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myOtaku.com: Joyce47

Friday, June 23, 2006

   My week
There has been so much goin on here that I haven't been able to get on for awhile. sorry about that. Well I've been have one heel of a week. I final got my report card nothing to bad. I also went for my job interviwe on wed. It went preety well. I hope that I get the job. I went to work with my mom this week and now she's busy I have to help her with some stuff. My kitty is driving me crazy. My computer had no connection for two days.I didn't see Fast and the Furious but I saw over the Hedge (really cute). I've also been playin Resident Evil 4 for the second time and I've been watching alot of soccer. Also tommorow I might miss Naruto and IGPX cause of a wedding I have to attend. Well tomorrow goin to be hell. Well I hope that everyone has a good day.!!!
P.s I'm goin to be putting some cool songs on everytime I post.
Ryoko= awesome!
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