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Monday, April 18, 2005
i have finly post the dream yunas going to kill me for plz read it and comment it and ppl plz look at my reasently added pics and plz comment and rate i dont even care if they are negitive anymore
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
i told you i wouldent post untell i finshed my dream and i kept my promas now that thats over with
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*Yugi, Joey, and Rose(me) are in yugi's living room watching tv*
Rose: you shure have become popular sence you started duling
Joey: my adoring fans love me
Rose: i never said i was an adoring fan
Joey: uhh....uhh i still love you *nurvasly trying to cover up what he just said*
Rose: shure ya do *sarcasticly*
TV: Reportor: *standing in frount of Kaiba Corp.(KC)* how do you feal to finly have found you brother and to find out their multibillionares?
TV: Yuna: im just glad that i found them and can be reaquanted to my brothers
Yugi: hey guys look she looks fimilar
Rose: if you were paying atenchon the reproter did say "multibillionares" and their standing in frount of KC
Joey: oh right
TV: Reportor: *continues asking yuna sevral questions*
TV: Seto: *comes out of KC* if you dont mind id like it of youd get theas camras out of hear
Yugi: thats unusal he normaly whants the atenchon
Rose: hes probly conserend about his sister you know how he is with his borther
Joey: grate now theirs another Kaiba running around Damno City(DC)
Rose: Joey be nice
Joey: What they cant hear me
Rose: no but we can
Yugi: she has a point Joey you and Kaiba should learn to get along
Joey: you only saying that becouse Kaiba has a crush on you sister
Yugi: whell shes your girlfriend
Joey: i thout you told me earlear you dident love me
Rose: Joey i told you i wasent a fan i dont nead to be a fan if i alredy have you
Joey: oh right
Yugi: i whonder about you sometimes
Granpa: Hey Youngins its getting late you better hit the hay
Joey: *scaraches his head in confusion* say what
Rose: he said its geting late and we'd beter get to bed and you hed home
Joey: oh right i new that *lying duh*
Yugi: *yahn* whell i agree see you all in the morning *heads to bed*
Rose: see ya in the mornin'
Joey: hey gramps you mind if i stay hear tonight?
Grampa: shure you know whare the blankets are you can have the couch
Joey: thanks
Rose: *blushing*
Joey: *youd better get to bed*
Rose: right *runs off to her room blushing and giggling*
Joey: *flexes his mussels* i just have that kind of effect on people
Yugi: *begins to laugh*
Joey: i thought you went to bed
Yugi: i went the wrong way besides that was funney that was an kodack moment
Joey: just go to bed
Yugi: *goes to bed*
Joey: *falls asleep on the couch*
*the next morning at school*
Rose: Setos not hear as useual wounder if his sister is?
Joey: dont know dont care
Yugi: *starts laughing for no reason*
Joey: Yuge you ok?
Yugi: yeah i was just thanking of what you did lastnight
Joey: what did i do last night
Yugi: *dose a realy horable inpressong of joey flexing his mussels and trying to sound like him* "i must have that effect on girls"
Rose: What?
Joey: *nurvas laugh* whell i was just trying to be funny and i thought you were watching me not yugi
Yugi: hey guys look dosent that girl look alot like kaiba?
Rose: im going to go introduse myself
Joey: thats just what we nead you becoming friends with Kaibas sister *sarcastick*
Rose: oh be nice *walks over to the girl who looks alot like kaiba* hello my name is Rose what is yours?
girl who looks like kaiba: *reading a book looks up form her book* OH MY GOD *throws the book down and jumps out of her seat and runs over to joey and hugs him*
Joey: can i help you?
girl who looks like kaiba: my name is yuna and i am your numbor one fan my brother dosent like you but i know every thank about you like how you did in the dulest kingdom and battle city and in my borthers next trudment you are going to win
Joey: *sweat dorp* your my numbor one fan
Yuna: thats right
Rose: so you are setos sister
Yuna: only family is aloud to call him seto
Rose: dose he talk about a girl he likes
Yuna: he has minchend it *still huging joey tightly*
Rose: thats me
Yuna: oh so your the one who he keeps daydreaming about
Rose: yes and if you dont mind will you please let go of my boyfriend
Joey: now Rose she is just a fan girl
Rose: who clames she knows every thang about you but she dosent know nothing
Yuna: i do to his favorite color is blue
Rose: Wrong its green
Joey: will you two quit fighting over me yuna im sry but kaiba dosent like me and rose is realy my girlfriend
Yugi: i thank your cute
Yuna: back off pipsqueek
Joey: hey watch it thants my girlfriends brother your talking to
yuna: *mumbles to herself* explains why shes soo short*
Rose: so how did you find you brothers?
Yuna: ater watching clips form my borthers battle city tordment i relized how closely relating we looked and that we shared the same last name
Rose: i had to have a blood test inorder to find my real parrents thats how kaiba knows me first we were at the orphanage together and than later he was close friends with my fother untell reaslently
Joey: you mean Pegisus
Rose: ok so hes not my biological fother but growing up he was the closest than to a fother i had and i still consider him a fother becouse...
Yugi: I dient thank you new
ROse: i do
Yuna: your fothers dead isent he?
Rose: yeah
Yugi: our parrents were in a car accedent and our fother died whall i and my mother lived Rose was lost and we surched for days and couldnt find her she was just a baby i was astonshed to see her alive wheen we found her at dulest kingdom
Yuna: im so sorry my parrents also died in a car accedent
Yugi: mocuba alredy told us
Yuna: so he told you that i was seprated from them when we went to the orphandges?
Yugi: no we dident know they had a sister
Yuna: *still huging joey begins to cry barring her face into his chest*
Rose: *grabs a hold of her poney tale in her hair* what did i tell you back away from my boy friend
Yuna: *lets go of Joey*
*bell rings*
teacher: class please take your seats we have a new student joining out class today Yuna?
Yuna: hear i am
teacher: i see you have taken a seat near Joey, Yugi, and Rose
Yuna: theas are my friends and i feal comfterable around them so if youd pleas not make me move id apreachate it
teacher: thats fine
*later after school*
Yuna: hey would you guys like to come over to my house?
Joey: we better not
Rose: but it was nice meating you
Yugi: you can come over to my house if youd like
Kaiba: *walks up to yula* did you have a nice day
