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Friday, December 1, 2006
Hello! I love Daigo Stardust and I want his babies!!!
Hello there everyone! I'm in a pretty good mood today! Well yesterday I was on you tube and was watching JRockers givng fanservice. I love fanservice. Well neway I was watchinf Miyavi and Daigo kissing and it rekindeled my love for Daigo, so I've been obsessed with him since last night and as you can see I changed my BG and planning to do more to my site. Well I was happy caus he's so hot!!!! Miyavi make my day cause he's always kissing hot guys (Even though Miyavi kisses everyone he some how kisses really hot guys!!!! Miyavi= sex all the time)! Well that all my stuff for today! Well here's a clip of the vid I watched and some pics of Daigo!

Merry Christmas!!!!!

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Thursday, November 30, 2006
Well I can't go to the dance. Well the same night that my mom said that I can go to the dance, my date later calls and tells me that he can't go. I had alot of mixed feelings. He told me that he was sorry and that he'll make it up to me. And also he was really nice about it. But I really wanted to go to the dance with him. *sorta cries*. Oh well I'm a little over it now. I hope by the end of today i'll just go and visit his facebook. Well I love you all and I hope that you all have a nice day.
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Monday, November 27, 2006
Hey you miss me
Well it's been awhile since I been on. Well I've been on myspace and facebook. Well it's not like I don't want to come back it just I got a little hooked. Well nothin is really happening I just can't wait till our school dance. I hope that I can finally and actually go. (My dad is giving me issues on it, but my mom told me not to worry). I'll talk to her about it tonight. I really, really want to go. I got a date and everything and also my friends are going! Well that all I have I hope that you all enjoy your evening.

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Saturday, November 11, 2006
Well I tried to post yesterday but I've been so busy. Cause our school has put on a play called Carzy for YOu. It's really good. I'm also gald that I'm friends with alot of the people in the play. I do the costumes and make-up, backstage. It's actually a very stressful job. Because if the actors don't look people critizes alot. I do the main characters make-up and coustume. SO I have to be running all over the place. And also I got sick day before yesterday and was fellin glike crap yesterday. Bu tI did my job anyway. I fell alitlle better today but I want to feel even better by tonight. Well that all I have and I'm sorry for not posting in a while. I hope that you all enjoy your day.
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Monday, October 30, 2006
The Con
OMG!!!!! Sugoicon was so much fun!!! I took lots of pictures and got to see Mi and the Funny Stones live. Most of my friends went and while I as there I got to see some people I've meet before. There was one girl I worked with and I never knew that she liked anime. So many pepole dressed up. I just went in an old dance costume that I found. It was green and black with green poke-a-dots on it and it was sparkly. I also got buttons, a yaoi-T (Thanks again Liz) and posters and a wall scroll. I'm so happy that I got to go. Well here are some pictures I took. (Some aren't that good).

He was apart of the Yaoi fan club

So cute!

Kate's friend (only friend). hehe.

Hot guy in a dress! Yes!

Her costume was awesome.

Hot J-rocker guy!


More cuteness!


Tuxedo Mask.

An awesome Robin

My friend Lacey

Mi singing Sobakasu

Funny Stones singing A Cruel Angel's Thesis

This Cloud likes pizza

My friend Jazzy

A transformer. It was a really cool costume.

Kate's friend Katie
I hope that you enjoy all the picture!
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Friday, October 27, 2006
I'm back
Well today I'm off of school and also I just got back from a retreat. I was fun and relaxing. I got to become better frineds with most of my classmates now and that makes we happy. I really enjoyed it. Well I can't wait till tomorrow, cause I get to go to an anime convention yeah,yeah,yeah! I'm soooooooooo happy. Well I can't go as anything butI'll try to dress up cool. Well I hope that you all have a nice day. Oh there some pepole who wanted to see what I like with blue in my hair and stuff like that. So here are some random pics!

Me and my friends(our shoes).

And me.

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Friday, October 20, 2006
So excited
Well on wendsday I got lots or blue highlight. I think that we bleached my hair with some strong stuff and dyed it so it started hurting, then I got it braided with dark and blue extensions which added on to the pain. My head still sorta hurts. I'm so addicted to fruits basket its crazy, also new Our kingdom came out recently. I'm going to try and get it. Oh I'm can't wait till later on today cause my friends are coming over and I hope that it will be hella tight. Well I'm going to fasinate you with more pics. I hope that everyone has a nice day!
anime guys



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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Hey there.
Well I'm actually having an anime club meeting at my house and I hope that people will come. That would make me very happy. I also hope that I can go to the anime convention coming up. I really want to go cause convention are soo much fun! Well This pos isn't too long so I'm going to just post a buch of random pictures. Have a nice day everyone.



Ban and Ginji love

FF7 (Reno mostly)

Anime guys

Bye everyone!
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
Short post and some pics
Hi everyone. Well today has been going pretty well. There are so many things that I want to do. Like there's an anime convention coming up in Kentucky and I really want to go and I want all my friends to come over so that everyone can meet each other and stuff I hope that everything works out. Well that's all. I hope that you all have a nice day.

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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Friends+me= life
Well this has been o.k. This morning I was really depressed and was cry and stuff. Then I was angry at my dad mostly on my way to school. Then when I came to school. I just wanted to be left aloen. I just felt suicidal. Well my friend Liz came and made me feel better as we listened to some cool songs that allpowerdasiy made. Then she came and let me borrow her nano and I heard more good music so she made me day much better. I love all my friends. (At school and here).
All it would be cool if we had a huge get together and listen to allpowerfuldasiy music. To tell you the truth I really like school better that home, cause when I go home I get really stressed out, then when I'm with my friends at I'm still myself and having so much fun. I always have fun with my pals. I hope that everyone have alot of cool friends that they enjoy being with and have a great time with them. I think that friends are really big thing in life. I serious, a school or a college really won't look at or take pepole who are anti-social or don't have friends. (I learned this in career class last year). I'm not trying to be mean to the people who might not have friends but... aww poo. Well that the end of my... on going writing.
Bye everyone (:

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