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• 1965-06-21
• hangin with my buds Jason Statham,Bruce Campbell, and Rob Zombie
Member Since
• 2005-07-18
• King of the Universe
Real Name
• Kaptain Kool
• I killed my Evil twin.....'cause i'm just that bad ass
Anime Fan Since
• I discovered Hellsing
Favorite Anime
• Anykind ,but I really like Hellsing{the show and th manga}AND I REALLY LIKE Deathnote, and Blame,Zombiepowder,bleach is pretty cool too
• To become the worlds greastest Actor/Director......i don't understand why people don't have goals....
• uhhhh...hobbies ....*OH*well I like to sit,run around in circles with sharp things,smell things,run in the magical field of rainbows and waffles, get on MyOtaku,and kill.............especially litle furry animals
• Well,i can find any organ in the human body with my eyes closed,i'm sewper Kool,I'm REALLY GOOD AT ACTING,or so i've ben told.....I can do some voice talents,i can cross my eyes(but who can't),draw,act,hang out with friends,theres a couple of more ,but i
| Jonny Rainbow
Monday, March 19, 2007
Hey guys
Sorry, i haven't posted in a while,i've been real busy with school and stuff,Gosh i HATE MY ENGLISH TEACHER,maybe she'll drive off a cliff....well anywho,sorry i haven't finnished my story either,i'll try and remember to do that,but like i said,My douchebag teacher has been to hard on us and crap...OH i know i'll post it during spring break,that's coming up in like 4 days so yeah be looking for it.......^^
okay,i don't want to seem like everybody else,but i want to ask a couple of questions...'cause it seems like everybod asks one after a post, so i guess i will too.....and i'll also try to post my anwers..
okay today i have 4 question...
1).Pirates or ninjas?why?
2).If you could use any weapon to kill a zombie what would it be?
3).(this is a wrestling question so you might not get it)
Rated RKO or D-Generation X?
4)once again,a wrestling question....
Who do you think will win the World Heavyweight Championship,Batista or The Undertaker?
OH and if you have a question for me i'll post the question and my answer....,k!!
p.s.PM4L!!!!!!*in-side joke*
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