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houston tx
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i'm in chamber and company choir
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for quite a while (a long while)
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Gravitation, S-Cry-ed, Paranoia Agent petshop of horrors, fruits basket, inuyasha, ranma 1/2, i, my,me,strawberry eggs, x/1999, hot gimmick, wolf's rain, furi kuri, cowboy bebop, chobits,mars, trigun, dbz, demon diary,gundam... there's more i just can't t
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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, April 17, 2008
Hey everyone How was your day? Mine is so far good. I'm not mad or sad today. damn the bell rang see ya later.
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Tuesday, April 8, 2008
taste of chaos tour 08
Hey ppls how was everyone's weekend?? Well mine was great! Saturday i went to san antonio to see the taste of chaos tour. I only went to see MUCC, D'espairsRay and avenge sevenfold. It fuckin' rocked >_<
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Monday, February 18, 2008
Oh my gosh i have not been on here for a long ass time. Sorry you guys! lol. Well my life has been really good. Right now i'm listening to the sweeney todd soundtrack. Johnny depp is the best and he has a sexy voice >_< oh and i'm getting a 50 cent raise at my job that i've been working at for 6 months. That's higher than what he was suppose to give me. He's an awsome manager. So how has everyone elses lives been???
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Sunday, December 30, 2007
Hey everyone!! How's the holidays been going?? Well i Hope good. My christmas was okay. And i can't wait until the new years I work on new years day though i don't mind. We are gonna close early anyways. Plus the real party is on new years eve am i right? lol.
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Friday, November 16, 2007
Man i'm so bored. I had to work today and i really didn't feel like it. My tooth was hurting and my stomache was also. I just wanted to go home. And the worst part was i was the one closing. uuhhhhgg!! I'm so glad i'm home lol. Well it's that time of the year, no not christmas, thanksgiving is coming up you guys!! Every one is totally skipping the turkey and going straight to santa claus. My friend from work is already going christmas shopping. She also already has the inside of her house decorated. i think it's funny. :) oh and ruben if ur reading this i love okay sweetie!!!
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Friday, November 2, 2007
hey everyone. I just went to a musical today. It was called "daughter of the regiment" it was really good and funny. there was this guy though that took his job a little too seriously. like he took up about 4 cameras cuz were not suppose to have them out. I mean these kids didn't know not to have them. they didn't give a worning until the second half of the show. other than that it was all gravy. Also today after school i had won the person with a unique style. and so did this other guy with cool hair. and we just took pics and did poses for the year book together. it was pretty cool. So what's been going on with everyone else?
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Hey you guys!! yeah this past weekend i went to oni-con for all three days. I stayed at my sister's dorm. and it was fun. The concert was friday night and my neck hurt the next morning from headbanging so much and it still hurts lol. and i'm still wearing my VIP bracelet on my wrist. I'm too lazy to take it off. well yeah i had a really good time. I got to hang out with this club called project harajuku. It's a group of ppl who are interested in jrock and the crazy styles like sweet lolita gothic lolita and punk lolita. At the con i was dressed in punk lolita here are some pics.... oh and a pic of me with rentre en soi the band XD

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
my heart aches
Hey you guys. :( i'm so sad... i broke up with my boyfriend that i've been going out with for a week because i still have very strong feelings for my exboyfriend. i didn't want to hurt yonis because i knew he really liked me a lot. I was trying to get over my exboyfriend because he hurt me... a lot. but i want to give him one more chance and if he messes it up, it's all over.
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
well yeah i went to san antonio saturday and i saw my boyfriend. I love him so much. we both were about to cry when his parents were dropping my off at the park so i can head back to houston. He's so sweet he let me have his game cube and the games that go with it. and his mom took pics of us. i can't wait to see them :)
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Yes!! I got next saturday off. i'm so happy. Well yeah i've been wanting to see transformers and the new harry potter movie. But i haven't even seen the 4th movie. My work buddy said if she has it she'll let me borrow it so yeah, i hope she has it. i know for sure i'm going to see the simpson's movie. w00ot GO spider pig! lol.
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