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| jujitsuhoney
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
calling video
i decided for my personal sanity to stop the calling video from comin on automatically. if ne1 is annoyed by it plz tell me coz im thinkin of gettin sum new vids. ne suggestions???
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livin for the weekend
its my friend bday 2moz and we're goin bowling. i didnt have ne money this months so i made her this rele kool...actually i better not say until monday coz she mite see it on the site. it's funny coz she cant get into her own account but she can still view other people's. i've had cd troubles today and got in a fight wiv my sister. it was horrible. i caught her rifling thru my cds when i sed she cudnt borrow them coz she dont looke after things when she borrows em so she waited until i wasnt there and went thru em but i came downstairs and caught her and it got nasty coz she pushed me and knocked my box of cds outta my hands. :( well it didnt end well for her either and we both got sent to our rooms 4 fighting. drawn a flower for art in my sketchbook.i rele wish i cud put it on here coz im rele proud of it. i did have a site wiv sum of my art on it but the host site was rubbish and canceled my account coz i didnt go on it enuf. thats such a stupid rule. watchin the last series of little britain. i think theyre comedic ideas are starting to run a bit dry tbh. for those of u who havent heard of little britain its a comedy program thats kinda popular ova here in the uk. its rele random with things like 'computer says no' and 'im the only gay in the village' or 'yeh but no but yeh...' it'll probably make sense if u google it. lol my friend kt's bf keeps tellin her google is gay and she shud use wikipedia. i mean wikipedia is gr8 but it was sooo funny how obsessive he was. lol. it think i say lol wayyyyy too much. still ill and still boring im afraid. why do british fils come out in america before they come out in the country they came from?? like harry potter for instance. i think thats rele strange...
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Friday, March 24, 2006
im ill
well as the title says im ill. i had a 3 hour art exam this morning as well and i had to paint thirty fish onto my final piece which took over two hours of it. i ended up working automatically in the end because i felt so yucky that my brain shut down. lol. i ended up nearly zonking out half way thru. lol. luckily i didnt and by some miracle managed to keep goin till the end. i've got another two hours to finish it off on monday then two hours for mounting it up. i hate gettin ill, mostly because im not used to it. i know people who are ill every other week but i seem to have a super immune system which means that when i do get ill (which is super super rare) i end up with the mother of all colds. lol. jerk off boy was talkin to my friends today which rele bugged me becoz he'd actually sed to me that he hates one of them and the rest he thinks r fat. which is stupid because none of them are. he only likes one of them but she thinks hes a freak so its all gd. i ended up tellin them how he thinks of them becoz i knew he was only bein nice to them becoz he wanted to get at me. that boy is a freak. he was watchin in the window with his friends when i was at the Amnesty Youth group! would it be harsh of me to say i wish he wud jump in front of a bus? lol. watchin 8 simple rules at the moment and i wish i had a giant hot chocolate to drink coz i feel rubbish. doesnt help that i ended up unpackin all my cds becoz my sis wanted my calling album. ive got a bro too but he's just as annoyin as neone elses brother so im not gonna bother fillin u in on his latest antics. now im watchin Bones which is super kool too. u see wot happens whe im ill. i become incoherent and/or boring. i hate bein ill...
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
Alex Band is hotttt!!!!
the lead singer of The Calling, Alex Band, is the best thing since Elvis Presley and sliced bread! lol. The Calling aren't that big in the UK so i didn't know that The Calling were on hiatus and Alex had launched a solo career. i love his music even though his lyrics are a bit dire at times. its such a great site with rele kool little extras on it. i saw ghost in the shell recently. it's a rele gd film but i don't get why she keeps strippin off to fight the bad guys. it seems a bit pointless if u ask me. like it was made for ugly pervs who aren't gettin any. i've seen volumes one and two of the stand alone complex series and i just love the idea of the laughing man. i so want the logo on a t-shirt or something. anyone no where i can get one?

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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Well those of u who cant tell im havin a rele rubbish day just like to inform u that i am. lol. first off this guy im not talkin to for reasons posted previously says hes ignoring me becoz i was in the wrong!!!! well im sorry i wasn't happy about u beating off to thoughts of doin me from behind...NOT!! PERV!! u see wot i mean when i say all the boys at my skool are pervs?? secondly in drama and in form these stupid girls were goin on about how many guys they've slept with and i was like.. half of u aren't even allowed to do it legally!! it's all about s.e.x lately which sux becoz im not newhere near that stage yet, i still find it difficult to stick with a guy for more than a week becoz the clingyness and stuff gets on my nerves. i'm happy with people getting me presents for no reason. like my friends, they're already buyin my bday prezzies and its not even may yet!! i dont know wot i did to deserve such gd friends tbh. they rock!! its kinda scary to think i'll be in college in a few months...psycology, philosophy, human biology and photography. fun!! and i get to wear the clothes i want instead of my awful skool uniform!! i mean my trousers have faded a bit in the wash and now my head of year is givin me grief sayin theyre not proper skool uniform leaving in a few months so i dont give a damn!!! im not buyin new trousers becoz she has a problem with slighty off black! they wont even let me read in assembly now. i hate assembly, its compulsory and yet they still expect u to sit silently while they rant at u about the state of skool uniform or sum other crap. assembly is only gd at the end of the year when people perform dances and rock bands and stuff, other than that assembly sucks bigtime!! i swear as soon as i start college im dying my hair pink just to feel the freedom from oppression. i mean this boy in my year got a mohican and they sent him to the top of the stairs! i think they've been hasseling him to shave it off.ur not allowed more than one stud in ur ear either which doesnt bother me coz im not into piercings but i think if theyre willing to go thru all that trouble to get a chunk of metal thru theyre skin its a bit evil to make them take it out. i mean they even tell u wot colour socks to wear at my skool! how crazy is that! anyways, i'll stop ranting now. lol. luvs ya xxx
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i hate the boys at skool!!
all the boys in my school are perverts and the girls in my drama group are skanks.not a gd combination... one girl thinks shes pegnant,another went for a clymidia test the other sooooo glad im nothing like all the guys are super pervs, the ones that arent stalkin me are tellin me they jerk off ova me... nice... NOT!
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Monday, March 20, 2006
hello everyone
wow! this site isn't filtered at school so i can update it from here, of course none of my music works at school which is annoying but as long as it isnt entirely filtered i don't rele care. i introduced my friend zoe to this site (marie2006)despite her girly looking webpage she isn't at alllllll girly so be careful with the words cute and girly around her. lol! i bought the first book of princess ai recently and although the art work is good the storyline leaves much to be desried and has many references to kurt cobain (heart shaped box for instance) but what can u expect from something made by courtney love?? zoe's on the computer next to me right now and is raving about the mars books. anyone who hasnt read them get ur hands on them now! theyre amazing. a love story about a quiet girl who gets swept up by the hottest most messed up guy ever. i wish i was a character in that book because rei is my perfect guy tbh. lol. anyway, getting back to the point. it's a great story and the art work is brilliant. i soooo wish i had the money to buy my own set instead of borrowing zoe's all the time (i introduced them to her btw becoz they were in the school library) i pretty much got her into the whole manga thing and now she's as big a fanatic as me!! its super kool tho coz we can go manga shopping together and stuff which rocks. neways. got to go. luvs ya!!
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
ha ha evil host site!! i beat u! i put sumthing even better than the killers on with a video!! suck on that!!
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evil host site
nooooooo!!! my host site has blocked me for 24 hours becoz aparently i downloaded too much over a 24 hour period!! lies!! the other files didnt comes thru!! now my music wont play for 24 hours:(
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i did it!!!!!! yay!! genius! Pure genius!!!
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