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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Long time...
WEll I just realized that I haven't been on here in a long time and that's very sad. Because I love all of you and i missed you. Well nothing is really going on this summer except for summer classes(graphic design course), trying to find a job, and getting my licence. Well that really all I've been up to. How about all of you, how's your summer going? I hope that you all are enjoying yourselves!
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Monday, April 2, 2007
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Friday, March 30, 2007
So much to do and have so much fun doing it!
Hey there everyone sorry 4 not posting in like 4ever. Well last week I was in Asheville N.C and had soo much fun. (might post details later). I've been very busy with so many other things too. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. But I'm have sooooooo much fun doing all of it. Well I actually have alot to do tommorrow too. WAH. All so I've been on facebook alot and myspace sometimes too. *sighs* I'm alittle bit crazy right now so forgive me. Well I love you all.

Miyavi is soo hot! I love J-Rockers!
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Monday, March 12, 2007
Man there has been alot of change happenin to me like how I'm most likely going to get my licence soon. yay! Also the change of weather and time yay 4 weather, boo for time. Also and in about 3 months skool end. (man I still need to wake up.
Oh I'm sooooooooooo happy cause our is having a dance Friday and I have a date to go with and also most of my friends are going. Even thought one of my friends wanted me to go c Red Jumpsuit, I rather go to the dance. I hope that it willl be fun. Well I hope that you all have a nice day!
I've been addicted to this anime.

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Friday, February 23, 2007
Hello. I am most definitely Joyce. Not her friend who saw that she had conveniently forgotten to log off. Nope!
... Yeah. I am.
btw, I hope you like the new background, Joyceling!

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Monday, February 12, 2007
Well I had a good time last week. Because our school had three days off due to a water main break and snow, so I was pretty hap. I just finshed a school play and now I'm doing another at a different school, which I actually enjoying alot. Well I hope that we get more sown so that school would be cancaled. That would make me a very happy girl!
I'm also gald that my site looks better. I hope that everyone has a good day!!!
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Saturday, February 10, 2007
What's going on?
Well I know that I haven't been on in a while. Lot's going on, just too muck to list out. And another reason why I haven't been on here in a while is that my site isn't working right. I do know why it cuting half of my stuff. But I think that I'm going to solve my problem by getting a new site. I hope that works. Well I let you all know if I do change. Well I hope that you all have a nice day. Man it really has been awhile.
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Well it seems that theres alot goin on for me right now like we have exams coming up soon and i'm working really hard on trying to study for those. If I get good grades on them I'll be so happy! I also have other test coming up this week. Man I really do miss relaxing and going to bed earily and the weekend. Last saturday my friend asked me if I wanted to go to an anime con with her but I couldn't cause of FUCKIN SCHOOL X( School is really buggin me now and I erally hate it! (cries).
Well I guess this pic can cheer me up.
Love Get Backers!
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
Hey Everyone
Well I really had a great Chirstmas and an o.k. New Year. Well I'm very happy that I got the 2nd Tactics! It's really good! I also got the the Spiral boxset and that just made everything better! I love it so much! Spiral rox! I also got more yaoi manga and thatls about it when it comes to anime! Well I hope that you all enjoyed you Chirstmas! Well that's all folks! Have a nice day!
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Monday, January 1, 2007
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