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Well there are some but they aren't that big.
Anime Fan Since
Since 2nd Grade
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Tenchi Muyo
To have a job that deals with video games.
collecting anime stuff and playing my instruments.
I can draw well, play a cello and the guitar and can be awsome at video games.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, June 15, 2006
Man Jobs these days
Well I didn't get the job at the bookstore but I'm lookin froward to Gamestop. I'm also looking for more jobs. I would like to work at Joruney's shoe store and other places. Well I also want to see the movie Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift so bad. Well I have to ask my parents and if they let me go I hope I can go with someone and get the money to go see it. I did watch Sukisho and loved it(every freakin seconf of it excepted for the sad parts). Well this isn't a real long post but this will have to do. Bye everyone.
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Found some jobs
Well I found my two jobs they are GameStop and Daltons Bookstore at our mall. So I'm goin to be busy. Which I want to be cause I hate stayin at home and wasting all the energy I have. Well I'm thinking about playin Resident Evill over again cause I love the game and there's nothin eles to do. Hum... maybe i'll watch some good yaoi like Sukisho the only one I own at the moment hehe. Well bye everyone.

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Monday, June 12, 2006
Well just a normal day
For some reason it felt like I had to go to school today but the great thing was I didn't!!!! so I was happy still worry about final results though and finding a job. I'm also goin to go out and work out. People tell me I don't need it but I think I do, so yeah goin out to do stuff. Well theres's nothing eles to right about. I hope that you all have a nice day!!!
Some quick sketch I made during (it's some important paper that I got a B- on hehe) school. It's not really good.

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Sunday, June 11, 2006
WEll i'm enjoying my break
Hey everyone sorry I haven't posted. Well i'm tying to get my summer straighten out. It's sorta alot cause I want to get a job maybe two not sure but get one no of the less. I want to work at either Gamestop, Borders, or Joruneys. They all sound good to me. So what are you guys doin this summer? Let me know so I can comment on you sites. Well I still am freaked out about my results cause they can sorta change my summer for me. Also i'm not sure where I"m goin for vaction either. Well I hope that you all have a nice day!!!
I goin to watch this tonight!!!
I love Judd!

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Monday, June 5, 2006
cassy is pretty
my friend cassy is so so pretty. shes the coolest girl i know. end of story
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Last day of classes
Well I actully posted early today. Man I've got alot to do. Like EXAMS AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Well I shouldn't worry cause I'm goin to do my best. *tries to look confident* I hope that I pass all my exams. I still nervous. I got to read some manga I read Chronicals od the Cursed Sword 11-14 and I was happy cause it was violent yet cute. I missed Nartuo cause I was studying and for exams and forgot then time. I was so upset!Well I won't miss next weeks. I was also upset cause I probably won't be able to goto the Family Values tour( which means not seeing the Deftones and Dir en grey). *cries* I also want to read fanfiction. Oh well i'm just really happy that today is the last day on normal classes. Well bye everyone and I hope that you all have a nice day!!!!!!!

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Saturday, June 3, 2006
Gotta get to work!!!!
Well now i'm goin to start studying for exams that are next week. I'm really nervous about some of my subjects (math and spanish) I really want to pass and not have to go to summer school or anything like that caues my parents will b really mad at me and I don't wan that. Well I'm goin to do my best and all that good stuff. Well I am happy that Naruto comes on to night and that school over in 4 day. So I'm goin to do my best on my exams!!!! Bye everyone.
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Friday, June 2, 2006
Yeah schools almost over
Well today is friday and I'm really happy that its the weekend. The last day for classes is Monday!!!!! Well I change my BG and I really like it cause Hyde is soooo FN' Hot!!!! I want his children and bye.
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Thursday, June 1, 2006
Today was hard
Today I had to take a reallt hard test called the Citizenship Test. OMG. You might think that oh what are your worried about your an American. Well 1. I'm Japanese. 2. I'm actully of African decent and wish I was Japanese. 3. It's politcal and I'm not really into politics. So yeah then I had a science test that had too much writing then my day was boring and all a blare. Well I got to read Gravation 1&2 and I like it (i've seen the anime) the manga is much more dirtier then the anime. (well of course). Thanks to Komori I got to read it (me and liz). Well I can't wait till tommorow cause it friday and I can't wait till monday cause it last day of classes. There is also something I realized today was the last day i'll every take gym in my life... wow... well I know that was weird. Welp I don't have much homework so i'll do some extra school work and maybe play some Resident evil 4 or Soul Caliber 2. Hope you all have a nice day. Bye.
So Cute hehe!

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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I love all the pepole on myotaku
When I first joined I thought that this was some site that had some anime, manga, video game info site. Then when I got to creat my own page and meet other really cool pepole who like the same stuff that I do (ANIME, VIDEO GAME, MANGA, AND OTHER STUFF ...OH MY)!!! I was really happy and I made some of my friends at my schol join and became addicted to this site hehe. I try my best to visit everyones site and cpmment on the post and stuff and do my best post something worth reading and stuff like that. Well I have to go now I might post another short one. Cya! I love you all!!!!!!!!

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