or what it is but... its so adorible

I like sasuke dont get me wrong.. but i still thing it is really funny... but thats just me... Nothing much going on.. gotta go help make dinner
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