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Well there are some but they aren't that big.
Anime Fan Since
Since 2nd Grade
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Tenchi Muyo
To have a job that deals with video games.
collecting anime stuff and playing my instruments.
I can draw well, play a cello and the guitar and can be awsome at video games.
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Monday, July 17, 2006
Well I'm sorry I 've been busy at work and stuff. Fixing my IM finally (Ryoko47) and stuff like that last week. But the best thing that happened was Ikasucon Saturday. I had so much fun I couldn't contain myself that evening and yesterday. There were alot of people(a handful of cute guys) and tons of fun activiies. One of the funny things that we did (me and my friends) was stalk this one Reno cosplayer cuz he was cute and Komori liked him. I glomped people and bought pockey and got cool posters and the last book to eriee queerie. I had so much fun. Next anime caonvention I want to dress up much more cooler than this one though. I can't wait. Well O hope that you all have a nice day.
I got this poster at the convention and can't get my eyes off it.

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Sunday, July 16, 2006
Hey i'm goin to put a post up about my wonderful time at the CON!!! and stuff tomorrow. Have a nice day.
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Friday, July 7, 2006
Short but happy.
Well last night and this morning I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2 at Newport AMC movie thearter. I loved it! as usual Jack and Will looked hot. I'm looking forward to working soon and the anime convention. WEll sorry so short I have to go. Bye.

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Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Happy 4th of July and ... stuff.
Well I've had alot of stuff happen like I have a job now at Target and I'm happy about that. I get to go see the Pirates of the Carrabian 2(sorry if not spelled right). I'm excited. I also get to get out tommorrow. Yah! Well today was okay. We made food inside and stuff and it tasted really good. I also changed my BG yesterday. I like it. Well I hope that you all have a happy 4th of July. Bye everyone.
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Sunday, July 2, 2006
Sorry I can't visit everyone today, My parents are giving me stuff to do now. I'll try later and see if I can see other sites. Well again I got another interview. I sorta think it's a little to late to work but oh well. Well I hope that everyone has a nice day. BYE!!!!!
(Sorry no song or pics).
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Friday, June 30, 2006
Hey everyone
Well today I've been out all morning till the eairly afternoon. I'm still lookin for jobs and stuff i'm like sorta doing more then I did before. Next summer I'm goin to do this job thing eariler...yeah. Well I've been with my friends all freakin week and I loved it. Well I'm home eairly from my friends house and in about 2 hours I'm seeing another one. (and seeing more boys hehe). Well I'm also thinkin about havin a party from my birthday. I'm not to sure. Well that's all I hope that you all have a nice day bye.
I really want both of these animes but i'm sure about either. If you know anything about them tell me please.
Kyo Kara Maoh!

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Hello everyone
Hello everyone. Long time no posty. Well I've been a little wierd lately and I don't know what to do with myself. Well I have also been avoiding my computer. Well I get to be with my friends today. (one I just met last week and she gets to stay over my place yay)! She was trying to get an otaku but the computers here at the library suck like that. I can see if we can do it at my house later. I also get to visit my best friend tommorow and stay with her for a while. Can't wait tierd of beening at home all the time. I'm still waiting the call from gamestop but my bro told me to wait. Well I got back into a drawin mood and the other day I got new manga (eriee queer #3) yay. My friend and I r all going to watch Howl's moving castle tonight (sorta not up for it). I've seen it before like 2 saturdays ago at my friend Zack's house. I really didn't like it. Well I try to put a song or something on later (library computers suck) well I hope that you all have a nice day. bye.
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Friday, June 23, 2006
My week
There has been so much goin on here that I haven't been able to get on for awhile. sorry about that. Well I've been have one heel of a week. I final got my report card nothing to bad. I also went for my job interviwe on wed. It went preety well. I hope that I get the job. I went to work with my mom this week and now she's busy I have to help her with some stuff. My kitty is driving me crazy. My computer had no connection for two days.I didn't see Fast and the Furious but I saw over the Hedge (really cute). I've also been playin Resident Evil 4 for the second time and I've been watching alot of soccer. Also tommorow I might miss Naruto and IGPX cause of a wedding I have to attend. Well tomorrow goin to be hell. Well I hope that everyone has a good day.!!!
P.s I'm goin to be putting some cool songs on everytime I post.
Ryoko= awesome!

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
This is just to teell everyone that I'll post everything that happened so far tommorow. I love you all and have a good night!!! Hasta Luego.
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Friday, June 16, 2006
I got a job interview for Gamestop!!! I'm so happy. But I'm also nervous. I hope that I don't mess up or something, well Ihave until next Wednsday. I have to submit my job aplication for Joruney's today!!! I hope that I get a job there cause I like that store. Well nothin really happen to day. I hope that you all have a nice day.
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