Yuna: *smiling* i had a grate day
Kaiba: *turns to rose* a butuful folwer that has blosemed form such a small pettle that is hear befor me *kisses rose oh the hand* your eligent bueaty blosems in my hart
Yuna: is he always like that?
Joey: only wheen rose is around
Yugi: she told you that he is in love with her
Rose: hey seto *nurvas laugh* and why werent you at school?
Kaiba: i have a bisness to run and have no use for school but seing you eligant face makes me miss it so
Joey: *starts gaging*
Kaiba: shut it wheeler
yuna: my butful joey...
Joey: it wont work on me
Yuna: aww man
Rose: i should be geting home i have a ton of home work later *leves*
Kaiba: *when rose is out of sight* you better stay away form my rose
Joey: your rose?
Kaiba: i have loved her longer and i do treat her with more respece i can see it in her eyes she loves me
Joey: shes anoyed by you
Yuna: brake it up you two settle this lator but id like to go home now please seto?
Kaiba: alright but rose is mine
*lator at the kibas home*
Yuna: hey seto you love rose and i love joey do you thank there is a way that we could get them away from each other and geting to love us
Kaiba: thats a good idea
*the two begin to plot how they can get rose and joey away form each other*
*later at Bugger World (place whare tea worked) joey and rose are having dinner*
Joey: im sry that i couldent do any thang more romantic
Rose: i dont like all that romance mushy gusshy stuff this is fine besides watching tea work its halarous
tea: *trips and falls face first on a tray and is now coverd in kecthup*
Joey: your right *begins laughing* this is fun and im not much for the romance thang eather this is grate
*yuna and kaiba come into bugger world*
Yuna: *sees joey and rose and walks over to their table* is their enuff room for us two to join you?
Rose: yeah i guess
Kaiba: *sits next to rose and drapes his and over her sholder* hes treating you all right?
Rose: yeah why?
Kaiba: i wouldent whant any thang to happen to my rose you like family to me
Yuna: *sits next to Joey* im sorry about earler i became a little over obsessive
Joey: its ok your not the first fangirl to go nuts to see me
Kaiba: have you two orderd yet?
Joey: no why?
Kaiba: becouse im going to pay
Joey: i thought you hated me
Kaiba: i dont hate you im just testing you
Rose: will you two drop it?
Yuna: yeah you two are acting soo immature
tea: can i take your order
Yuna: *cracks up laughing*
joey: *wispers* ptss thats roses brothers girlfriend*
Yuna: sry
*everyone orders and eats than as they leave*
Kaiba: hey rose would you like to come over to my house?
rose: i guess
Yuna: hey joey i whanted to check out roses family game shop will you take me?
Joey: shure i guess
Rose: im comming with you
Yuna: well be fine we are almost adults we dont nead mommy their to watch him
Rose: im not his mother and i dont have full trust in you yet
Yuna: what could we posably do in a game shop?
Joey: its ok ill be fine
Yuna: *smiles, grabs Joeys hand and runs off*
Kaiba: common shall we go
Rose: can she be trusted?
Kaiba: of corse she can
Rose: but i dont trust Joey *begins to run twards game shop*
Kaiba: *raps his arms around rose* they'll be fine common lets go *a limmo pulls up beside them and the driver gets out*
Driver: *opens the door* Mr. kaiba is this the butuful young lady that is comming with us?
Kaiba: *still has his hands raped around rose* yes this is rose and she will be coming along with us
Rose: *cant realy move for the way hes holding her* kaiba? *blushing*
Kaiba: yes?
Rose: could you let go of me i am kinda uncofterable
girl walking down the street: *wispers to girl shes with* is that kaibas sister?*
Other girl: *wispers back* no i dont thank so i thank shes his girlfriend*
first girl: *wispers back* shes lucky to have such a rich boyfriend
other girl: *wispers* i wish he was my man*
rose: will you let go of me their gosiping as if we were lovers
first girl: *wispers* so hes not her girlfriend?*
other girl: *wispers back* guess its his sister than*
Kaiba: let them thank what they wish *kisses rose*
rose: *blushing* *trys to struggle*
both girls: .... their lovers?
Kaiba: why do you struggle my love?
*mean while*
Yuna: so whare is this place?
Joey: can Kaiba be trusted?
Yuna: why are you worried about him?
Joey: i dont trust him with rose *starts heading twards kc*
Yuna: *grabs his hand* theyll be fine comm on
Joey: ok *walks back twards the game shop*
Yuna: *starts huging joeys arm and gazes in to his eyes*
Joey: *thanking to himself* i hope rose is alright alone with kaiba i realy nead to check on her i wish yuna would let go of my arm her grip is starting to hurt*
Yuna: why do you care so much about rose anyway?
Joey: why dose your brother?
Yuna: asked you first
Joey: if you answer my question ill answer yours
Yuna: kaiba loves rose becouse...
Triston: grate joey your ditching rose to be with another girl what would your sister thank more inportantly what would rose thank? shed kill ya man you now you two are destand to be together so ditch the girl befor she sees ya
Yuna: rose alsedy knows im with him
Joey: kaibas kidnaped rose and im stuck with his just as snotty and rude sister
yuna: i am not anoying
Yugi: *steps out of the game shop* joey whares rose and why is yuna holding on to your arm so tightly
Joey: yuge you now how "attached" the fangirls can get
*meanwhile back in the limo*
rose: your love? my hart only belongs to joey driver let me out hear
Kaiba: dont stop you shouldent leave a lady alone out on the streat
Rose: i never liked you more than a friend*opens the door and jumps out if the car stumbles to her feet and begins to run twards the game shop*
Kaiba: stop
driver: *stops*
Kaiba: *runs out twards rose* stop wate my love come back
Rose: *runs up to joey pulls yula off his arms and kisses him*
Yuna/Kaiba: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Triston: i told ya he was taken
Rose/joey: dont ever leave me alone with another menbor of the kaiba family ever agin
yuna im soo sry but this was my dream and im soo sry if you were offinded by it if youd like me to ill change the name and any thang else youd like me to change
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
yuna's going to kill me
last night i had a strange dream and yunas chator was in it im going to explain the dream in my next post but im scared if yuna will really be mad at me though seing how shes with joey probly not *runs away and hides* dont hurt me
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Trying it agin >
any closer and theas two would be kissing

