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Friday, August 26, 2005
Went back to school shopping today. I finally got my orientation letter...its on the 8th...I also went to my eye docotrs appointment today... getting new glasses.... that will be nice... um... not much going on...bored...You know what i use alot of periods. lol

I thoughts these pictures were funny... hope you guys like them
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
Nothing much it going on. I have a doctors appointment today. I have to get some physical for school and a tentnis (sp?) shot. I hate shots.. Well i finally got back a picture i had taken on the cruise...well here it is I know i know how could i do that to your eyes... lol
well...i should go
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
my school schedule sucks
I got my school schedule today... it sucks... I didn't get the class I wanted and I don't understand why.. Not to brag or anything but I was expose to be one of the first to get my choices because i had one of the highest grades My friend got the class and she almost failed... I don't find it fair.. ::sighs:: so i'm going to have a meeting with my counciler (sp?) well here my schedule
french 1
phsy ed 1
biology w/lab
algerbra 1
english 1
world history
skills for living
I was going to take algerbra 2 since i already took algerbra 1 but i'm not the best at math... so yea... well instead of graphics the course i wanted i got home ed..oh well i'll stop complaining for once... I'll just talk to my counclor and maybe everything will be alright ^^
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This game i got is really neat... Really weird but neat it's call Digital Devil Saga.. It's cool though. Well my foot is feeling better thanks for caring ^^ Well I should get back to cleaning my room... Which i have been saying i'll clean for alittle over 2 weeks lol. It's just one of those things that you get to like a year later... well um... Gots to go
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Well today was alright. Went to the mall. I got a video game... i dunno... it sounded interesting.. My foot is killing me. Last night i declared my room a hazard zone i stepped on a needle and it went half way in my foot... it hurt really really bad lol. Nothing much else to say gots to go
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Pics from Europe
I finally got some pictures. They suck though because my cousin took them and my pictres haven't been devopled yet. but here are some.


Museum in russia


The little mermaid-

the smart car... so frigin awesome

Berlin wall

Well thats all the pictures for now... maybe my pictures will come out good. Well anyway nothing much going on today. My brothers birthday. He leaves for college in 6 days... it's going to be very quiet and lonely here now :( Well i gotta go ciao
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Sorry about the post yesterday. I was just having a bad day. Just thinking about things and stuff. Anyway my cousins were down this week and they never bring my spirits up i mean they are family and they barely say two words to me.... I hate family... besides my mom and brother and a few others. I didnt have to babysit Nico thats her new baby picture i can't believe shes 6 months already. well i gotta go
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Lately I have been feeling depressed. I know you must be thinking What she just got back from a cruise shes one lucky bitch. Yea i know i'm lucky and all but lately i just havent been happy with myself. I feel like i have been trapped in some unreal fantasy and I feel so lonely and unreal. I like i need to be sticked and proded with pins and needles... I need to feel alive and needed... Yes i sound like some melodramatic teen but this is really how i feel. I'm surounded by so many people but yet i feel so lonely. Feel like the blood running throw me is like sand and I'm scared of myself. Over a couple of weeks i looks so differend from who i remember myself being. I'm so scared of myself and maybe what i'm becoming and even i dont know what i'm becoming. I'm sorry for the really weird post but i have to go for now
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Europe was different then i expected but i still had a wonderful time... I can stand my cousin or my doloros anymore never will i go on vacation with them...NEVER with all the complain and the self centered ness they drove me insane. MY favorite part was st petersburg russia.. and my least favorite part was helsinki finland it was so ugly there... well anyway. I have done nothing all day and i slept late anyway. um....There were plenty of hot guys on the trip but i didnt meet any of them... my shyness crept up on me...but i did notice a few staring at me... i'm not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing... well I'm really surprised with myself... About a month now i havent eaten meat... I dunno everytime i do i just feel sick nowing i ate something that was murdered... ::shivers:: My step grandma who i just call doloros brought a 1700 dollar jacket on the cruise... 1700 dollars!! damn and i hate the coat its pretty but i hate it its made of shear white beaver... poor little beaver people like her should be skined and see how they like it... and no offence to anymore who reads this and i dont care if u like meat i'm not going to hate u for it... its just i prefer not to eat little animals... if u do good for you... sorry if i sound cranky i have to get use to the time differences... So i'm going to go... I'm not feeling well i woke up at 4 in the morning with a sore throat and a stomach ache so it sucks
Jonin also once i get the pictures developed i'll show them to whoever wants to see them...
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
I'm Home!! :)
I just got home from vactation. I'm exhausted. all the waiting and sitting. 2 1/2 hour bus ride 2 hour wait to get on the plane, 7 1/2 hour plane ride and a 2 hour ride to get to my home. I'm so glad to be back. It was amazing there. I will never go on vacation with my step grandma my step cousin and my step aunt again. MY step cousin is a self centered spoiled brat my step grandma didnt stop complaining the whole entire trip and my step aunt... it was the first time i really met her and she was really weird. My favorite places we went were berlin and st. petersburg russia. I'm going to go thought because i'm exhaust and jetlag because i'm use to being 5 hours ahead... which means my body is telling me it is 4:49 am so
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