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Well there are some but they aren't that big.
Anime Fan Since
Since 2nd Grade
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Tenchi Muyo
To have a job that deals with video games.
collecting anime stuff and playing my instruments.
I can draw well, play a cello and the guitar and can be awsome at video games.
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Monday, April 24, 2006
Day so far
Well school is movin slow but at least it's movin. Well i'm free right now so I have some time to right this post.
I LOVE HYDE!!!!!!!
Wow I just need to say that. Um... I just wanted to know is TM Revolution,is he really gay? One of my friends told me he was but she wasn't sure i think. Well I hope that everyone has a nice day and... yeah.
TM Revolution

And Hyde (he's hot)

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Back to school
Well I'm sooo tried I stayed up late last night and didn't go to bed untill around 11:00. I sotra fell like shit though for some reason. I wish there was no school today. *sighs*. Well I'll post again when something actully happens.

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Sunday, April 23, 2006
So Much to do
Well today was Sunday and I was glad that I did have to go to church (it sucks when I have to go) and got to relax a little. Well I watched the last episode of Madlax, then I soon realized that I actully I had a lot to do. I have to get ready for school cuz it starts 2marrow, I have to call my friends and see who's goin to play for this wedding taht's coming up soon, and... there's just so much more. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Well I gotta tell ya my spring was o.k I did get to do stuff and have a litte fun but now it's time to *sniffs* go back to school waaaaaah. Well, I hope that everyone has a good night!
These guys r soo hot!

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Saturday, April 22, 2006
Earth Day
Well I had I very busy day today becuz today was ... EARTH DAY!!!! I did the Great American cleanup today, visited the zoo and go to the Peta club thingy. And I also helped my mom do a fundraiser today. After all that I watched some T.v and stuff. But there is some day news the Deftones moved there concert in Dayton back cause of the Family Values tour. *sighs* that makes my sad cause 1 their not goin to be here anytime soon and 2 that means buying new tickets. So.. yeah, and I just finish watching the episode of Naruto... loved it! I hope everyone has a nice day.

He's a total hottie.
And another hottie.
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Friday, April 21, 2006
WOW! I finally got to put so pictures on my site I'm soooooooooo happy. Well newayz my day is goin pretty smooth, i've been playin SSB (super smash bros.) for quite a while and all last night I've been watchin the real world and alot of Yo mommma 2. I actully like that show. Then I watched Evangelion and some Get Backers (i love Ginji!!) So I have watch a lot of T.v and I find it a little boring. Oh I did go out to eat yesterday, so I did get out a yeah. Well I hope that everyone has a nice day!!! O.k NOw back to SSB.
Oh and heres more Hyde (he's sooooooo hot he he).

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Thursday, April 20, 2006
Well today i'm sorta depress cause someone gave me helpful advice on how to put pics on my site and I still don't get it ( cause I'm dumb i guess) and some one in my family just passed away and my mom is being soooooooooo fuckin mean to me and I can't stand it. I'm really goin to figure this out then I can put pics from the interent on and pics of me I guess. *sighs*... bye guys.
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Tomb Raider
Today I gave up on Tomb Raider 1 cause I've beaten the whole game twice now. I think it's a very fun game eventhough the graphic suck sooo bad (maybe from playin all these new games for so long made me think this way) but anywayz I love Tomb Raider games, but only one of them works. Tomb Raider 2 just doesn't work and my lil' sister broke Tomb Raider 3 a long time ago. So me and my brother a lookin for them, but they are hard to find. So... yeah. I feel like goin to my friends house and start playin FFX2 or do somethin fun. Well i hope that you all have a nice day. *p.s. Keep you games away from younger siblings they might destroy them with there evilness)Um... sorry I'm just one crazy black girl. LOL.
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Monday, April 17, 2006
Easter (was yesterday)
Easter this year did really fell like easter cause I skipped out on the church service and spent some time in the great outdoors. Well anyways today is just an average gloomy day in Ohio and I'm just goin to watch Jing: King of Bandits and other shows until I fall asleep or something interesting happens. Oh yeah HAPPY BELATED EASTER!!!
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