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myOtaku.com: jujitsuhoney

Sunday, April 16, 2006

okay so ive been round sum sites today and ive noticed how many poor people have been dragged off to church, I'M SOOO GLAD MY FAMILY R ATHIESTS!!!! lol...i get the chocolate with none of the strings attatched! lol. eggs, chicks and bunnies r pagan symbols of spring and rebirth so they got nothing to do with christianity neway. lol. mmmmmmmmm...chocolate! well ive been searching ebay for fma dvds coz everyone on her raves about it and it looks rele kool. ne one else got ne suggestions of good anime series??? oh and yeh my primary skool was rele bad but now im in comprehensive and lookin forward to college im not rele bothered. they can have all the scandals they want im sure the tabloids r itchin to pounce agen. lol. the headmaster was in a load of newspapers becoz of his last affair. the husband of this teachin assistant he was sleeping with came into the skool with bin bags full of her clothes and ripped them open on the skool premises. when the teachers came out to ask wot the hell was goin on he yelled at them, "my wifes shaggin the headmaster!" lol my little bro came home from skool raving about it! im takin 5 A levels at college so in ur face Mr Arend! he told my mum that i cudnt do level 6 sats becoz i wasnt actually that smart! i hope he gets wots comin to him! i rele do! but then social humiliation must not have been v fun for him! yeh it was a bit soap opera-ry. lol.
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