it worked thank you yuna soo much though i cant figer out how to make it work im soo confused
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testing it out agin ><

http://www.rabidkougafangirls.com/pictures/111-01.jpg is the pic im trying to get on hear if anyone can help im more than welcome to accept it becouse i nead the help cuz im soo helpless ><
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testing it out agin >

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this morning im looking up varous jap/eng words and learning their meanings or jap name whell i have found some funney ones
Jou- Young lady
Yasha- female demon (i alredy know this one)
...this means my sn JouYasha means young lady/female demon sry jounouchi(joey) and InuYasha i dident know but goes to show ya i love ya and you truly are ladys nope im the lady ^-^
ok back to translations
KiJo(random sn my bro came up with)- demonness or lady or feminane
wolf- urufu
dog- inu
cat- neko
and sevral others if youd like spisific words just ask me or go to this sight and look them up your self but all i ask is that you have fun ^-^
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Friday, March 18, 2005
200 HUGS ^-^
thank you all for all the hugs you have given me form the hug butten i just feal realy speachal to have finly reached this meny thank you all and i nead segestions for thangs to draw becouse lately most of the thangs i have drawn are not anime thought i can post them on my sight if youd like to see them
thank you all
*hugs everyone* ^-^
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
im hopeing it works im trying to figure hout how to post pic on my sight whell hear gose nothing *corsses fingers*

are those life points or atack points?

joey it cant be that bad...

...ok maby it can

OMG joeys on fire put it out put it out put it out!!

joey is in the rebd armor i just whanna run up and hug him

joey had an idea everybody run in fear

the rebd has a dule disk never mind its joey in his howloween costume
it worked *jumps up and down for joy*
theas are my fav pic form a realy grate eppsode any one know how to get a video clip on hear and changeing backgorund to a pic?
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