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myOtaku.com: jujitsuhoney

Friday, March 24, 2006

   im ill
well as the title says im ill. i had a 3 hour art exam this morning as well and i had to paint thirty fish onto my final piece which took over two hours of it. i ended up working automatically in the end because i felt so yucky that my brain shut down. lol. i ended up nearly zonking out half way thru. lol. luckily i didnt and by some miracle managed to keep goin till the end. i've got another two hours to finish it off on monday then two hours for mounting it up. i hate gettin ill, mostly because im not used to it. i know people who are ill every other week but i seem to have a super immune system which means that when i do get ill (which is super super rare) i end up with the mother of all colds. lol. jerk off boy was talkin to my friends today which rele bugged me becoz he'd actually sed to me that he hates one of them and the rest he thinks r fat. which is stupid because none of them are. he only likes one of them but she thinks hes a freak so its all gd. i ended up tellin them how he thinks of them becoz i knew he was only bein nice to them becoz he wanted to get at me. that boy is a freak. he was watchin in the window with his friends when i was at the Amnesty Youth group! would it be harsh of me to say i wish he wud jump in front of a bus? lol. watchin 8 simple rules at the moment and i wish i had a giant hot chocolate to drink coz i feel rubbish. doesnt help that i ended up unpackin all my cds becoz my sis wanted my calling album. ive got a bro too but he's just as annoyin as neone elses brother so im not gonna bother fillin u in on his latest antics. now im watchin Bones which is super kool too. u see wot happens whe im ill. i become incoherent and/or boring. i hate bein ill...
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