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Rose Pipsqueek
i graduated
Anime Fan Since
scence i was little (i saw james form pokemon from my earlist mimories to fifth grade, than joey tell eight and edward tell i was a senor)
Favorite Anime
fma (fullmetal alchemist) ither than that just about anythang that i watch and is willing to hang out with me
become an animator and posably move to japaln
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Friday, June 10, 2005
dont let me get board
strange thangs happen
heven has come to me
wall pappr
*tear* its sad isent it
my hart is pounding *sigh* im in heven *blush* HE'S ALL MINE BACK OFF!!!
manga covers
told ya
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
OMG!!!!!!!! IM STILL ALIVE!!!?!!?!!!?!!!!
what a night all my nerves are shot im telling you now i love in kansas city missori near kansas and every one knows kansas is knoned for their tornados right? oh yeah i also live in a traler ok now that you know that hears what went on
lastnight we had a rain storm(nothing unusual) except the wind was blowing 75 mph ok like idots my famly is we were standing on our frount porch with flashlights(not on yet) watching across the street a small tree branch ignighting on a power line (yes we called 911 but they came) so as this tree branch is catching fire random exploshions went off the tree branch finly came down ignited we thought it was going to catch the tralor or the small feald nearby on fire but it went out befor it hit the ground lator my parents went to sleep(i cant sleep when it rains) i steped outside lastnight cuz the whind died down and it stoped raining sortly after i steped out side i saw something no one in a tralor park ever wants to see....the whind picked back up and a saw a tralor flying thrugh the air i steped back inside tring not to panic but i just saw a tralor fly by me (along with varous other debree) im suprized we still were in the same tralor lot and that we still had eletristy *hair standing up on ends* i had a nurveracking night so if i seem moody today im sry anyone would after that.....*nees to chest rocking back and forth saying its going to be ok*
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
ed can play the...chopsticks..? what?
lastnight i had a weard dream that whall roy was barking orders at ed joey came across the phlosphers stone he sent al back to ed to tell him the news mean while im hanging out with hues(HE CANT DIE><) just chatting and waiting for the moment to bug mustang after roys dune with ed ed runs into al and al tells ed the news ed runs to hues office grabes me and runs off without any explnation so im compleatly comfused and so is hues when we arive at the spot whare joey found the phlospers stone someone else had alredy taken it and had joey tied up so ed starts figting the dude and whall geting his but kicked me like the idiot i am step in the middle of the argument and segest some sort of contest to determan the winner the man with the phlospers stone asked what i had in mind i told him nurvoulsly transumutating food and its edableabilty after transmutating he and ed agrees ed takes out two pairs of chopsticks and starts twrling them around his fingers realy fast so whos transmutating and whos eating? the dude with the stone segests that one of his men and one of eds eat the food so that one cant poison the other both victomes would taest it whell after all the lovly food was prepared the dude with the phlospers stond had one of his guys tied to a chair and me tied to another after leting joey go agread that wed feed out own men (yes i know im not a man but you get the poing) as they started off ed was working his chopsticks trying to be a show off as the other guy was having troble trying to create something edable after they were dune ed won of corse and got the stone joey ran up and kissed ed ed truned red after wards ed untied me and kissed me and i trurned red than joey kissed me (too much kissing) i woke up than and i went to the restroom and saw my face was rea i just love theas dreams and i wish i could have explanied it beter if you still dont understand tell me and ill rewright it so its eazer to read *sweatdrop* im shure someone will whant to kill me *caugh* serena *cough* *cough* i realy wish i could go in more detale of eds chopsticks thang it was amazing^-^
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Monday, June 6, 2005
its comming along slowlyc the fanfic isent coming out as i planed but its still awsome^-^
the rp i was doing with a friend who ensperedthe edXjoey has come up with something realy desturbing that i am going to have night mares about for a long long time she has paired me with naraku (EWWWWW *goes an pukes*) im ifusuly creaped out but i guess i deserved it cuz i got ed and joey together i cant beleve it had to be naraku i would have rather been with a girl than naraku i am not likeing that pairing someone help me ><
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Friday, June 3, 2005
i finly figgered it out^-^
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if it works this sexy pic of ed will be my new bacground ^-^
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its making me insane im trying to let pplz know slowly but im going nuts holding it in is my idea for the newest yoai cupple is EdXJoey i know its a cross over and it may take a while to convence pplz of this. trying to pplz to see ed w/o roy and joey w/o seto may be hard but if i keep at it long enuf i hope to be the one who started a realy good cupple i have been drawling theas two together sence i got the idea(about two weeks ago whall rping with a friend THANK YOU SERENA^-^) and occasonly add me^-^ DAMNIT I WISH I HAD A SCANNER!!!!!!! pplz i ask you for the favor of draling me a pic of Ed(fma)XJoey(ygo) dosent nessasarly have to be yaoi and anyone willing to do this request for me im willing to do art in return for ya
if you do deside to do my request you can ad rose(me) into the pic if you whant you dont have to
rose looks alot like ed
hair- dark blond/light brown the frount looks alot like ed's except her left(right side of the pic) eye is always coverd most of the time she has two brades form the back of her hair sitting in frount of her sholders that comes to about the top of her chest
phical descryption- short,(about a heads liinth of ed) kinda skinny, brown eye,(membor the lefts coverd) and her face always has a kinda rosie tent to it
clothing- shell whare just about anythang but a dress, most of the time she wares a t-shirt and a pair of jeens sometimes she stells joeys green jacket of has ed red one
other infor you may nead to know- she is a tom boy so sometimes she has grass stains, dirt, holes, ect... on her cloes, and the left side of her body(membor thats the right side when your facing her) never shows i thank thats it.... oh yeah she kinda has a crush on both boys(if its yoai the boys love eachother and her^-^)
now i thank thats everythang on monday(the next time i get on) i shall type my fanfic that goes along with the story it explains more about why and whats going on ^-^ whell i hope a few more pplz are willin to do the pic rembor i dont care what their doing^-^
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
a shout out to all my pplz
thank you all *feals verry speachal* i now know im loved *tear of joy* thank you all
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
its offical im crazy
how meny post have i posted? soo meny with difrent moods im confused *head spins* i thank im going to be sick
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i nead someone to plz plz plz plz do me a huge verry huge favor whoever dose it i will do anythang for them sevral requests money(have to figer out how u can get it) ANYTHANG i dont care what i have to give in return as long as somone plz dose this request for me *on her hands and nees begging with big puppydog eyes* plz plz plz
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